Hi everyone think IAM just needing a moan, down at 1, 1/2 mg pred and feeling very low, could be because my daughter's are going there in-laws for Xmas and just me and hubby, normally I don't mind ,need a good kick up the bum, then think it could be low pred mayb xx
Feeling low and trying not to spoil Christmas. - PMRGCAuk
Feeling low and trying not to spoil Christmas.

I'm sure it is linked to the low dose of pred and adrenals not being up to snuff but it does become hard when your children have to share Christmas with 2 families - I'm sure you and your husband had it to deal with too when you were younger - but you are feeling it particularly this year. Is it their first year doing this or just coincidence?
We dealt with it rather firmly for years - upset both sides probably - but we lived in southern Germany and OH had to be back at work so the risk of being stuck in the UK because of bad weather wasn't really a risk we wanted to take. So we went south, to this region where I live now, to ski!! We set up our own traditions, in fact cousins came over with their children and joined us. No turkey on the 25th - burger and chips up the mountain! It has stood me in good stead now I am alone for Christmas - though I confess today I did go out of my way to find sprouts! Is there a shortage this year?
Thanks ambassador, yes I remember the days when we had to go elsewhere and dad was like me wasn't happy will go for a good walk before dinner, IAM thinking could be Adrenals but just have to get on with things, and eat a big box of maltesers lol x,
No sprout ,shortage here in Scotland love my sprouts xx
Apèro sprouts; cook sprouts ( not tiny ones), cut in half, squash with bottom of jam jar, place on greased non stick baking tray, sprinkle generously with parmesan or similar, bake briefly in hot oven till acceptably cripish, serve cold or off hot, with or without a dip of your choice. Bonnes fêtes🎄

Yum! I'm going to try this...
We aren’t having sprouts either! None ready yet, plenty of other veggies in garden though - cauliflowers [humungous, himself picked one that weighed 4.2kg], kale, carrots, potatoes etc plus strawberries and plums for a good old Pavlova. Good job no long on Pred! Weather looks a bit iffy for tomorrow so more like a northern hemisphere Christmas lunch.. but could change in an instant..as is its wont..
I got sprouts - the last pack on the display but I suppose there might have been more out the back. I love sprouts - roast in the airfryer 🤗
Oh my days,what a size!!Pat on the back for the grower and am thinking cauliflower cheese for Boxing Day,New Years day,Easter and the rest in the freezer!🤣🤣🤣😜Hope you are having a wonderful time?xx
I am thank you…
Well the weather here is in double figures,thinking of getting bikini and OHs budgie smugglers out and having Xmas dinner on lawn!🤣Have a wonderful day tomorrow.xx🎄🎁🤶😜
You have my husbands share if sprouts, can’t get him to try them! Merry Christmas PMRpro
I have gone off veg! It’s more appealing when lightly steamed, sprinkled with strong grated cheddar and popped under the grill for a few minutes and better still when chopped fried onion is added. That I CBA with. Just wish I was allowed bacon but then again, Christmas comes but once a year so……..😋.
Cheese yes, bacon no, I prefer not to eat meat but love your idea of veggies with grilled cheese. I may leave some out for Santa . Merry Christmas to you
I had a few amazing recipes - poached in Riesling wine with chestnuts or microwaved, mashed with cream and lots of black pepper and toasted slivered almonds and bacon sprinkled on top. Now I just roast them in the airfryer. They NEVER meet water - that is what makes them so strong. He may have had then as a child when they were bitter and had to be frosted or frozen to soften the bitterness which a lot of humans are programmed genetically to avoid, Now they are bred not to be bitter.

Agree with PMRpro, probably adrenals, but Christmas can be a strange time for emotions for many.
My late hubby and I spent many Christmases in our own when daughter emigrated to NZ and son was 200 miles away with small kiddies.. but we still had all the bells and whistles even with just the 2 of us. As I’ve said before not sure how I coped in 2011 when 15 months into undiagnosed GCA and in extreme pain, but I did.
I’m sure you will enjoy it, even though it’s different
Oh no - no bells and whistles for 2 here!! But I did do it all in Germany - as a buffet party for 30 friends the Sunday before Christmas!
And it all had to be handmade - even getting a turkey was a performance. OK as long as I had US army friends. Sausagemeat from scratch, all pastry handmade. No desire to turn the clock back there!!!!
We always did… now I let someone else do the B&W - I just enjoy 😊.. but still usually on veg prep - wherever I am!
