So Ava is now 10 weeks old and has had oral thrush pretty much since she was born. She's had anti biotic drops and gel but it's STILL not cleared! Has anyone else's baby had thrush for this long!? Why does it not seem to be clearing?
Oral thrush in a 10 week old - Pregnancy and Par...
Oral thrush in a 10 week old
Hiya. Poor baby Ava.
are you breastfeeding? I'm no expert and I haven't had this problem but just a thought, if you are breastfeeding you could be carrying the infection (without showing any symptoms). Maybe the gp could give you antibiotics too. You may be re-infecting her without knowing.
The other people to speak to are your HV or local breastfeeding counsellor as they may have more knowledge than your gp.
I hope it clears up soon xxx
Hi Hun. No she's bottle fed :/ I've been sterilizing all her bottles and dummies continuously and ajes been on anti biotics since she was born the poor thing I think perhaps she's immune to it now as it's just not clearing!!xxx
My little boy had thrush when he was birn his little gums were white daktarin was what finally cleared it up I just rubbed it on after every bottle so he couldn't wash it away with milk do you wash the dummies before sterilising? Your steriliser may not be killing the virus?
Was that prescribed by the doctor? Is it okay for tounge babies? Yea I wash all the bottles and dummies in boiling water with a sterilizing tablet and give them a good scrub with the bottle brushes then out it all in the electric sterilizer? :/ then I soak the bottle brushes with a sterilizing tablet aswell x
oh dear, I am in the same condition my baby is 7weeks old and suffering from oral thrush as well. I have used Nystan two bottles,still no effect. I am beginning to get worried about it too.
Aw shame it's horrible isn't it. Ava's had like 6 bottles of the liquid anti biotics and 2 lots of the gel, still not working so I may just stop giving it to her now :/

yes dear it is horrible,I am planning to see my gp for a review. I really feel for her.
Embee- thrush is actually often caused by antibiotics. Are you sure that's what you have been given for it? Or are the antibiotics for something else? Thrush is a fungal infection that can take hold when the natural 'good' bacteria in your mouth/vagina/other mucous membranes are too low. when you take antibiotics you kill off both good and bad bacteria and so thrush can often antibiotics and thrush go hand in hand. Dactarin is an anti fungal gel so that's what you need. You can buy it over the counter in the pharmacy. Your doing the right thing to make sure bottles are sterilised well (if you were breastfeeding you would need treatment for the nipples too). Hope that works for you both!
Yea I'm sure... When she was born she was on anti biotics for a few days due to some difficulties which I presume is what caused the thrush in the first place and now she's been on even more anti biotics ever since to get rid of it but it's just not working. Okay that's great, I'll definitely get some of that and give it ago.
Thanks everyone x
Its likely that it won't be clearing precisely because she is still having antibiotics. Nhs choices has useful info:
I'm not sure why you've been advised to give her more to try to clear the thrush as this will just be making it worse! I would ask gp or pharmacist for an antifungal treatment instead (or as well if she needs the antibiotics for some other reason). Good luck!
Daktarin is a good one just smear it on her tongue and gums and see how u go but is prob the antibiotics which are aggravating it ...x
My little boy had the daktarin from 2weeks old it was prescribed by the doctors it worked great could be worth a
If you're breast feeding it'll be passing back and forth between you both. I had this with my lo from 4 to 8 weeks, no HV or midwife suggested my pain could be caused by that, I self diagnosed reading info on breast feeding network website and went to my gp. She agreed I had thrush in my breast from lo's mouth. I was given a two week course of oral antibiotics which would then pass in milk to baby too and cleared him up too, the pain went and he's never had it since. May be worth asking treatment for yourself if you're breast feeding. Good luck x
Similar problems for us, bf so daktarin cream for me, the gel didn't work for Robert but nystan has helped a bit. Good luck.x
Do u breast feed or bottle feed if bottle what kind of steriliser
Bottle feed, tommee tippee electric steam sterilizer
Hi there,
I totally know what you're going through! My lo had oral thrush for weeks on end. We swapped from the gel (Daktarin) to the drops (Nystan) numerous times these were the only 2 they'd give small babies. It was really frustrating but it did clear after a while, just persist in applying it as prescribed.
I see you're sterilising all bottles well, that was advised to me too, also I washed my lo's clothes/ muslins/ bibs at 60 to help kill it too.
Good luck! xxx