Hi all I am 15 weeks pregnant and have been for my dating scan which went well but I woke up this morning not feeling pregnant I do T know how to explain it really. I just wondered if this is normal and has anyone else experienced this? I am just anxious now to feel baba move x
No longer feel pregnant?! :-/ - Pregnancy and Par...
No longer feel pregnant?! :-/

Hopefully at 15 weeks it just means the yuckyness of the first couple of months has gone. You should b starting to feel better. If you're really worried contact your midwife, thats what she's there for, although I know some are pants. Hopefully she'll b able to put your mind at rest, maybe even find the heartbeat for u xxxx
It's normal for your symptoms like morning sickness to stop around this time! I woke up one day around 14 weeks and my sickness had gone, my boobs didn't hurt and I didn't feel tired anymore!
You can always talk to your midwife if you are worried!
If by 'don't feel pregnant' you mean 'don't feel like absolute poo' then I feel the same way because I'm 15 weeks too.
This is what's known as the black hole of pregnancy, the morning sickness gone but the kicks haven't quite started yet, maybe buy urself a dopler to listen to baby's heart beat and give you reassurance, it's good fun trying but don't get hooked on it as your not an expert in using one and some people then panic if they can't find it xx but yes your feelings are normal hun x
Hi, I'm also 15 weeks pregnant and went through the same feelings recently. Thankfully (?!) I've started to show and had to buy new clothes which I'm guessing is a good sign!?
If you're worried, have a chat with your midwife, I'm assuming you'll be having your 16 week appointment soon? Mine is next week :).
It's a trying time isn't it?!! I'm sure my poor partner is losing his hair as I'm such a little worry wart!! Good luck xx
I felt exactly the same! its the best trimester by far! Try not to worry! just cherish the time you have being pregnant, you will miss it eventually!
I can say I felt exactly the same, I think its because you wait patiently for your 12 week scan then again for your 20 week scan. Plus the sicky and tired feelings are getting better. It's perfectly normal just hang on in there and before you know it you'll be 33 weeks pregnant like me counting down to finishing work xx