How did you hand make a turkey?🤣🤣🤣🤣🎄😜
Stole one from the AMIs - a couple of Americans lived upstairs. They used to take me to the PX for fun - bit like Costco!!!
You little devil you!Still,needs must eh?Weather very mild this morning,even fish came up to be fed in both ponds!In fact last night could not even wear my Jim jams in bed,so warm!Hope the slippery pavements are not still with you?xx😱🦃🦃🦃🎄🎁😜
We have a howling northwind - which is unusual here, it is more common a bit further south down the lower valleys. When it drops the temp down here falls - but is well above freezing and the sun trying to come out. All that together should help the ice! Hasn't been good for skiers though - lot of lifts couldn't open!
Sounds horrid,you just be careful if you go out for a gelato eh?😱💨🌬️🌦️🦃🎄😜
I fetched some for the freezer. They close on Christmas Day and then in January once the Gluecksschweine are sold ...
It’s just the two of us this year and we’re looking forward to the lack of angst actually although I will miss nit seeing the grandchildren. Merry Christmas to you Dorset Lady
Thank you…and Merry Christmas to you.
No grandchildren either this year - although did see 3 of them for an early Christmas lunch in England before I left . 2 UKers, 1 NZer - who I will meet up with again in new year along with his brother in NZ.
So sorry you are feeling low and quite understand the disappointment, been there myself. In fact I have reached the point, probably helped in no small part by PMR exhaustion, was hoping for just the 2 of us this year, never thought I would say that! Instead I have been running around like a headless chicken which may well have brought on some aches and pains. Had to deal with a puncture and a very grumpy RAC man and car out of action until tomorrow at some point with things still left to do. It's madness really.
It seems that those adrenals aren't helping so, have a restful day, feet up and take a hug.🫂 BTW, well done for getting down to 1.1/2 pred...
Hi Harrywogan,
Sorry you're feeling a bit sad.
It can feel disappointing when we can't see loved ones at Christmas.
I'm sure a little 'moan' will have helped so hopefully you'll do as I try to do in that situation, and just embrace it. Pull out all the positives....you can get up when you want, get dressed when you want, eat what you want. In fact you can be completely self-indulgent and just please yourselves.
I hope you have a wonderful day inspite of being on your own..... and next year.... it'll be game on again!!
hi and so sorry you are feeling down. I know we will feel a bit like that on Christmas Day as this is when we really miss our daughter who lives in Australia. It is too hot over there for us at this time of the year. It is just me and hubby n Christmas Day and has been for a couple of years but we will be seeing our son and daughter in law plus our grandson who is 20 months for a while on Boxing Day. It is hard when they have to split between 2 families. Enjoy the peace and quiet and hopefully see your daughters soon. X
know exactly what you mean but I’m sure you will enjoy the day and maybe have calls or FaceTime with family. In the 60s/70s I-remember squeezing into the nearest phone box with my parents and two little brothers to ring our grandparents up on Christmas Day and thank them for our parcel. Tomorrow I should be able to FaceTime my grandchildren and see them opening our gifts, a different world isn’t it. Wishing you a merry Christmas and good days.
We're all thinking of you Harrywogan. I am at about the same pred dose as you and yes, the emotions are a bit up and down. I find that being grateful for all that we have really helps....but sometimes you just want to throw something........
I'm home alone this Christmas as well! Son flying to New Zealand on Boxing Day for 3 weeks and no other family near. I intend hibernating. Roll on January 15th ....... Hope your Christmas goes quickly and quietly, all the very best.
