Waters broke at 2.10 this morning but not contractions I feel normal have to wait 24 hours to see if anything happens then to get induced never wished for pain hope comes soon anyone experienced this?
Waters just broke!! No pains contract... - Pregnancy and Par...
Waters just broke!! No pains contractions 38 weeks

U should call the hospital now. You need to in asap.
Good luck...at least you know its imminent now...wont be long and you will be holding your little bundle in your arms...exciting times. I have a friend whose waters broke but labour didn't start up naturally...they made her wait a while too before they intervened to give things a chance to happen naturally. Try going for a walk to get things moving xxxx
That's What happened to me but because I have strep b I had to go in and be induced. ... don't have any baths only showers now as now the baby is exposed there is risk of infection also if u notice it changes colour go straight in but woohoo going to be meeting ur little one soon x
Good luck! Hope little one arrives soon! X
Good luck! Xx
Thanks for replies I went to hospital 4am this morning and sent me home to try get things going hopefully not long but still feeling nothing xx
My waters broke but nothing happened and I had to be induced with a drip 24 hours later. Best part about that was I wanted an epidural and they gave one to me straight away because the birth was definitely imminent due to my contractions beginning as soon as the drip was started. Good luck.
Just hoping I dilate straight away lol do contractions start soon as you have been induced I'm not looking forward to it tomorrow ;( want the contractions to start tonight fingers crossed xx
They will attach a monitor to you which gives readings of your contractions and your baby's heartbeat. This will tell you when you're having a contraction because you won't feel them happening at first. Basically as soon as they say you're having contractions then it's all go from there on and delivery will be imminent and labour will not stop until your baby is born. Like I say I was given an epidural as soon as the drip started working so couldn't tell you what labour pains will be like only that my labour was about 5 hours so about the same duration as my other births.
Aw well I hope mine goes like that quicker if possible xx
Well babies here 7lb 4 had him at 13.10am today everything went the way u said being 3rd baby things went smooth and fast hurt a little bit but I'm so happy thanks xxx ps I've named him Harry! Xx
Ahhhhh Congratulations, that's brilliant news, very pleased for you. Hope your feeling ok and had a little rest this morning Xx
Congratulaions x
I'm shattered but happy thanks ppl xxx
Aww congratulations hun. Harry isa bbeautiful name xx