How accurate are clear blue digital p... - Pregnancy and Par...
How accurate are clear blue digital pregnancy tests?? Can they be wrong

They are the best ones and GP's rely on the results from them as well.
Do you want to be pregnant or not?
Hi hun ive never used a clear blue myself but alot of people I know and on this forum seem to think they very good and accurate xx
I'd trust clear blue over any other testing kit x
I have just used one and it says im pregnant 3+ I just wondered if they could be wrong x
To be honest I don't no. Had a miscarriage 3 month's ago so I guess im pretty scared x
They r very accurate. ..congrats. my test said 3+ and I was just over 6 weeks gone. Alot to take in and understandably u r worried and hope it goes well this time xx

Yes its alot to take in glad I havent booked my wedding for next year. Shall I go to doctors or do another test just to make sure x
I did a few tests as I just didn't believe it. When I saw GP she didn't retest me. Just told me to book appt with midwife at 8-10 weeks
If you're worried you could see if GP would arrange an early scan for you. Or if you can afford it pay for a private scan around 6-8weeks I think that's when the heartbeat is first visible on the scan
Have you spoken to your partner yet? Some reassurance from him will help too
Aww hun its scary being pregnant after a mc but I really hope it works out for you this time and congratulations xx
I had a mc in march and found out i was pregnant again in may. Only had 1 period in between. I know exactly how u feel, its really scary, but the worst thing u can do is fret about it as the stress is bad for the baby. Try and settle urself and relax. Even with one previous mc, this pregnancy has the same chances as anyone else.
Congrats on ur news and I really hope this pregnancy is more healthy xxx
They are accurate I prefer Clearblue to any other home testing kit. Its understandable that your worried just take it one step at a time and congratulations x
A positive test is probably correct. I don't rate them as they gave me two different (totally) gestational on subsequent days, neither of which was right!
Congratulations, try to relax and be positive. I MC'd Sept, conceived again Dec & expect to meet my little one any day now as 39 wks in....umm 15 mins x
I had a false negative using clear blue but I don't think u can have a false positive x
Hi I took 2 clear blue digital tests last week both said pregnant 1-2 then took one this week and it said not pregnant