Severe sob especially with exertion low o2 says. Is it gca what are the dynamics of this
Sob: Severe sob especially with exertion low o... - PMRGCAuk
Assume you mean shortness of breath. Unfortunately lots suffer from it with higher doses of Pred.
Here a few related posts I found -
Has this short of breath always been there or is it new?
Diagnosed gca oct 28 2019. Sob so bad diarrhea fever body aches cold complete exhaustion Delirious for 3 days it hit me like a brick wall symptoms resolved after 3 days on pred 40 mg but a slow recovery now severe sob and fatigue
Are you talking about the 40mg you just went back to recently for these new symptoms? Did you get relief from the same symptoms initially in October? If so for how long? Is there any chance this could have been Covid this time round? Just a thought.
since It ticks all the boxes for Covid, the reason to call 111 is better than just throwing extra pred at it on the assumption it’s GCA. While that may reduce inflammation and make you feel better if it was, you might need backup medication to cover for the immunosuppression.
I agree with Snazzy - could this be Covid-19? Do you have a pulse oximeter to know you have a low O2? That is now recognised as a symptom of Covid - and so are all the other things you describe.
I think you should call the 111 number and ask for advice.
I agree, I immediately thought COVID. How was your GCA diagnosed? I was diagnosed in August 2019 with headache, jaw and neck pain. Biopsy confirmed it. I did have fever and body aches when symptoms began in June.
Left temporal throbbing left eye discomfort left cheek pain tingling on scalp left neck pain bilateral ear rumbling very elevated crp and sed rate positive biopsy. I had been treated for dental concerns my gut instincts was always GCA Was finally diagnosed by my opthomologist but I was so run down then omg body fell apart this has been a very 6 months just from mpleyr exhaustion fatigue with sob