Hi All,
I'm new to the site & have found it very helpful to read a lot of the posts.
I'm 54 years old & live in Vermont.
Just over a month ago I woke up one morning with severe pain & stiffness in both my shoulders. I had just returned from a trip & had carried a heavy backpack so I attributed it to that.
Over the next 2 weeks the pain vacillated back & forth between almost unbearable to OK. I finally decided that it must be something more than pulled muscles so I went to the local walk in clinic. After a lot of questions & moving my arms, the doctor said it was possibly PMR and gave me a 6 day course of Prednisone. Unfortunately, he did not draw blood so I have no idea what my sed rate was at that time.
I had lost my primary doctor & hadn't found a new one yet so here I was with this (sort of) diagnosis & starting with a doctor who knew nothing about me.
I finished the Prednisone on a Sunday & was not scheduled to see the new MD until Friday, By Wednesday I could feel the pain creeping back. Imagine my surprise when I woke up on Thursday feeling BETTER, same with Friday.
Then Saturday came & I crashed. My knee swelled up like a grapefruit & I couldn't bear weight that leg. Forget picking my arms up! By Sunday I couldn't take it anymore so the on call doctor called in a new RX for Prednisone.
I had had blood drawn on Saturday (6 days off the Prednisone) which showed a sed rate of 15 but my white count was 17,000. So my new primary is still not sure what diagnosis is because the labs could be skewed by the Prednisone.
Unfortunately I can't get into rheumatology for another 5 weeks so i'm on Prednisone to keep me comfortable until then.
It's been a frustrating month but I get the feeling this journey is just beginning.
I've read that some people have normal sed rates & still have PMR.
Anyone have experience with that?
Thanks for listening.