Saw the consultant last week and he says he will see me at 34 weeks and that I should be okay for natural birth. I'm not sure I want that. I've had a PPH and tears with both my babies. Having to go back to theatre this last time cause my stitches didn't hold. I've had ventouse delivery with my first and a massive struggle with my 9lb 8oz big headed second child. Any tips about what I can do. The prolapse has meant I am currently incontinent so how I am going to push a baby out, I don't know?... Any advice is welcomed!
Baby number three on its way. I'm due... - Pregnancy and Par...
Baby number three on its way. I'm due in September. Having had two pretty difficult vagina births I have now got a prolapse.

Oh you poor thing...The things our bodies go thru... and men have nothing it's not fair! The only thing I can suggest is to see if they will induce u early due to all ur problems in previous pregnancies and also having the prolapse.... It's also the after they don't have to consider but u do! Hope they sort out out for u and ur happy with the decision.. think u really need to get ur concerns across xx
Oh no,
I can definitely understand your anxiety due to being through so much from your previous births.
But I know this may sound a bit nieve of me but I think your consultant could have a point about going for a natural birth.
My 1st birth experience in 2008 was probably not as horrific as your own but after something like 18 hours of labour I almost suffered with a post - mortem heommorage as my son was born vaginally at 8Lb's 9 Oz's & I needed quite alot of stitches to prevent from having a blood transfusion. My tear was considered to be something like a 4th degree tear & I was honestly considering if I'd ever even think about having another child.
I now however have given birth to my 2nd child " again vaginally" ( in November 2013) & I must admit in the last few weeks in the run up to the birth I was absolutely pretified of what could of happened but my fears were a bit pointless & i had the most amazing birth experience I could have ever wished for.
My advise is maybe to speak to your consultant & see if you could maybe be induced a few days before your expected date of delivery as it may take just a bit of the pressure & fear away from your mind if you do decide to give a VB another go.
If u feel u can't do another vaginal birth say so to ur midwife and consultant. If u tell them the same as uve written then they could either put ur mind at rest or perhaps set u up for elective c sect. U dont know unless u try.
Congrats on baby numero tres xxx ull be great
Tell your midwife your fears. My first was a ventouse delivery and my 2nd was shoulder dystocia so when I got pregnant with my 3rd my consultant said they were going to measure/scan me at 36weeks and if the baby was measuring bigger than 8lbs then they would recommend me having a C-sec. Speak to your midwife and ask her if your baby is measuring big can she not put you forward for a section?? I never got to 36 weeks as my waters went at 31w so ended up having an emergency section any way but I wish I had just delivered her naturally as she was tiny.
I am really, really surprised nobody has said this yet in response to your can opt for an elective c section. You don't need trecommendedended by a midwife. You ask for it. The NICE guidelines changed in 2011 and you can do is in the Uk, on the NHS, free of charge. I have been asking for one from the beginning because I don't want to give birth naturally- no medical reason whatsoever, just my personal choice- and ye there is a certain amount of repetition about why you want one, and jumping through hoops and seeing lots of people, but I am all booked in for in two weeks' time. With your birth history there should be no problem whatsoever in getting this type of birth. Just ask for it. Or demand it! And good luck xx