Morning Harry,thought I would share a story about my granddaughter.She did not want to upset her partners parents who are divorced or my daughter by committing to one of them for THE DAY,she ended up having an Xmas dinner at ALL three of them,I kid you not.It reminded me of the sketch of the vicar of Dibley when she went to all the villagers houses for dinner and ended up being driven home in the bucket of a tractor! Me and OH are on our own this year apart from a couple of brief visits from family and to be honest,that will be enough for us,had our time of being the host for many years to them all.Am looking forward to the PEACE!😉🎁🎄🤶😜xx
know how you feel, we are having to shield through December (hubby has health issues right now). No friends, no socials, no shops, no parties, no Carol service etc etc. I’m on 1mg pred, too, & tend towards emotional, angry irritated, upset. Christmas can’t come at a good time for everybody! I can’t walk without a lot of pain, know it’s calcaneal ‘something’ but can’t see Dr until 7 January (waited 3 months & initial injury was a year ago)! My hubby caught his leg, gashed it.blood everywhere, he’s on blood thinners…spare bedroom floor, bathroom & bedroom floors…flooded his shoes, hands arms. Took ages to clean all up & I was beat, 10pm. After 2 days it was swollen, red, rash…spent yesterday in pharmacy, who said infected, see Dr quick, trying to get Dr to see it etc. had vertigo attack last night. Still in bed feeling rough. Lots to do today, no energy. It may not help for you, but I think of others, those who will lose their loved ones tomorrow, those with terminal illnesses, those too sick to eat their sprouts etc!! My 12 diseases are like the 12 days of Christmas, except some days they all come together & flared. Chin up, you’ve nearly made it really, one more day & it’s the Boxing Day sales!! Then a whole new year (& we had our worst ever last year, so hoping for an improvement!!) take care, have you no local friends you could pop & see today? I always vowed that when I’m alone I will go to the soup kitchen & help dish up…but not do the washing up, ha ha!! S xx
Oh,Pixix,I really feel for you,what a sorry state of affairs eh?Do hope OH is ok now and you,YOU neeed to take care of yourself eh,Xmas or not,It is as you say,only one day,not worth making yourself ill over is it?Thinking of you ,xxx😢xxx💐💐😜
Hubby’s leg still bright red & shiny…but it is the area around the wound that’s worst. The nurse practitioner is at the surgery until 6.30 tonight, she said to go up if we need her. I gained 3 new disease this year, & orthostatic hypotension is bad…put head over bath to rinse shampoo, got very sick & the nearly passed out when I stood up…may be POTS disease Dr on 7th Jan. also calcaneus something he said from photos of badly swollen ankle (Google says will be casted, great for beach holiday in January)!! Haven’t booked, thank goodness. Cancelled 4 holidays this year, so now we pack, then wait & book 3-4 days before! Bit of a mess here, really! Ha ha! Hubby being changed over from warfarin to apixaban on Christmas Eve…hospital rang at 6pm for 30 mins last night to explain it all. I was so tired I had to make notes, ha ha! Thanks for your kind reply, have a magical Christmas! For me the day can’t be worse than my birthday this year so bring it on!!! Happy Christmas to you! S xxx
Sorry to hear your’s and OH’s tales of woe - sending hugs 🌸
Christmas dinner in sandwich ON THE BEACH on Hayling Island was our answer to no family visits Christmas Day 2 years ago. It turned out to be a very special day. Will do it again when our daughters go elsewhere.
Excellent! It’s our third Christmas shielding (the other two were my fault..
Not PMR related - we go walking in the forest after breakfast (only eat breakfast twice a year so that’s a treat!) then listen to carols on classic FM with a light lunch. Open presents in afternoon, then cook…chicken is our fave meat anyway…with all the trimmings!! The house is decorated to the nth degrees…happiness comes from within! I’m so lucky David survived two bouts of pneumonia, sepsis & gall bladder disease this year!! While I caught C.Diff visiting him, & COVID from our local surgery when face down for 15 minutes staying still…I’d broken my Covvyx! Merry Christmas to you! S xx
I hear you. It’s just my son and I this year. I’ll be glad when it’s over. X
but you & I are the lucky ones! You have your son, I have my husband. Two of my friends (who don’t live near me sadly) have lost their loved ones in the past month. Make the most of what you have & bring joy to the day! I never wish any day to be over after David being in hospital 3 times & so so sick!
I’m certainly not lucky. I’m waiting for the father of my children to be sentenced in January for the worst of crimes and for it to hit the press. Lucky isn’t a word I’d use to describe myself. But I’m very happy that you’ll have a lovely Christmas.
Whatever it is and it is nobody’s business,I hope you find the strength to get through it all and “ sod” the press”.Just think of yourself and get through everything as best you can.,also your children.xxSending a hug.xxx💐💐💐💐
Well, that’s not my business, but hope that brings you some peace. Nobody could call me lucky after 4 car crashes & now have 12 diseases, but I believe how ever low down the luck chain we are, you have to find your own happiness somehow, somewhere. Look after your children well, certainly they will need it in January, best wishes, Sara
Well your post has generated so many replies! Just goes to show that you are not the only one to feel this way at this time of year. Everyone wishes a Merry and Happy Christmas but it is uncanny how it is also the most stressful time for many. It's just a few days in the year but we forget that there are other lovely days in the year that are spent with loved ones, and they count too.
