Time? Peace and quiet ?
Who or what have you learned to appre... - Positive Wellbein...
Positive Wellbeing During Self-Isolation
Who or what have you learned to appreciate more since lockdown?

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Be your Own Best Friend 🤗🙏
The lockdown helped me so much because I was able to begin working from home. I was having a very hard time getting up and getting ready in the morning for work so not having to find professional clothes that fit me and do my hair and makeup has been a blessing. I still have a hard time getting up so I’m very concerned about the future of having to get up in the mornings with enough time to “get ready” and look like I’m not suffering from depression and anxiety. It’s hard to fake being ok but the pandemic has given me a break from all that stress. I pray that I will be normal again but I’m not sure how or if that will ever happen for me again. I remember my pre-depression routine and pray for those days to be possible for me again. Why can’t I shower routinely? I used to be a very clean, well manicured business professional and now I’m a big, overweight, overwhelmed faker that try’s to pose like everything is normal. I called off last week because we had a meeting scheduled where were instructed in advance that we would need to share our cameras and guess what... I looked disgusting and couldn’t clean myself up in time so I called off. The bad part was I had a presentation to give during that meeting which I missed all because I’m a dirty and unkept woman now. Some days I think I’m really coming out of my depression and anxiety but it’s not getting better.... the only thing keeping me going is the fact that I can roll out of bed and log in to my job instead of having to be onsite. God help me! I’m sorry to vent but it’s a very big problem for me and it’s been ongoing for way over a year. I’ve contemplated buying an expensive wig so when I have visual meetings I can at least have styled hair. I feel pathetic. I’m sorry to say but sometimes I think this pandemic happened so I didn’t lose the only thing I have in life which is my job. Thanks for listening.
Oh dear, what can I say. Have you nobody you can turn to for help? Di

Hi Hylda, I have lost contact with all my old friends and really don’t have anyone to turn to for help. I can turn to my sister and have tried but she says the only person who can fix my issue is myself... which is true but if I knew why or how to fix my problem I would have done it...
Can your Dr not refer you to someone for help? If your weight is bothering you there is a LCHF forum on HU. I found it helpful when I had 1.5 stone to lose. What exactly do you do as a job? xx

I work in IT for a large hospital system. I weighed myself today- 230 pounds. I need to weigh 150. I’m 5’8”. I’m 80 pounds overweight. What is LCHF?
Low carb high fat. Have a look at it. I’ll help you x

Hi, I have done a lot of research on low carb- high fat.... basically Keto. I am going to order groceries right now and have them delivered today so I can get started eating right. I think my poor eating habits have made a negative impact on my mind and thinking ability. I get overwhelmed easily when things don’t come easy to me.... if the electric can opener won’t work or stupid things like that... I throw in the towel and get so angry it’s horrible feeling like this...
Would you like me to pm you? x
I guess they need every ounce of your brain power at work right now x
Hi! I completely understand where you are coming from on this! Even before lockdown I was struggling to even get to work! I would have to get up so early to be able to get ready and get there as I was so breathless. I was too proud, I guess , to admit to it cos I feel COPD is my fault and feel sooo guilty for even having it! So, I was trying to hide it at work, keeping up the smiling jolly "me" that everyone was used to. Lockdown came at just the right moment! I don't have any contact with work (Tesco checkout), so I have no need to try for them. I understand the not looking after yourself, I live alone, so who is going to see my hairy legs?! I have put on so much weight with all the steroids I have been having to take, I look awful and have no clothes that fit me any more! The only time I could be bothered with looking ok was if I was seeing my daughter or granddaughter (and that was just to keep up the pretence!) otherwise I just threw on clothes and tied up my hair (that hasn't been cut for over a year now!). I decided I had to do something, so have done one small thing each day. First I plucked my eyebrows, then filed my nails. Today I shaved those legs of mine! Ok now I need new blades, but it feels great! Do not be hard on yourself , you are putting yourself into a category, you are not dirty and unkempt, rather just unable at the moment to live up to our normal high standards. They will come back babe, trust me 😘 I am not an expert on anxiety and depression I'm afraid, but I don't think a wig is going to do it! Keep in touch sweet, I am nuts, but I am here! With love, Laurie xx
Know how you feel, I have restricted lung condition because of small crunched up lungs. I HAVE NEVER SMOKED. Do not drink. Yet I would often be asked about it by doctors who assume that everyone with breathing/lung problems is or was a smoker - even when they KNOW for a fact they have tiny lungs! . They were wrong. I have been on steroids lots of times regularly. The answer to not putting on weight is EAT LESS AND EXERCISE MORE. I have an underactive thyroid which makes it very hard for me due to slow metabolism and it took time - two years to lose two stone, but was worth it. I cut out one or two meals a day, no snacks and smaller meals. You can do it. Where everyone else was partying and stuffing their face over Xmas I spent most of my time exercising my lungs to increase their small capacity, three times a day, three weeks later my lung capacity is almost twice as much as it was before. I can now do more things without losing energy, getting all breathless and needing to turn to inhalers all of the time. You can do it.
I only eat two meals a day, and nothing in between! I eat mainly vegetables and absolutely HATE the feeling of being full! I need to get the exercise sorted out and am about to start Pulmonary rehabilitation, but feel too puffed even to get up stairs! What lung exercises did you use? xx
Skill development
Connecting with other people more. I’ve always been more of an introvert but ha e come out of my shell more.
The simple blessings of life and like jerry said patience.
Free will.
My beautiful daughter, Laura. She has sacrificed so much in her and her family's lives in order to keep a safe bubble going with me. I have relied on that bubble for my sanity and any help I have needed! Also it has strengthened my relationship not only with her, but with my granddaughter, whom I have had much more time to have here, to myself! As we all say, every cloud ...... xx ❤️❤️❤️
First and foremost my personal freedom I think!🙏

do you mean the fact that you no longer have so much freedom, and will be glad to get it back when the lock down is over
family too
Like my family motto [in Latin] Patientia Vincit, I've needed oodles of it since March, PATIENCE!👍👍👍
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