Don't feel pregnant anymore.... :( - Pregnancy and Par...

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Don't feel pregnant anymore.... :(

15 Replies

15 weeks and really dont feel pregnant at all.... Even on the Doppler I can't find a heartbeat! Argh!!!! Stressed!!!

15 Replies

at this stage I felt just like u as I felt completely normal, do u have a 16 week midwife apt coming up as at mine she listened to the heartbeat. I didn't want to get a Doppler incase I experience what u r experiencing, as tht wud of made me very stressed!! maybe drink something really cold and lay down and try again x

I feel the same apart from aches and pains! Consultant took a while to find baby's heartbeat today and I'm 17 Weeks tmw. This is why I don't think I'll buy one cos Id be so paraniodif I couldn't find it. .. Have u only just tried to find it? Consultant did say it was very early to hear it and she held doppler about 1 inch above my pubic line x is a scary time the second trimester I think as u feel so normal. .. I'm always checking to make sure my boobs are still sore! X

Midwife appointment isn't till 29th.. :(

I've been listening to heartbeat and moving noises about every few days, but last 3 days I've not found it! It's either hiding behind stuff, or worse... Going to have a shower, grab a cuppa then get in bed! Lets hope he's not asleep already...

I'm still achey a bit like I've gained 20 years, but my boobs are fine, just massive!

I have an obstetrician appointment next Wed to discuss my cyst so might discuss with him if still no signs. I know I should be happy I'm back to normal, but I'm just not!

How is everyone else feeling anyway?

in reply to

I feel the same like crap.... I'm knackered... hope u hear little ones heartbeat and it puts ur mind at rest xx

hi hun

Im just behind you as im 15wks on Saturday & yeah i feel like this at times. The only thing which reminds me at times is a few aches & pains ive been getting recently in the right side of my ribs. I guess its our bodies way of dealing better with the pregnancy.

I still have a bit of weird eating habits too where i feel like anything i cook i cant eat & my partner dosent eat too much which means even the smallest meal seems to last forever :-(

I just go with my gut feelings most times. Im what midwifes might describe as a low risk pregnancy so i dont have another appointment until the 29th june.


Guess what??? I just heard the heart beat and it was louder than ever!!!! :) :)

I'm sorry for being needy and overreacting, I guess I need to go with my gut like you say Abenaa!! :) What a flap for nothing!!

I'm sorry you're feeling crap babymother... I hope you're restIng when you can?!

Abenaa surely that's a good thing! I can't stop eating and my arse is getting huge! ;)

While I've got you both here, are you ladies going on holiday anytime soon? Were off to Italy in June and Aug, should I tell my midwife?!

Hooray! I even feel relieved!! Lol... Yes I'm off to Spain in July. . Check with ur airline of they need a fit to fly letter from ur g.p think it's either 28 weeks or 32 weeks. .. ur visiting family aren't u? So ur be Ok with knowing where hospital is and language barriers... I'm quite paraniod about it cos of having contractions at 32 weeks! At least my daughter can speak a bit of Spanish! I'm so looking forward to it, just don't want to put on anymore weight I'm going to look like a beached whale in a bikini lol x

And yes mention it to ur midwife cos of ur cyst xx

To answer your question about going to Italy, No it dosent make much difference anyway the only thing i would advise is to notify anyone who you may have up-coming appointments with.

Ooooh well Gel. :-) Even though its also classed as the EU drink only bottled water & be a Lil bitmore cautious about what you eat. It might also help to carry your green pregnancy notes book with you too just in case.

xx Enjoy!

Ljameson profile image

So glad u heard it duppy, I def am not gettin a Doppler cos I'd b the same as you. I really don't feel pregnant either, apart for my belly gettin a little more rounded! Hopefully ill stay feelin well otherwise ill b a very crabit teacher on the school residential trip nxt week........roll on summer hols!!

Megzey profile image

Everyone is going on holiday, I am well jelous. I wouldn't worry about telling your midwife about the holiday unless you are over so many weeks they need to do a note but I think it is like 35weeks or something.

Just make sure you tell the holiday insurance that you are pregnant.

I borrowed a friends doppler and picked up my own heart beat by mistake thinking it was babies and even rang my mum to listen to it doh!

The hospital said to me last Friday that they try not to listen to heartbeats on the doppler now until past 20 weeks as when they cant find it ladies are panicking to much.

ritz21 profile image

I think its phenomenal for most of us to not feel pregnant between week 15 until the anatomy scan. No wonder my mid-wife was not surprised when I asked her the silly question at my WWeek 16 appointment - said the same thing - I dont feel pregnant anymore, can I still be pregnant? she said yes its not a flu :P

natsack profile image

I'm the same, 17 weeks tomorrow and just don't feel pregnant at all. I have the tiniest bump that you can't see when I'm dressed so everyone keeps commenting that I'm not showing as well which is quite frustrating. Roll on the 20 week scan!

Allyemo1985 profile image

I think we have all been there Hun. Those Doppler things can cause huge anxiety and I know the reason some ladies get them is to reassure themselves from previous miscarriages so i can see why we may use them for home use. I'm glad you found the heartbeat of little baba. I'm 34 weeks and it took a while to feel pregnant in fact upto 28 weeks is when I bought the first thing for my little peanut. Defiantly feel pregnant now though no mistaking it... I feel like no one looks at my face they look at the bump lol. Can't wait for due date. X

if ur flying u need a drs letter if ur going after 28 weeks (I work at the airport) xx

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