Beats my view!
Winter has arrived: Beats my view! - PMRGCAuk
Winter has arrived

It does look very chilly there,but what a lovely view you have ,l bet it is lovely whatever the season.
Brrr! 🥶 ☃️ ❄️
I love how quiet it makes everything.
And how clean the air is after a snowfall!
I still get excited like a child, in spite of all the evidence that it’s a bad thing.
What's a bad thing? Snow? Only because the UK goes into a flat spin nowadays. Didn't used to be like that...
I have a memory of a path dug along the pavement and the snow walls being higher than my head - thrilling. I was probably about 3.
Have never understood why it does? Look at America. So cold they can't even be outside and let the cold on their faces. Here, a few cms and schools close, leaves on lines, etc. I admit there ARE parts of England that are bad, but really! Why can't they sort it out. Every year, same old, same old.................
You have to make the public take some responsibility. Someone complained this morning on Sky "the council didn't keep up ..." Here they do little except clear until it stops snowing - there is no point, the snow covers up the grit or salt. Salt only works at certain temperatures - and if there is enough traffic to mix it up with the snow to melt it. Not enough moving traffic, no effect. We use chains if we must go out - no chains and you stay in!
All over mainland Europe there are regulations - if it is snowy/icy you must have either snow tyres on or chains for summer tyres. If you cause a problem because you don't, in some countries you will be fined, if you cause an accident you will be prosecuted and potentially were driving without insurance. Here only the roads that buses use are salted and even the local buses have enormous chains for snow, otherwise the roads are cleared and gritted and it is up to us to adjust to the driving conditions,
We were just laughing - they were busy clearing the cycle track!!! And yes - people are still out on their bikes
Beautiful. X