Hello lovely ladies! I'm 12, nearly 13 weeks and do feel like my belly has rounded! When did everyone feel they started to show?
When did everyone start showing? - Pregnancy and Par...
When did everyone start showing?

I was about 20 weeks until I looked pregnant up until then I just looked plump!
Im guessing this is your 1st pregnancy.
yes its possible you wont start showing until about 21-22wks.
I had a little round belly at 12 weeks, probably looked fat, but by 20 weeks I had a big belly and now 33 weeks I wonder how I stand up lol
I felt a little podgier at 12 weeks but at about 21/22 weeks I really popped out. x
22 weeks before I thought I was showing (no one else seemed to agree!) I had a small tummy that just about convinced the nurses on my ward that I was actually pregnant at 25 weeks, and after returning to work at 28 weeks after 2 weeks off, was met by exclamations of 'bloody hell, where did that come from!'!!!
I started showing from 10 weeks I was very bloated as well but noticed the bloatedness dusted to go down around 13 weeks andu could see my pregnant belly. .. can't hide the fact I'm pregnant, but I've always showed quite quickly im 16weeks now xx
20 weeks with my first, 16 w with my 2nd. I am 16w today and not showing with my 3rd, only put 5lb on so still in normal clothes.
Hi I started to show.... well pop around 25-26 weeks .. Now there's no disguising it lol x
I couldn't fit in any of my normal cloths from about 11 weeks but it was at about 16 weeks that I noticed rapid growth... Am now 25 weeks and feel like a whale. This is also my first! X
Morning fellow yummy mummy's x
I am 14 was 1 day and I can still fit into my clothes but they are snug. I have a very slight pot belly but I ave only put on 4.5 lbs but I think that's because I had morning iciness and no appetite at all from 6-12 weeks x
Excited for getting a bump but dreading the immobility.
Enjoy your Sundays xxx
Well I too was severely bloated, and I looked 6 months pregnant for a few weeks! Now that's gone down, I have a nice round and raised bump! I'm just over 14 weeks! I love my bump already!

Hiya. I'm the same time as you. I'm12+3 with my 1st pregnancy and my belly is definately bigger. Although I do think some of it is bloating, as it does go down overnight. But in the evening I look huge!!! I can't wait to get bigger but I guess that excitement will pass when my belly gets uncomfortable
Hope it's all going well x
Oh god. I can't bare my belly button being touched anyway. I'm just hoping my belly button is deep enough that it might not pop out. Eek!!!
I'm 13 weeks and my enormous fibroid is showing, but that's about it (I think, it's hard to tell). I've not put any weight on. It really differs from person to person. Some of my friends really did start to show at 12 weeks, whereas another friend didn't show until much later on. My friend who's 10 weeks says here stomach is rounded below the tummy button. We're all so different! xx
I started showing about 10 weeks, and raisdd concerns with my midwife at booking in on the size of munster. She was happy with my size, and a scan later showed only one (major twin worry!). At 16 weeks, you cannot miss that I am pregnant and munster still fine!