I'm nervous I'm pregnant . My boyfriend and i have been together for 3 years and this is the first time that I'm beginning to grow more concerned about . I had my period in early january . Skipped February completely and then had it in mid march. I took a pregnancy test in between that read negitive. But I got off my period about 5 days ago completely off. But just yesterday I started to spot ? But it's dark , I'm confused here obviously. My lower abdomen feels like Idid 100 crunches last night , which I assure you I didn't . I didn't do anything to it , but it's sore. Also I have major stomach issues it will hit me all the sudden I have to go to the bathroom so I go and it's diarrhea . Not sure what's going on. Any input would be awesome !!
Could I be pregnant .: I'm nervous I'm... - Pregnancy and Par...
Could I be pregnant .

sounds like your not having a great time.
first thing to do is go see your gp. If you are pregnant you'll need to see them anyway and if your not you are clearly worried and they can give you a good check to see whats going on and put your mind at rest.
How long have you had the diarrhoea for? make sure you drink lots of fluids so not to get dehydrated.
Is the stomach pains more like period pains or is it across the abdomen more?
I had period like pains for the first 12weeks of my pregnancy.
Sorry I'm not much help I do think gp is the way forward for you. Hope you feel better soon.
No one can diagnose if you are pregnant over the internet. Make an appnt to see your GP.

I should have worded it differently . Are these signs .
I have had the symptoms before and it was not good news, so please go to the hospital. Xx