Well we made it to our due date!! But due pre eclampsia we are being induced tonight! The doctor asked me to stay at the hospital last night but I practically begged to go home for one last night! So I'm back at 9 tonight to be induced and to be honest I'm not quite sure how I'm feeling! I feel quite overwhelmed knowing that I will have my little boy here very very soon! My partner is so so excited but the more he talks about it the more nervous I get!! I really hope I'm going to be able to have the natural birth I really want, but at the end of the day as long as the little man is okay I don't care!
We have kept the fact I'm being induced just to our parents and have asked them to tell no one due to very nosey members of the family! I don't know how to prepare my self for being induced, I'm a bag of nerves and I never thought I would be like this! I'm not worried about labour or pain, maybe just of the unexpected!
I hope all is well with everyone, and hopefully I should be writing about my beautiful little boy arriving in the next few days healthy and happy xx