Hello everyone just wanted to know if anyone post treatment has suffered anxiety attacks ? And if so how do you cope with this ? During my treatment I had a small heart attack plus sepsis twice . I didn’t realise how this has affected my mental Heath so drastically that I was experiencing crippling anxiety attacks .
Anxiety attacks : Hello everyone just... - Pelvic Radiation ...
Anxiety attacks

I suffer with anxiety attacks , I take deep breaths and then breathe out slowly
That works for me
I didn’t have a heart attack or have sepsis
This PRD does affect the nerve system
My mental health has been profoundly affected by the side effects of my cancer treatment especially as I'm now at significantly higher risk for infections for the rest of my life: UTIs (urinary retention) and cellulitis (lymphoedema). Not to mention very unreliable bowels.
I cope by using stress management techniques and general self care albeit I aim to meet reasonable (very tame lol) challenges My life style is barely recognisable to the one I led pre cancer treatment.
I can identify and empathise with everything you are experiencing Perido my life style has shrunk until it’s unrecognisable , my son says I have health anxiety because I worry about any little sniffle but my experience has taught me you have to be vigilant with symptoms as our bodies are weakened due to the treatment. My late husband had Lymphoedema in both legs with frequent episodes of cellulitis this is so awful to cope with and my heart goes out to you . I try to keep busy and my mind occupied if it wanders off to my illness or memories I keep it in check by focusing on nice things . My resilience to stress was high prior to all of this although people around me often remark how strong I am but inside is a different story . Night times are always worse so my coping with that is watching some silly things on UTube or TikTok lol just to keep my mind off things this generally works as I usually fall asleep and wake up to my iPad still playing lol wishing you better health and blessings for 2025❤️x
think we all suffer once you have had a big C diagnosis it’s like you think it is going to be back
I never had anxiety before cancer, but now I do. PRD makes it worse; worrying about my stupid bowels kicking off at any time :(. I just try to do my 'yoga breathing' and just roll with it. I haven't really found anything that works. Bloody PRD >:(. Good luck.
I was only thinking today what I was like prior to PRD it’s hard to remember having a day free from pain or anxiety I thought radiotherapy would be a breeze compared to chemo how wrong I was nobody tells you about the long term affects take care Rose ❤️
I had cervical cancer in 1996, I was49 had hysterectomy and 1 month of Radiotherapy, I recovered enough to go back to work . In 2022 , I started with RPD, lost so much weight was admitted to hospital for 3 months , on a feeding tube , then had a operation on my lower bowel as it was scared due to late effects of Radiation, when I ate it couldn’t go through so it just all came u again , hence the weight loss , took me 3 months to get my weight up to 40kg I was 33kgs when admitted, that was 22years ago now 71, I still have problems with diarrhoea and constipation, plus trapped wind , I have problems eating when full of gas , but iam still here, if I hadn’t had radiation treatment I wouldn’t be. Take it one day at a time rose , if you have To go out take Imodium 1 hour before you go , have you applied for the Fee going out kit from RPD website ? They send you a bag with useful things why your out and about, even include s a disabled toilet key . As for your anxiety, talk to your docter they can give you something to help you, , your not alone , this group is fantastic, also see if there’s a late effects group at the hospital you went to , I ve been to mine and it dose help. Stay positive Rose and take care😊
I had salvage radiotherapy for my cancer in2022. Which has left me with ongoing bladder and bowel issues. I also suffer from Anxiety and depression due to treatments for cancer. Also I have had suicidal thoughts due to the cancer etc... I now wish I hadn't had any treatment done now.Due to quality of life now.
Morning Lamados
Firstly sorry to hear everything you have been through.
I went through cervical cancer treatment in 2023 and was left with crippling anxiety, catastrophic thinking and anxiety attacks. It has changed everything about me.
I spoke with a councillor but I didn’t think that helped in fact it had quite the opposite effect!
My GP gave me propanol I’m also on Sertraline and Diazepam, which is now how I get through my days!
Not ideal but it works!! Acceptance of the traumatic experience you’ve been through is really difficult. People say talking about it there are all kinds of of groups but that really isn’t for me.
Time - This is a BIG one. I’m not long over treatment (finished Sept 2023) but it does help as time goes on.
This group is super I’ve gotten great tips and also people letting me know what I’m experiencing is completely normal.
Lamados the last thing I will say is something my friend told me (when I finally reached out to talk to my friends) ITS OK TO BE NOT OK!!
Talk to friends I found that great help and they provided unbelievable support.
Take care of yourself and we are always on this group to chat.
yep currently having counselling weekly has have severe health anxiety