Hello ladies, been a while since I have posted on here, been very busy with my gorgeous little boy of now 3 and a half months, where has the time gone! Im doing fantastic, im back to work only working 3 days a week, 3 hours a day which is fab as fits in with my little one, we are on the house hunt which is very exciting! and best of all my little man is fighting fit, happy, healthy and amazes me every day. I could cry every time I look at him, he just melts my heart that much, Never knew you could love someone this much.
Anyway, there has been a big thing on my mind. My labour experience was awful, and I nearly passed away during labour. Il quickly revise what happened, well as much as I can remember. - When I got to about 37 weeks in my pregnancy everything started to go wrong, my blood pressure was raised all the time, there was protein in my urine and other things but none of the midwives could put there fingers on it. From 37 weeks - 40 weeks I got sent up to the hospital 7 times and sent home later that day. On the 7th time, they decided they would induce me the next day at 40 weeks exactly. I began induction on the Tuesday, by the Tuesday night I was 3cm dilated but they wanted me to sleep so they gave me diamorphine, I drifted in and out of sleep all night and up until about Wednesday lunchtime. Wednesday lunchtime I was 3cm dilated and was going to be taken to labour suite to get my waters broken, they said if I wanted to go for a shower or so, do it now before they came and got me. I had a shower, but straight after I came out the shower I had an eclamptic fit. Now this is where it becomes blurry, the rest is really told from my partners point of view. They found me 20 minutes later, needless to say, all hands were on deck, I was taken up to high dependency and whisked straight up to labour suite once they had everything under control. From the time I had the fit, to high dependency was the time I nearly passed away. Im still not sure what happened as I cannot remember anything from the time I had the fit until the day after my son was born. My partner was also kept out the room at this time and was only allowed back in at labour suite. I was taken to theatre where I had a full spinal block and was assisted by forceps to deliver my son. I stayed in hospital for 2 weeks after my son was born. 2 months after my son was born I had another "seizure" at home and ever since have been on medication. Sorry for the long ramble, long story!!!
So of course I am not planning anymore kids anytime soon, but the thought is consistently running through my head, what if I want more? I have been told by the doctors if we do have another, we should have a sit down with them first and talk through it to come up with a plan. A lot of people have been saying to me I should not have another including medical professionals as it is too risky, but a lot of my family think I am being cruel leaving my son as an only child. To be honest I do not care what they think as none of them went through what I did. But I cant help thinking what if I want another one? I do not want to go through what I did again as it pains me to even think about it and is so upsetting. I do not want something to go wrong and not be able to see my son grow up, but ever since I was a little girl and you plan your life ahead, your wedding, what your house would look like etc, the silly things you do as a little girl, I always said I would have two children. I feel selfish thinking these thoughts as I should be thankful I was lucky enough to have one child (which believe me I am!!) but I think I am upset and scared that this decision has been taken away from me, everything happened so fast. They said when I was in hospital if I had another I would be hospitalised for my pregnancy and I feel this would take away from my son, no matter what age he is. My partner is so supportive in every way and just wants me safe and does not want to ever put me in danger. But this thought just keeps crossing my mind at least once everyday! Has anyone ever gone through a similar experience?
I hope all you ladies are well, and all your little ones xxx