My family is split several ways and I don't particularly enjoy Christmas myself as it is a reminder of that split.
I shall be spending a quiet one with my son while daughters are seeing their 'other' family.
Thanks for your post, the replies have helped me too. Just enjoy the day with your hubby. Nice food, a drink and some board games? Could be fun!
Best Wishes.
hello everyone,
I’ve been reading all these posts , how we all like to be with family and how we have to deal with missing some of them.
I’m lucky to have a full house this year. I’ve just finished preparing the roast spuds, made a red cabbage what have you, made an almond cake and 8 portions of chocolate mousse. All by midday and now I’m just going to chill out and watch the Kings College Carol service.
I too have just been put on blood thinners after 4 days in hospital and don’t like the sight of all this extra blood each time I bash or cut myself.
Still more to do. The gang arrive tomorrow morning. Boys in charge of cooking .
I wish everyone a peaceful time what ever you are doing . Stay well .
But Carols from Kings isn't on TV until this evening - 6pm your time. Used to be in the afternoon didn't it, live not recorded? I have to wait another hour! At least the Kings carols and Kate's carols don't overlap this year!! I remember one year I just moved through all the available German channels following Christmas music which was generally very good - high standard of musicians but not a patch on Kings and no soul. I even posted on FB I'd listened to a set of carols including Rutter, Ord, Byrd and someone modern whose name escapes me (shows it wasn't my favourite!) and they all sounded the same which I really thought showed some degree of skill!!!
Ah, it’s on Radio 4 in the afternoon, 3 pm. Maybe I can experience it twice?!
I hope you have a view of proper winter snow, that I miss.
Plenty of the white stuff here for me at least - they even suggested it would be a proper white Christmas here and snow but it has just been passing over horizontally in the howling gale that was enough to stop some lifts this morning!!! We've had small amounts at intervals and it has been cold enough not to disappear but the skiing would be a bit thin without the manmade stuff.
Used to be 5pm on BBC2! We’d be at my parents house & everybody would have a drink f watch it by candlelight, & Mum & I would be preparing the sprouts (which give David & I bad stomach pains)…but Dad loved them, so lots cooked & Mum would read 50 recipes for leftover sprouts!! S xx
Only one recipe for left over xmas veg - bubble and squeak with ham and turkey on Boxing Day.
I used to make ham & turkey risotto…Mum had written the recipe down ‘while under the dryer’ at the hair salon…a lot of recipes came from those magazines, as she had a shampoo & set each week! Bubble & squeak came on 5he 27th! Hope you’re watching for icy pavements, seen some alpine resorts getting a lot of snow, then a partial thaw with freezing at night, leading to icy pavements, roads, slopes & busy emergency rooms!! S xx
Snow? What's snow? That's so last week!! That is so Swizterland and Austria! We have had the skating rink spots but only where householders haven't done their duty of clearing and gritting or where the sun doesn't get. It snowed last Thursday and Friday morning and snizzled on Sunday. Saturday was dreadful in places because later on Friday it warmed up and it all melted then froze to minus 8C overnight! But you could avoid it easily enough. Just had 2 days of howling gales and well into plus temps with sun so everywhere the sun got at is now clear and no snow in sight until next year. Just sun ...
Yes, my favourite Swiss resort, where I learned to ski, has a great snow level,M& much earlier in the season this year! It’s all so unpredictable now that I’m almost happy we can’t ski any longer! Ooooh, wicked…-8 after the warmth. But even here our temperatures can vary 10 degrees from one day to another. I guess they are making artificial snow, or the tourists will be very unhappy. Happy Christmas, have a sprout-filled day…& May your memories be happy ones…sending hugs, S xx
We have a mix of both as we had early snow this year, just not a massive amount. But there was a good base of artificial though our systems are so sophisticated I defy anyone to tell the difference once it has been pisted as couple of times. I had sprouts last night - out for late lunch and somehow I doubt sprouts will figure!!!
I thought artificial snow would be lousy to ski on…our first time was in Killingtom in the States, & we thought it was an American ‘fad’! But no, it saves the livelihood of many & allows skiing to continue. Oooh, sprouts give us both such bad stomach pains…enjoy your lunch! S x
Been using it here in the Dolomites for well over 30 years and the main producers of snow cannons are here - supplying China for both lifts and snow for their Olympics.
I remember the view of Corvara here - just up the road
But most winters it isn't like that.
