I'm craving pineapple! Can't get enough of the stuff.
What's yours?
I'm craving pineapple! Can't get enough of the stuff.
What's yours?
strawberry nesquik milkshake
Banana nesquick milkshake lol buti put it in the blender with ice cream so it's really cold and I like drink it through a straw must be the kid in me coming through lol
I was addicted to jaffa cakes up until about wk22 of pregnancy.
I'm now passed that stage "thankfully" & just love to eat more fruit which can't be all bad hey!!! LOL!
lol I have a straw too, I could quite easily go through 4 pints of milk a week. love anything strawberry flavoured x
I Stop when run out of ice cream cos is keep drinking it! I deliberately didn't buy ice cream in my weekly shop this week cos I knew that I'd just keep drinking it but now I'm thinking about it again mmmmmm
NONE! I feel cheated!! lol
babybel and pickled onion space raiders haha!
At first strong flavours...onion rings, chilli, fajitas and best of all hot lime pickle half way through seemed to change to cakes and normally I really don't care for cakes. But I've enjoyed that too :-)
Milk- in early pregnancy i savoured it as if I was drinking a fine wine! Later in pregnancy I was a bit addicted to toffee crisps yum, yum.
Dry chicken breast, the drier the better, normally hate chicken. Mmmmm feel a trip to the supermarket comming on. Have also gone off chocolate