Severe pain: I have been living with... - Pelvic Radiation ...

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Severe pain

BlueButterfly4 profile image
11 Replies

I have been living with pelvic radiation disease, specifically radiation enteritis and radiation cystitis for many, many years. However, the flare ups I have are becoming more frequent (3 already in January) and increasingly difficult to get over. My symptoms start with severe abdominal pain at which point I have to go to bed. I then begin to vomit uncontrollably for anything up to 12 hours at a time. This is accompanied by severe diarrhoea. I shake badly and go between sweating profusely to being freezing cold. I now refuse to go into hospital because my local one seem to have no experience with pelvic radiation disease. I feel I am passed from consultant to consultant with no one willing to help me. I have no quality of life. I am housebound. My husband and kids suffer greatly. And just to top it off during my last flare, due to the vomiting I cracked a rib and tore the intercostal muscle. During a flare I wish I could fall asleep and not wake up. But I have to much to live for. I don't know if anyone can offer any advice or if I just want someone to hear me. Thank you for reading this.

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BlueButterfly4 profile image
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11 Replies
Blue_Hawaii profile image


Beau63 profile image

Oh my goodness you really are going through it I too have radiation enteritis. I was throwing up once a week all night long then bed ridden the next day. I had an MRI scan and they found I have scar tissue and a stricture in my terminal ileum which is causing the blockages it sounds like you have the same I was advised to follow a low residue diet which by the way isn’t healthy. But my bouts of sickness reduced I had to experiment even on that diet too much stodgy food like white bread and stodgy cakes would block me up. So I don’t get the sickness anymore but I now have SIBO due to possibly the diet and slow transmit of foods. So I gave bloating gas cramps fatigue but at least I’m not sick. I can’t eat a lot only small amounts. Have you had any scans to see what’s going on ? I’m also on Aymes a good high calorie vitamin rich drink which helps maintain my weight.

BlueButterfly4 profile image
BlueButterfly4 in reply to Beau63

Thank you for your reply. I'm sorry that this is something you have had to deal with. Can I ask if these episodes brought you pain and if so what did you do for it?

I have had so many scans I've lost count. I too have scar tissue and a stricture which causes small bowel obstruction. I have eliminated many foods from my diet. I do not eat wheat/gluten, seldom eat vegetables/fruit etc but these episodes keep coming and seem to be getting more frequent. I have been prescribed morphine for the pain but even this is not effective. My consultant surgeon (who has just retired) has said surgical intervention would be 'difficult and hazardous'. I am due to see my new consultant February 16th. One thing that has been mentioned is going onto a liquid diet permanently but I'm not sure how I feel about this.

Beau63 profile image
Beau63 in reply to BlueButterfly4

Same with me they said to operate is too tricky. I was being sick nearly every week before I was diagnosed it just seemed to happen all of a sudden from being sick 4 or 5 times a year to every week. I still have cramps which come in spasms I don’t take anything for the pain I tried paracetamol, ibuprofen nothing stronger though. Just a hot water bottle. The pains go right round my back sometimes. I too feel like we are just left to cope with it. What do you eat in a normal day ? I don’t think I could cope on just liquids but if it gave me back my quality of life I would. At the moment I am suffering nearly every day with bloating, gurgling, wind that feels trapped and a very tender stomach. I can’t go out at night in too uncomfortable after I’ve eaten dinner. It’s just awful.

jude-the-obscure profile image
jude-the-obscureCommunity Pioneer


I just had an attack such as you describe - totally uncontrollable diarrhoea and vomiting. Left me exhausted and shaky. Had sausage rolls for supper with one glass of wine. Abdominal pain for several hours beforehand, I put it down to a high fat content in the meal and two too many sausage rolls. Hope this isn't a recurring trend

Took a lot of today to clear up! Hope it was a "one off" event!

No ready answers but I can empathise.

Have you seen my post about the new Late effects clinic in Bristol UK?

PS I get much the same effect from eating onions!!



BlueButterfly4 profile image
BlueButterfly4 in reply to jude-the-obscure

Thank you Jude and I'm sorry this is something you deal with too. I have started to contact a couple of late effects clinics but no success so far as I do not live within the area. Can I ask how you deal with the abdominal pain? I have been prescribed morphine but it does not seem to help. In fact the only thing that provides me any sort of comfort is a simple hot water bottle on my abdomen and a small fan blowing in my face. I do however wonder how long my body will be able to cope with these episodes.

Greenfingers20 profile image
Greenfingers20 in reply to BlueButterfly4

Hi last weekend I had severe sbdominal pain right side, caused me to vomit too. Called 111 and was ambulance to A&E. Paramedics gave me IV paracetamol and comfort.-fantastic. Diagnosed blood in stools, hard stools blocking colon in places.

CT Scan tomorrow to see what's happening.

Suggest you go to A&E if another episode. Especially if fever.

Good luck. I've no doubt it's Late effects PRD, but needs attention.

jude-the-obscure profile image
jude-the-obscureCommunity Pioneer

So sorry you are having such a hard time. I sometimes use distraction - doing something absorbing or useful; I use a wheaten cushion heated up in the microwave as directed on the pack (beware of burns and fires!!) I take paracetamol and sometimes find one Buscopan tablet (hyoscine) helpful for colonic spasm. Best to ask your GP about medication however as we are all different. I take Colpermin and Mebeverine every day too again as directed by my doctor.

The best pain relief on Sunday night was the violent expulsion of stomach contents and colon wen I had diarrhoea and vomiting. That certainly relieved the pain! But not very welcome in the middle of the night!

I have a damaged descending colon which is twisted and distorted. Mostly it works quite well but I do have to consider what I am eating!

I will ask Zoe whether she could speak to you on the phone. She is based in Bristol.

Take care


I recognize some of your difficulties. When I have episodes like that it usually means my small bowel is partially obstructed. It helps me at those times to ly down, take gravel and eat nothing until it passes. I have reduced these incidence by changing my diet. Avoiding fiber and foods that cause inflammation in the gut helps to reduce the frequency of these episodes for me

RoseTyler profile image

I feel your pain. That happened to me last night :(. PRD is rubbish, innit?

Bluebell86 profile image

Hi BlueButterfly4,

I have only just read your post from almost a year ago. How are you doing currently, better I hope. You were asking about pain relief, it took me 9 years of complaining to get some help. I take amitriptyline daily for background pain but needed something for the bowel obstructions as the pain is intolerable and like you I sweat, go cold and shake and cannot handle the pain. I got prescribed fentanyl lozenges which I rub on my gums as I struggle to keep down water so can’t take morphine. I was very reluctant about taking it but needed to for my last few episodes and it did help a little but not as much as I’d hoped. I don’t normally go to hospital as it’s so hard to get there during an episode and I figured they won’t give me anything stronger than this in hospital anyway. I something feel having an NG tube to empty my tummy would help but think all the hospital would do is give me anti sickness and put me on a drip anyway. Did h have any new suggestions from your new consultant?

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