Sweep...: Hi ladies. So, i'm 39 +1 and... - Pregnancy and Par...

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8 Replies

Hi ladies. So, i'm 39 +1 and have a midwife app tomorrow afternoon and am all set to have a homebirth. Been having early labour symptoms for around a week now; period pains, back ache, upset tummy etc. and was just wondering if i'd be able to have a sweep tomorrow if I asked for one? Has anyone else asked for one before their due date and got it!? If so, did it work for you and get things moving? Getting so uncomfortable now, just wanna meet my little girl :)

Hope you all had a lovely Christmas and new year with your babies and bumps :) x

8 Replies
dons88 profile image

Most midwives won't offer one until after your due date, I'm sure some will so no harm in asking but I think 40 weeks plus is the general rule. I had an attempted sweep when I was 40+4 but my cervix was closed and posterior so she couldn't do it, I went in to labour at 41 weeks. I think that if your body is nearly ready to labour they can get things moving for some women.

Good luck either way, looking forward to hearing about your home birth! X

I was offered a sweep at 36 weeks as I had been having lots of early pregnancy symptoms and the midwife was absolutely sure the baby would be there within a couple of days. Anyway, she checked to are if I was dilated and I was 1cm at that point so she did a sweep. I ended up having 4 sweeps and lots of complications and baby still didn't come til 41 weeks!!! I think most won't do it til 40 weeks but you can ask anyway. If your body is ready, it may help but if your body isn't ready, it won't do anything. Good luck :-) x

Okay thanks ladies :) I'll ask and see what happens. Hopefully the next post I write will be my birth story, eek!! :) x

xanon profile image

I had a sweep at 39+5 but didn't work for me, just made me uncomfortable down there! My cervix was still too far back for it to be a successful sweep

jenniemc88 profile image

You won't get one early! I had one today at 41weeks exactly and only because I requested it she wasn't willing to give me it at all any earlier and wanted me to wait until 41+3 really. It's rather painful and very uncomfortable. Nothing happening yet though xx

I had a sweep yesterday afternoon at 40 +3. It's not painful, just uncomfortable. After the midwife left the room I turned to my husband and said ''She could at least have bought me dinner first'' ;)

It kicked off LOTS of Braxton Hicks and the baby was very active for the rest of the evening. But it's now 9am the next day and baby is still on the inside! Had some tiny pink bits come away -but nothing dramatic like 'lumpy snot' like I've read people talk about so I'm guessing my plug hasn't properly come away yet. Baby refusing to budge! ;)

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Ha! The bit about her buying you dinner first made me laugh!! :) hope he/she gets moving soon :)

in reply to

Thanks. So do I! ;)

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