So after having my first baby 2 years ago I was told I had strep B after a swap for suspected thrush. Now in this pregnancy I was tested at 28 weeks and was negitive and then again at 36 and was negitive. I asked if this ment I didn't need antibiotics and I was told no I would get them as its 2 negs and the pediatricians agree with not giving antibioticsafter a neg test. I was in two minds about this! On one hand I really want the antibiotic as I am paranoid it will return and my baby will get taken away from me after birth like my little boy was 2 years ago(delevered at 31 weeks), but on the other hand I would like a water birth so was trying to trust their word that I do not need antibiotics during labour. Anyway! Today at my 38 week appt the midwife stuck a big yellow sticked on my notes 'STREP B ALERT IV ANTIBIOTICS'. I asked her why as I was prev told by one of the other 10 midwifes iv seen this preg that I wa,t to get them now and she said oh ill find out by next week for u, the results arnt on my screen. Anyone else know what protocol is? As the midwifes don't seem to.
Strep B, Confused!: So after having my... - Pregnancy and Par...
Strep B, Confused!

I tested positive for strep in my first pregnancy and have been given antibiotics in all my labours they say once I've had it they don't test again they just give antibiotics as precaution. ..which I'm ok with I wouldn't want to take any risks. .. surely u can still have a water birth with the antibiotics can't they just place the stand next to the pool? X
I know I would feel much better getting the antibiotics but last midwife told me no I couldn't get them. I think I will just not mention it again and hope I get them now I have the sticker! And apparently if u have to have an IV you can't have a water birth, suppose incase u accidently put ur hand in maybe? At first I was set on a water borth but now I'm near the end I just want my baby I don't care how! Lol.
I was really lucky that my strep b got detected, it was a midwife at the hospital going through my notes and rang me up and told me to write strep b across my notes in red pen! It's such a worry isn't it! Hope all goes well xxx
That was lucky it can be so devestating! Even though I have had two negitive results I still worry it will be back by the time I give birth. Hope all goes well for you to :)x
I was strep b with my last two but this one i'm testing negative been told no antibiotics needed and treated as any other one in labour!
I'm fine about it if results are negative it means I can stop at home longer with my other three when labour starts, also means you don't have to stop in after the birth.