Thought I'd post an update on enjoying some coriander.Isn't he cute!!
Update on Errol: Thought I'd post an... - Positive Wellbein...
Positive Wellbeing During Self-Isolation
Update on Errol

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Awwwwww! He is exactly like my first bunny years ago, except he was dusky grey and white. Gorgeous! 😊
Thats one lovely looking rabbit. I haven't had rabbits for about 30 years but often look after one for a friend when she goes away.
A very handsome bunny. 🙂🌸
He's gorgeous los, really good markings too. Thanks for sharing. xx
Awwww! How gorgeous ❤️
sweet indeed.monikax

That is why I could never never eat rabbit . That photo made me smile .
He is super cute lettingoffsteam. 🌈😊👍🐇🐇🐇
He is one gorgeous bunny- lovely colouring and markings. My Dylan has definitely got competition in the cuteness stakes 😊Thanks for the update - I was wondering how he was. Hashe been up to any mischief yet? Dylan says hello
Aw, hello cute!🥰Errol is settling in well and is proving to be a really sociable chap who really loves my husband Colin and follows him about the house. He does like a cuddle from anyone in the family so none of us are left out.We're still working on his litter training though as he fires his poos everywhere!!🤣Any tips?
Does he have a particular place/ places he likes to go?I placed a litter tray in Dyls favourite spot and he learned very quickly. I always rewarded him with a treat which helped😁Our previous one was really bad. We had about 6 trays dotted around the place. He started to favour a couple and eventually we managed to get it down to one!
Well I think he's narrowing down his choice of spot. At first it was here there and everywhere. We will try putting a tray on the back doormat as he's favoured that quite a bit recently.🤣I'll keep you posted on his progress.
I also find putting some hay in the tray helps. I discovered they like to eat and poo at the same time 😁🐰
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