lack of bedroom antics.: I am 23+2, me... - Pregnancy and Par...

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lack of bedroom antics.

11 Replies

I am 23+2, me and my boyfriend are very happy about the impending future, me and my boyfriend get on really well, we laugh, we joke and take the mick out of each other and we love each other lots but just one thing that is missing, intimacy in the bedroom since I have been pregnant has been lacking and I feel as though he is kinda nervous or worried to do anything to me, i am not asking for a lot but i want just a bit of something as i know when there is a baby here there wont be a lot of time for it, have any of u had this experience or similar? Everything else is perfect so kind of feel that i don't want to rock the boat by bringing up something that might not be on the top of everyones list in the grand scheme of things? x

11 Replies
Skyblueboston profile image

Join the club, I need and want sex sooo much, but hubby refuses to saying it feels wrong coz I'm pregnant, nothing will change his mind, oh well given up trying!

Just wait till baby is here and I'm back to myself, he won't know what hit him lol

Flossy1688 profile image

i have a similar situation at the moment at 19 weeks and 1 day, it doesnt bother me too much, as you know my partner has been in the Army since July last year, before he went we had a very active sex life, when he comes home for 2 days we have sex maybe 3 or 4 times in 48 hours usually initiated my him, however past few weekends its as if he is not remotely interested gets into bed and says he hasnt got it in him (thats what he said this weekend), he came out of the bathroom yesterday morning and tried it on with me, but to be honest in my head i knew its coz he felt bad as i mentioned only hours before that we hadnt had sex and i was worried he was going off me. He is the best sexual partner i have ever had and like you everything else is perfect but when you are used to it on a regular basis it becomes something that is noticably missing

x x x

he gives me cuddles but just isn't really interested in much else, we r about to move house (in 12 days) and is doing a degree so I know he does have more pressing things on his mind then sex so maybe wen we r settled in our new house he maybe will feel a bit more chilled out and relaxed. least I am not the only one but like I say maybe in the grand scheme of things it might not be most important x

Flossy1688 profile image

my partner said a few weeks ago that it felt a bit tight down there, i mentioned this to my friend who had a baby 2 weeks ago and she said its too early for him to say that.... To be honest i think he worries just as much as i do about things and hes a bit scared about hurting the baby or me but doesnt tell me incase it gives me more things to worry about..... he is very considerate about things, sometimes a bit too considerate and doesnt tell me things incase i get upset or worry

x x x

Lol they are funny things aren't they. ..I told my other half to turn off the lights and to do it in the spooning position... I did literally have to beg him. . He was ok in the earlier months but towards the end he was a bit uncomfortable with it. .I persuaded him saying it helped start u off and it did my waters went the next day lol one was 9 days early and I've used that ever since. . And he has been Ok since think they have get over that initial thing. :)

yeh men r perculiar creatures, I will see how it goes to be honest I am sometimes asleep by the time he gets to bed anyway so its not always his fault. When we did it a few weeks ago It hurt a bit and I think coz I said it hurt I think tht has probably think he will hurt me again. thanks for help ladies :) xx

ritz21 profile image

My husband was thinking from both sides all by himself. He thought as so much is going in my body probably I am too tired for little intimacy and did not wanted to bother me, on the other side he was also little afraid of hurting the baby.

But to his surprise I told him that my sex-drive is on a higher side than on the lower over the past few weeks (since i went into my second trimester) and I was also feeling a lot sexy with my shinny round belly growing (have to admit not as much anymore, as the stretch marks have started to appear).

But since than we have not had any problem in making love - although we are being instinctively careful about not going too deep or too long :P (dont know if that can be a problem anyways)

But yup I have to say, into my third trimester now and my back-ache is coming in way for being intimate more than anything else - I am just feeling too fragile sadly :(

Neska profile image

Lucky you ladies.mine has gone crazy...if i let him he would do it every day lol.i know he has needs but b'cos of all the problems i had(laparoscopy at 7weeks,bleedings,thrush all the time,bv,etc) i dont really wanna it lol.cuddles are enough to me but when i hold him,he thinks i'm ready lol...i'm 26weeks now and i dont feel attractive any more so that puts me off...:( x

Allyemo1985 profile image

Men put up with a lot we throw at them ... My hubby is wanting sex yet I haven't been interested at all... Every now and again I really want to and he's been very happy to oblige. But he knows the score and if he's honest he's finds it a little weird because we can't do it looking at each other bumpty bump bump is in the way!!!! I think once baby's out and we have the flaming energy to all we will right again.

Hey Ladies! See I've been off and on about sexins... Now I'm miss bumpy I feel so unsexy, I really don't fancy it! Saying that, my partner is usually like a dog on heat, but he's been so reserved recently... I guess I should really step up my game, it's not like I'm pregnant or owt... Ha! :)

Megzey profile image

Just pounce on him I am sure he will soon cave in.

OMG we were told at the 12 week scan that because of the Hematoma that I have got in my womb that they 'wouldn't advise' sexs until the 20week scan has been done. As I had the heavy bleed I am really scared about doing it now anyway but feel really tight on my husband but think he would be scared unless it set anything off.

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