Another bath question!
LO is 2&1/2 weeks old. Any advise, tips, recommendations for when/ how to first bath? Thsnks
Another bath question!
LO is 2&1/2 weeks old. Any advise, tips, recommendations for when/ how to first bath? Thsnks
It's ok to do a first bath after a few days. I use to rap a towel round baby and then allow into water quick swish and out into a dry towel. Use cotton wool balls to wash face one for each eye. Xx
Hey hun. Its okay to fullly bath them once their cord has dropped off. Bathing them before it has dropped off can cauuse it to get infected. I mean you can bath them but make sure their cord isn't under waterr and that itt doesn't get wet xx
I have always had a bath chair/seat children. think it was bought from argos about it£15 which you place baby on and can wash.more easily. i found this a lot easier for me. i was told 10-14 days after just top and tail before then.
I stick them in the bath with my other half makes it a lot easier with 2 pairs of hands he holds them while I wash them then I leave him to top his bath up with hot and he is happy! Job done! X
Very enviromentally friendly babymother......might try that one.
I always bathed them a couple of days after being let out of hospital, although I have used a top to toe bath before but found it really faffy.
Thank you for all the tips ladies