Hi guys, this is my first post at 28 weeks and getting itchy to start washing things in preparation of the birth! We always use Bold and recently bought two massive boxes on offer so am hoping it's ok to use for baby? Did anyone have issues when using this on bedding and baby clothing?
Bold 2 in 1?: Hi guys, this is my first... - Pregnancy and Par...
Bold 2 in 1?

I've been advised to use non-bio and avoid fabric softener. It will depend on how sensitive your baby's skin is - I guess some babies are fine and some get a rash. Not had my LO yet, so I'm only going on what I've heard.
Hiya. I don't see why not. My mum often used to use bold when washing baby bits when we were little. I have used it when I ran out of fairy for my boy, but I do favour fairy non bio.....but that's just me I am incredibly sensitive skinned and bold has always been mild enough for me to use as a child and adult so should be fine
Thanks for the responses guys, 12 years since my last pregnancy so memory is a little rusty!
hi my lo is due in 27 days and I have washed all my baby's items in fairy non bio but as my water is very hard I also used the white comfort softener I used this 2 years ago with my first son as it was in my bounty pack and it never once had any effect on him. But I don't see any problem with any detergent as long as it's a non bio as that's what's best for baby's skin.
Hi hun I personally use non bio and a softner such as fairy naturals or comfort pure when they are tiny and I still use non bio now although I get whatever softner is on offer lol. It's completely your choice in what you use but everyone has their own preference have fun washing
I use Ariel that isn't non bio as had a 5L bottle ( brought to cost save) , also fairy softener!
My little boy is 7 weeks & no reaction ! Everything is fine!
We were advised in our NCT class that if my husband & my skin weren't sensitive then unlikely babes will be!
Newborns will get mild rashes & dry skin whatever you wash in as there skin isn't used to the environment !
I wouldn't waste your money on buying new if you have bulk supply! U can always buy once babe is here if your concerned!
I used ariel powder and comfort fabric softener. .my son is absolutely fine with no reaction to it xx
Hi, I have used bold on my 3 children and they have been great. I am sensitive to all other brands so can only use bold and thought I would try baby and if any problems get another brand for them but luckily enough they have been good with it.
I've not read the other comments so just popped by to say that I washed all baby kit in Fairy Non Bio and use Comfort Pure. When he was born I was doing our clothes separate to his using Persil Colour and a lovely fragrant conditioner, now I just mix the loads and use his wash stuff on everything except towels, our bedding and a full adult load when will add the smelly conditioners. I buy the biggest box and pack of anything I can afford as washing so much now! X
I used soap nuts for all my last babies stuff. Very cheap and they work well. Take a bit of getting used to just because there is no scent from them at all. Much cheaper than Bold too
Hiya, When I was pregnant with my first baby that is what I used as I loved the smell. I washed all his baby grows in it and put them away ready. Unfortunately it irritated his skin and was scratching terrible and made a mess of his skin. I don't know if it is anything to do with my husbands family having terrible eczema as we haven't got it on my side. They all use Pure Care but that is only because of how bad they suffer. With my 3rd baby I use non bio and touch wood she hasn't had any irritations with her skin. I buy the big 90 wash boxes so I am glad she is ok with it.
I use either fairy non-bio (liquid for preference as my machine doesn't use much water) or Ecover liquid. And either Ecover fabric conditioner (pink), Tesco sensitive or Comfort pure. I also use either Napisan or Vanish in-wash stain remover when necessary. I did use the washing balls but found the nappies (reusable) didn't get clean enough as I couldn't use Napisan with them. We have very sensitive skin in our family and had to stop using Fairy for a little while when they changed the formulation. Luckily they changed it again and it is fine now.
Thanks again guys, as we're both not sufferers of sensitive skin I think I'll use what I have then and just warn OH to be prepared to visit shops if necessary
I've just washed all baby's clothes ready for arrival at my mums using bold 2 in 1. Like u had last baby 10 years ago & I think even back then didn't use anything special x