Has anyone been off dates for an early scan? I should be 7 weeks 2 days but am measuring 6 weeks 1 day on a scan with no heartbeat
Early scan off dates ... anyone else ... - Pregnancy and Par...
Early scan off dates ... anyone else with a similar experience?

Yes when I went for early scan should have been 6 wks but all they could see was an empty sac, 2 weeks later there was small fetus with heartbeat thankfully and by then should have been 8 wks but they measured me at 7...then at 12 week scan I went from 12 wks to 12+5 so in the middle.....all bit confusing but the 12 wk scan is the one they then go on for your due date. Were they concerned they couldn't see a heartbeat...guess they wouldn't be at this stage just a bit early??? Do you have to go back for another scan soon to check alls ok?? xxx
Hi bumpnumber4. You know how it is ...docs won't commit to anything much and play it safe. He said he gave us a 20-30% chance that it would be okay and then started talking about miscarrying. I don't know whether that was any added value as all women who go in for an early scan are generally terrified that something is up. I have a scan next Thursday on December 5th with another doctor.
Fingers crossed for you, hopefully was just a bit early to see much and by next week there will be a nice strong heartbeat for you....nothing like power of positive thinking although I know that is so much easier for me to say right now than for you to be able to do. That two weeks whilst we were waiting for the second scan was awful....as there had been an empty sac at first scan I was fully expecting nothing again at second scan so was such a relief. Good luck with it all hun xxxx
Hi bumpnumber and princess thanks for the feedback. I had a transvaginal scan so that should have been pretty accurate. I think I might have ovulated late too; around day 18 or 19 which may explain the 6 week dating rather than the 7 week one based on my LMP. I also read on livestrong.com(have you heard of that site?) that a heartbeat can be expected after a CRL of 5mm after 6 weeks. Mine is 4.4 mm so that helps put things in perspective a bit. I hope that my baby grows in another 7 days. Now that you girls have been so encouraging, I think I'll sleep better!
I went for my first scan when I thought I was 7 weeks no heart beat and was measuring 5 weeks had to wait 2 weeks for next scan terrifying wait I can say went for next scan and baby measured 8 weeks three days with heart beat then went for 12 week scan at 12 weeks 1 day and baby measured 13 weeks, confused yet I've had three different due dates now and the one they've gone with is the last one good luck with your wait xx
I had exactly the same thing and it was a really scary time. However I'm currently cuddling my perfectly healthy 8 week old baby so everything turned out just fine x
Scary is not the word! I have been trying to be positive. I'll no more in a week! Thanks for all the support!
There was a lady on here a while ago that had the same & she went back a week later & thy found a heart beat.
Hi girls. Lots of encouraging news from your side. I'll keep you all posted!
Well, I had the follow up scan today, which turned out to be inconclusive. Now the doctor thinks the baby has implanted too far up my uterus which makes it difficult to measure for size (vaginally or abdominally) and creates the possibility of an ectopic pregnancy. Implantation seems to have occurred at the top right of my uterus, near the fallopian tube. Anyway, I had blood work done today and I have a follow up session with blood work and an appointment with the doctor on Monday. If my HCG levels rise as they should, then the pregnancy is viable. If it doesn't, then it will be classified a miscarriage and I will have to use vaginal pessaries to get everything going if it doesn't happen by itself. I am devastated to say the least. If this pregnancy does not succeed, my husband and I won't be trying again. Thanks for all the support. I will keep you posted if you like.
Really sorry to hear. Thinking of you and wishing you all the luck in the world. Take good care of yourself. Xxxx