Panicked again :(: hi all, 18 weeks... - Pregnancy and Par...

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Panicked again :(

Flossy1688 profile image
7 Replies

hi all,

18 weeks and 4 days pregnant and i know im past the 12 week mark but still so panicked. Past few days been feeling a few flutters but today theres nothing and thinking about it didnt feel a great deal yesterday, had my doppler out last night and for the first time think i managed to find the heartbeat, was different to the beat of mine but i was under the impression it was suppose to be really fast, was more like a galloping. Also im still having slight pains in my abdomen

Can anyone give me any advice?? feeling pretty low again today

x x x

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Flossy1688 profile image
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7 Replies
Skyblueboston profile image

Stop panicking!

You found the heartbeat, brilliant if you can count fast enough it will be beating from 110 - 170 beats per minute, galloping is a good sound to hear:)

18 weeks and you feel flutters, great :) so Did I, but it wasn't until week 24 that it turned into kicks, punches, rolls, even now at 33 weeks plus 3 days, baby boy has quieter days, he also has a pattern of movement.

The rule of thumb is count kicks from 28 weeks, you should feel 10 movements every 12 hours. Before this baby is still so little and has soooo much room to grow and move.

Pains in your abdomen are normal as long as your not bent over in pain and there is no blood! I still get a lot of stretching ouch! Plus round ligament pain.


Megzey profile image

See this is why it is not always good to get all the gadgets as we just start paniking about stuff. You wont feel regular movements at this stage it is quite normal, drink something cold that might do it.

cheekymonkey3791 profile image

You need to chill chick, have faith in your body to look after and grow this baby.

I slipped over in bathroom at 20 weeks and was so so worried I had hurt myself and the baby or ruptured something, I could not stop crying and didn't stop until I felt movement but all was well and has remained well :) Now that scared me but I did not call the doctor or reach for the Doppler, I had to trust my body and monitor myself for pain/bleeding.

I never wanted to get a Doppler, I have access to them at work and I have only used it once for fun so my colleagues could hear the HB whooshing away and even then the nurse picked up mine before the baby. At 18 weeks you should start to begin to feel flutters/bubbles but you do not need to panic if you do not feel everyday or very much at all, the baby is still free floating and may not always be able to touch the sides of your uterus It can be down to your body size/shape, position of Placenta as my friend found out who is 2 weeks ahead me and yet I was feeling way more before her. I am 22 weeks and I feel movement all the time, sometimes crazy activity where I just want to chuckle to myself when I feel it, sometimes dad can feel it sometime not, it depends. A lot of the movement comes when I am sitting, eating dinner, chilling. I also read that there are no receptors on the inside wall of the uterus what you feel is other tissue receptors responding like abdominal muscle I guess. (Dr Fluffy may correct me here?)

You can try and encourage movement with music at this stage, that's how I got the baby moving in the 18 weeks period and by 19 weeks I did not need the music anymore, I could just feel bubbles and as the days and weeks pass the movements get stronger and they will amuse you :)

I just looked up in my pregnancy app that your baby is probably measuring about 14.5-15cm which is size of small ruler and weighing probably about 210-240g's now. Do you have an app on your phone, I love mine its simply 'Pregnancy App' from Health and parenting avail on iTunes. I have books as well but I like to look and read this to keep up to date as I know that I do not expect to see my baby again until we meet face to face.

Relax and enjoy your pregnancy :) X

Flossy1688 profile image

Thankyou Ladies,

text the midwife yesterday, not as an emergency just for some advice and she actually text back pretty much saying what you have all said.

yesterday evening i may have felt a few flutters again, does it sound silly to say i think there might be a certain time of day baby likes to make their presence known?, also the constepation has comeback so could it be that the tummy pain from that over rules anything else i might feel, i suppose im just going through all these things in my head as my friend is due exactly the same day as me with her second she said she felt movement from about 14 weeks and has also said the weekend just gone that her partner has felt baby move, that panicked me and upset my partner a little as he thinks if they are strong enough to feel he's missing out as he's away during the week in the army.

Saying all this though ladies i am feeling a bit better today than yesterday my 6 year old cousin had a double lung transplant yesterday aswell as having the hole in her heart repaired and the pump that was filling her with drugs that she had to carry round on her back removed, they told us when she was born she might not make the first 24 hours, then her first birthday, she will be 7 in November, my auntie who i lost a few months ago (her nan) must be looking down on her and it makes me realise if she can fight all of this that shes been through in her life i can stay positive. Shes an inspiration

x x x

Skyblueboston profile image
Skyblueboston in reply to Flossy1688

Hi flossy, yep you will notice a pattern of movement at first, mine was early morning and as I layed down for bed:) now at 33 weeks it's movements are nearly constant but he does sleep:)

Trish198 profile image

Stop panicking you have passed the 12 weeks, me last pregnancy i had a miscarriage and this one now I am only having a first appointment at 10 weeks so until then I have to be unsure of what's happening and stressing when i think about my first scan because I am afraid of seeing the same as last time which is no baby so relax, you have seen the baby heard the HB.

Donna76 profile image

My main bit of advise is to not use the doppler for reassurance. Its good that u r aware they can pick up ur pulse but u can also pick up pulsating from the placenta. It needs to be more of a clicky sound than a whoosh. If in doubt get it checked out properly x

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