Wonderful carols from Kings,now watching Kates show,lovely ending to the day,apart from rushing to finish bath to watch it and have gashed lower leg….10 steristrips,could not face A and E😭😭😭😭Merry blxxxx Xmas to me.,!😱😱😜Hope you enjoyed the Carols too?xxx🎁🎁🎄🤶😜
Not a bad Kings - glad they have gone back to more traditional stuff. Kate's seems to vary from the sublime to the (frankly) ridiculous. Some of her taste in music is hard work ...
Paloma Faith wasn’t too good,should have had someone like Paul Potts! Coronation Street and then bed for me,got to be a good girl or Santa won’t come!🎁🎄🤶😜xx
Recorded them both…hope your leg is OK, David’s gashed one was so so so bloody…hope you’re not on blood thinners…liked like a murder had taken place in our bathroom, & bedroom! Steristrips are magic,A&E here have said they are only open to take life threatening emergencies! Nurse at our surgery finished at 6.30pm tonight, has one day off, then 8am to 6.30pm on Boxing Day. My fave Carol is Oh Holy Night,tied with Silent Night (sung in German, preferable)! S xx
Hi Pixix,leg is bloxxx sore!Went to bed,and it started hurting like Got upHope it doesn’t interfere with my 2 am pred!😱 had an alcoholic drink for months but got up and poured myself a double whiskey!
Message to DL,merry Xmas,Thankyou for all you do,have a wonderful day with family and not too much cauliflower eh? Much love ,xxx🎁🎄🤶😜
Not meant to post Xmas messages until tomorrow morning but would like to say a very,very big Thankyou to PMRpro,DL,Snazzy,Rugger for everything they do for all of us,they are the light at the end of our never ending tunnel,always there to pick us up,give us hope and lend a listening ear.They are always there for us,no matter how trivial our problems are.I wish everybody a wonderful Xmas,especially sending thoughts to those of us that are on their own at this time.lets hope that 2025 will give us hope,healing and a sense of well being in our journeys.Merry Xmas to you all.xxxx🎁🤶🎄
My excuse is, that it is Christmas Day here in NZ -in fact getting towards lunchtime! 😆
Sorry about the garbled message Pixix,not the double whiskey,I tried to erase a spelling fault and it all went crazy!What I said was that I went to bed,leg started hurting like crazy,so got up and poured myself a double whiskey to help the pain.Hope it doesn’t interfere with my 2 am pred!No,not on thinners.As you say,steristrips are magic,just got daughter to order some more for me.Would not dream of going to A and E,too many drunks on Xmas Eve( another whiskey and I might be one!) Hope you have a lovely day tomorrow,take it as it comes eh?My favourite carol is Silent night!xxx🎄🎁🤶😜
Brilliant…loved the garbled message…Merry Christmas to you…now it’s allowed…& hope you haven’t got a hangover!!!!! Yeah, yeah, blame the phone/tablet whatever…of course, not the whisky, ha ha! Hope you had a ‘silent night’! Hubby’s CPAP machine broke (1st time in 30 years), I’ve had two hours sleep…groan! Hope your leg is staying in one piece this morning, &, in future, keep masses of steristrips in stock! I fall a lot due to other medical issues & rarely walk in a straight line, but can’t drink due to strong pain patches (makes me sick!!) too much info, have a great day, S xx
Honestly,it wasn’t the drink,wish it had of been ,would have had an excuse the.Sad to say am computer illiterate,,auto fill kept coming up!!!What on earth is that?Didnt have enough for a hangover,mind you first drink in months so thought I might feel dodgy!Sorry you had a bad night …..me too!As for steristrips,keep a load on standby ,still got a few left but thought better stock up the accidents I keep having.Keep walking into things on my blind side!😱Never mind,lots of people worse off than me!Have a wonderful day the both of you and if you can’t drink,maybe a couple of wine gums??🤣🤣🤣🤣🎁🎄🤶🦃😜xxx
I know, but it’s much more fun!!!!! I like whisky, but haven’t had a drink for years now (except a very occasional small Baileys!) I make loads of typing errors as try to type too fast & with just one finger (I used to be a speed typist)! Yes, & no, in answer to you. Blindness is dreadful, & brings more problems than people realise. Anybody who says well, at least you have one eye, has no understanding! My Dad went virtually blind, but not until he was 94…he had Macular Degeneration…& I was diagnosed with it just a year ago. Ooooh, I’d forgotten wine gums, fab idea! Have a lovely day & keep avoiding the falls, & trips & walking into stuff…it must be lousy, my sympathy. Hugs, S xx
Yeh,fell out with a neighbour who said twice to me ,” well at least you have another eye!” she had to have a mastectomy,no way would I have said to her,well you have another breast!….At least she had a reconstruction ,sadly zi can’t get another eye.I never spoke to her after that.Anyway,clearing up wrapping paper from ours and animals presents,quick vacuum ready for daughter and son in law!Enjoy your day,love H.xxx🎄🎁🤶🦃😜
Unbelievable!! Did she not realise how vital that eye becomes, that there’s a huge mental shift & fear, & walking into everything becomes the norm! Steering clear of her is top priority! I’m still in bed, bad night, only 2 hours sleep…but David is in the bathroom, my turn soon, then homemade salmon pate on toast for brunch! Just the two of us, shielding as David had pneumonia twice & sepsis & DVT this year, & we were warned there’s a new strain of ‘flu causing many hospitalisations, & he must avoid it at all costs! We will go for a bimble in the forest late morning! S xx
ED daughter says half her patients are positive for flu and often proper poorly.
