Rashade is now 2 and a half weeks old and he's struggling to poo. He is on mix feed and I know this don't help but I am use to my other kids pooing every day. Should I be worried.
No poo should I be worried. - Pregnancy and Par...
No poo should I be worried.
Does he seem uncomfortable or in pain? They can go several days without it being a problem. Will he take a bit if cooled boiled water to "flush" him out? X
He's wiggles a bit and cry in his sleep but that's about it. I have need giving him water but nothing it's 2 days without poo so I will wait and c if he will poo tomorrow.
Try a nice warm bath then Running his tummy. Go round in circles, clockwise (someone told me digestive system works clockwise so it helps get things going) not sure if it's true but figured can't harm!! Lol and also gently "cycle" his legs. So long as he isn't in too much distress, it will come when it's ready! X
Yup - it's true
Clockwise circles around the belly button are good for small bowel and 'I love you' for large:
I = rub down left side from ribs to hip - i'e an I shape
Love = from under rib cage on right side, across to under rub age on left, then down to left hip - I.e a L shape
You = from right hip up to under right rib, across to left rib and down to left hip - i.e an U shape
Ok babies. Thanks.
I was told breastfed (and mixed fed) babies can go up to 10 days without pooing, like the others said massage can help with constipation if he seems to be in pain.