im a newbie on here - just wanted to say hello
im 24 yrs old and 30+1 with my first baby
nice to meet you all
im a newbie on here - just wanted to say hello
im 24 yrs old and 30+1 with my first baby
nice to meet you all
Nice to meet you Becks. I'm Tara, I've just had my first baby, James. He is 13 days old today! Hope your pregnancy is going well. Bet you can't wait to get you baby here! Do you know the sex if your baby?
Hey congrats. .do u kno if ur having a pink or blue or is a yellow suprise lol. I had my son finley in September he is 12 weeks old..I was 24 then but since turned 25. This site is great for asking questions..for advice or if u want to moan. Hope ur pregnancy is going well xx
congratulations to you too hun
we been told its possibly a boy they werent 100% sure as he wouldnt keep still during scans
has problems with BP but yeah apart from that not too bad - theres a possibility that i may need to induce me at 36 weeks :/ as baby is measuring 3 weeks bigger already (his daddy is 6ft 5 lol)
Lol me and ceribean are in the tall daddy club too lol
im 5ft 6 and hes 6ft 5
how about you?
Lol I'm 5ft 3 and he's between 6ft 4/5 lol. I get dwarfed by him
oh gosh - how tall was your little one?
He wasn't measured when born....not the greatest experience with the hospital we were in. However, he has been going up the 50th centile line for height and weight throughout so far. Little average bubba...his daddy was like that as a baby too and suddenly grew! x
yep I am 5ft 4 and my bf is 6ft 5 too, they haven't measured him for a while to be honest. I had high blood bp at end and had an induction date but he arrived naturally. my son was only 7lb13 x
pleased all went well for you hun 7-13 is a good weight
Yep he now weighs 13lb12 the little chunk but he has a long body..I find certain clothes from certain places are quite short in body so if u do hav a long baby I found tescos come up a bit smaller so bear tht in mind if u buy stuff frm there as he fitted in 3-6 stuff at about 8 weeks xx
thank you that may be useful
Hi becks im 25 and 20 weeks and 5 day do you no what u are having? Xx
Hi hun im 25 with three babies! 5, 3 and 6months xx congratulations on your pregnancy and the magical journey of motherhood! Xx
Welcome to the site am 34 and my first baby is almost 5 months been here since I was preggers it's a good site for advice x
i wish id seen it sooner - only just found it - do you know if its blue/pink?
how are you doing?
Congratulations on the pregnancy and hope is all going well for you x
thank you hun - yeah few little niggles but all is ok - thank you
Babies like to keep us on our toes
yeah they sure do lol
how old is urs hun?
13 weeks yesterday. It has flown by since he was born! Absolutely crazy how fast it goes
did your pregnancy go well?
Yh most of it went amazingly well. The end was a bit all over the place though. Hasn't put me off though lol
Congratulates on your pregnancy and joys of motherhood . I have a 19 months old girl and called paige she is my first good luck x
Congratulations! I am 30+6 so only a couple of days between us Hope your labour goes well x
ooo i wonder if we will be in labour at same time
we'll have to keep each other posted
Hope your goes well too and baby is healthy
Hi Becks, I'm Kerrie and the little cheeky monkey in the pic is Archie, he's 12wks old Today I'm one of the older (first time) Mums (career came 1st) but we're not ageist on here! It's a great support site and you'll make virtual friends in no time, especially to those with due dates around yours as you'll be egging each other on! Fattyboom was my 'virtual' birth partner and Vice Versa, was awesome. Ceribean's baby and my LO are 3 days apart too, we all chat all the time about what's going on with the babies
Comparing notes, sharing experiences. It's all good. Xx
Hello, welcome to the site (it's a brilliant site, I've not been a member long and I'm always checking it!), and congratulations! How do you feel about not knowing 100% whether a boy or girl? I'm 12 weeks gone, so only just had my first scan X
hello thanks for saying hi
we had two different sonographers tell us they think its a boy so it sounds that way - we bought unisex 0-3 but boy 3-6+ so i hope their right lol!!
congratulations on your baby too hun hope all goes well - is this your first?
It is! My OH and I were convinced we couldn't conceive naturally, so it was a surprise to say the least! I only found out 6 weeks ago, up until then I thought I just had really bad PMT!
Is this your first, too? x
oh bless ya!!
pleased for you both
yeah this is my first - wasnt planned at all - was a huge shock!!
but were happy just took a while to take it all in - we had only been together 9 months then we got pregnant - but we were already living together - we moved in together after just 3 months lol - i never go this fast but it felt right
Me and my boyfriend had been together 6 and a half yrs and I dont think any length of time prepares u for a baby so whether its 9 months or 6 yrs. .as long as theres plenty of love time doesnt matter xx
thank you that was a kind reply
we only have a one bed flat so not ideal but will have to do for now lol as dont have the money to go anywhere else just yet xx
We moved when we found out..we were planning to anyway but tht just pushed things along...I dont ever recommend moving while pregnant lol. X
we want to but i don't work and BF is a landlord but low on tenants and its torture getting rent off them - so cant rely on having enough to cover our own rent if we did rent elsewhere :/
Like I say all ur little one needs is love..u hav a roof over ur head. All he will want is and warmth. Have u thought of any names u like? Xx
he will get plenty of that
we love him loads already
yeah Sophie for a girl or Riley for a boy
Ahh we really liked riley we changed our minds when he arrived for some reason lol hes now a finley xx
aww finley is sweet
Me and my partner are similar hun. We were only together 11 months when we got pregnant....was planned though. Living with my mum at the mo but should be moving into our own house end of the month...renting as can't buy right now. We knew it was right for us x
awww im pleased for you hun - you must be right for one another
your little fella really is beautiful
Thank you I think so too...but I'm a tad biased haha ;-P