Yeah,’proper poorly’ is what we heard…but more bluntly delivered to keep us both out of trouble! We are OK shielding, lucky to have each other, & that remaining family are 7 hours drive from here, & one is in the Philippines! I say ‘lucky’because you always get people who don’t understand & want to come in the cottage, or get unhappy when we won’t go into theirs! Off to soak in bath, S xx
Sounds lovely!I will just rest up today once daughter etc have gone ,did all the veg yesterday so will have a lazy day.Dont have much of an appetite at present,think it is the old adrenals playing up,plus the sicky feeling.Will watch some corny Xmas films and enjoy the peace. Love H,xx🎄🎁🤶🦃😜
Hello! A special thank you for the use of a new word”Bimble”! Is it really a thing? I do hope do. I shall adopt it regardless! Merry Christmas valiant lady!
“Bimble”.. most definitely a word - and very appropriate for someone with PMR, although I’ve known it for a long time. Pixix (like me) has military connections and it’s well used in those circles -
To amble at a leisurely pace, to walk with no particular haste or purpose. Synonyms: amble, potter, roam, stroll, wander, dander. Frequently associated with military slang, 'Bimble' has become a part of the informal English language.
Well that has been a little Christmas gift to treasure! Makes up for developing PMR ( I suspect) leading up to Christmas and getting the flu on Christmas Eve. First time I’ve ever cancelled Christmas lunch! But what a relief that was. Our house guests have been most understanding but I’m still looking forward to being just the two of us in a couple of days. Hope you’ve had a love Christmas and weather permitting a Bimble somewhere pleasant!
Typically NZ weather (on SI anyway) -hot in the morning -then around 5pm as we were off to a get together for a Christmas quiz, a thunderstorm! So car required -but we had a bimble back later in evening before a family group meeting with UK on messenger (other social media formats available 🤨).
Hope you soon feel better..🌸
Oh yes…bimbling around is something I often do! I wander, with no great intention,or direction, but definitely a happy word…bimbling around is fun!
hard luck with the ‘flu, though, hope you’re better soon, & well enough to have a bimble someplace nice!! Glad to make you smile, even in adversity, take it easy, S xx
Far more likely to catch flu at the ED this year!!!
I shall add my Christmas greetings/commiserations from Australia! It’s almost 1 am here. I’m sat up in the recliner with severe indigestion and wondering at what point I should dare to take my Prednisolone. I was happily down to the long term 5 mg my Rheumatologist has been aiming for for my GCA but in the last week have suddenly developed early hours stiffness and pain throughout a lot of my body. So following flare protocol for Christmas and until my lovely but full on house guests leave on the 27/12. I also feel unwell with a headache and sore throat. Two Christmas meals to be done at my house tomorrow but I shall be delegating left right and centre.
No family with us but friends who are part of our forever family. Grateful that the fridge is full, the air conditioning works and we have peace in our land.
Praying that you will be encouraged with the outpouring of lovely messages and that somehow you can make the most of all that is going well in your neck of the woods.
sometimes I feel like a walking open wound with sensitivity. I think this is part of the disease too. Sending a hug. Your Christmas sounds beautiful. Be Merry. 🎄
Though we reach that time in life, thankfully, we still miss the 'old times' but....that is where memories comes in~! They are always ours. 💞