Hi Dear Mums are any of you due on th... - Pregnancy and Par...
Hi Dear Mums are any of you due on the 1st of April 2014? Just thought it would be nice to share the experience? I am booked at UCLH.

I'm due on 25th March, so it could hang on until 1st April! Hoping it doesn't decide to appear on 3rd April which is already busy with my birthday and wedding anniversary! I live in St Neots and am hoping to have a home birth.

Good luck Winnie258 I am guessing mine will defo make an appearance before the 1st April, have you tried home birth before ?
My first baby was spot on my due date, 4 days past the hospital scan date. I haven't tried a home birth before, but did hypnobirthing last time and wanted a home birth but didn't want to go to the nearest hospital as my husband had had bad experiences there before (not in the maternity department but still). We've moved now and the local hospital seems good so going to try a home birth. Loved the hypnobirthing course.
Is this your first baby? Why do you think it will be early?
Oh good luck with this one, home birth for me is simply out of discussion , this my 4th baby labour was difficult each time and needed assistance , last one was the worst he came at 39 weeks quick and painful labour his shoulder was stuck so they had to break his collarbone to help him out, as a consequence they are suggesting a c-section now, how are you finding this stage of pregnancy ?
Im due on the 20th april xx
I was enjoying this stage of pregnancy, nausea gone, not feeling quite so tired, just starting to feel little kicks. Then I had a couple of days of feeling very tired and felt a bit sick, but feeling good today. Found out on Friday that we're having a boy, already have a girl, so one of each, lovely. How are you doing? It must be really hard having three children to look after, I'm finding it hard enough with one toddler. How old are your others?
Hi missklt, is this your first baby?

This pregnancy has been hard so far with nausea still present and tiredness and a heavy feeling down below maybe coz of a tilted uterus, every time the mw tests my urine she finds protein-blood and lately leucocytes, already finished a full course of antibiotics and they want me to have one more for 2 weeks but I declined, as to my kids they are quite independent now I have a 9, 7 and 5 year olds, I can't blame you finding it hard with a toddler I was there once.
Due 12th April 14. Good luck with bump!