Being induced tonight.. Mixed feelings! - Pregnancy and Par...

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Being induced tonight.. Mixed feelings!

Mango401 profile image
10 Replies

Well we made it to our due date!! But due pre eclampsia we are being induced tonight! The doctor asked me to stay at the hospital last night but I practically begged to go home for one last night! So I'm back at 9 tonight to be induced and to be honest I'm not quite sure how I'm feeling! I feel quite overwhelmed knowing that I will have my little boy here very very soon! My partner is so so excited but the more he talks about it the more nervous I get!! I really hope I'm going to be able to have the natural birth I really want, but at the end of the day as long as the little man is okay I don't care!

We have kept the fact I'm being induced just to our parents and have asked them to tell no one due to very nosey members of the family! I don't know how to prepare my self for being induced, I'm a bag of nerves and I never thought I would be like this! I'm not worried about labour or pain, maybe just of the unexpected!

I hope all is well with everyone, and hopefully I should be writing about my beautiful little boy arriving in the next few days healthy and happy :) xx

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Mango401 profile image
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10 Replies
Dante101 profile image

Hi, I was induced due to pre eclampsia too! I went in expecting it to be a very slow and drawn out process, bought loads of books to read etc but it was quite the opposite. Apparently some times when you have pre eclampsia your body can react by helping get baby out quicker when you've been induced. From being induced to giving birth in total was 6 1/2 hours, labour just under 4. All happened very quickly and before we know it our little girl was here safely. They kept a very close eye on me during the whole process as bp was all over the place but we were both fine at the end of it & healthy. Good luck tonight ;-) hope it all goes smoothly for you x

Dozymum profile image

Best of luck for tonight. I was induced early with my second and can remember feeling so scared and nervous, but everything was fine in the end. Hope all goes well for you x

dons88 profile image

Good luck! Look forward to your announcement. I hope everything goes smoothly for you x

Tralala_85 profile image

Good luck for tonight! I think the thing with induction there is some many stories of people unfortunately having to have had interventions which causes a bit of anxiety.

I was due to be induced on my due date due to recurrent bleeding but ended up being induced a week early due to leaking waters.

I think you are at advantage having it started at night. Mine was- I had the pessary in around 2:00am then allowed to sleep til 7:30am when the drip went on. Pessary had no major effect. I was still 1 cm. I only had the drip on for 45 mins as my body started doing it itself. It only took about 4 hours to get fully dilated and I was only pushing for 25 minutes. I had no interventions even though little mans heart rate dipped a couple of times. You will be amazed what your body does naturally without you even realising. I am sure you will be amazing. I made sure I kept asking them lots of questions so I didn't feel like they were just taking over my labour experience. Good luck xxxx

Hope it all goes well and hope u get the natural birth u want. Hopefully ur son will be with u really soon. I was like u..everyone kept asking r u scared and I am in the opinion how can I b scared of something I hav never experienced so yes thts nerve wracking but after initially saying 12 weeks ago I am never doing it again..I wud quite happily go through it again as was such a surreal experience, even when u hav no energy ur body will take over u will b suprised. Gd luck xx

Chellieanne profile image

Hope all goes well and your LO arrives soon :)xxx

2princes1princess profile image

Exciting and nervous times! Just focus on the outcome and those first snuggles :-) good luck! Xx

Mummyleanne profile image

Good luck and hope all goes well xx

Good luck for tonight!! Don't blame you for being nervous but I'm sure all will be fine and hope all goes well for you :-) looking forward to seeing your good news and hearing how it went x

joda profile image

Good luck and best of wishes x

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