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39 Replies

Looking for an upbeat, positive, "it's a brand new year" rant?

Don't look here.


39 Replies
Blearyeyed profile image


You sound like me this morning, last week , last month , in every way.

We have both been flooded and had festivities totally messed up by UTIs , followed by , umm, UTis , then hey , bonus , UTI that has spread to the Gastric tract / Kidneys, yeah!! .

Pounding increase in pain everywhere and the added fun of antibiotic fatigue, it's enough to make these two usually good humoured women weep.

I am presently trying to write this with the feeling that two winged elephants have landed on my shoulders and decided to use them as a perch. Tinnitus is roaring through my head with the power of a Def Metal Concert that didn't get a sound check and my eyes feel like they are being wrenched from their sockets with a fork. And let's not even go down the route of describing the full force of nausea and stomach symptoms , let's face it some people may be about to have their lunch.

If this is 2019 , I want a lift from Dr Who right back to 2018 , you would think I would say 2020 but the way I feel right now I am not sure that wouldn't be worse.

Rant away , and I am ranting with you.

It looks like yet another trip to the GP , or A and E for both of us today.

Hopefully , for you at least, they will up your Pred to combat the flare in PMR symptoms that have surged with all the infections you have had. Had they already done that?

At the least , a good check to make sure nothing else is happening would be advised asap.

I know the last thing we want to do is to have to get out of our pit of doom and put up with trying to explain our symptoms to the white coated torturers AGAIN !! And try and remain calm enough not to plough a shovel in their heads in the hope that may get some form of human response and force them to actually consider doing their jobs in a timely fashion and at least make an effort to make us feel vaguely organic ( I have given up on feeling human this morning) .

So , to paraphrase the Bard,, Get thee to a Doctor , go girl!

I will be on a mission to point out that unless they make a decision on wether I have EDS or not , and therefore make a choice on an intensive steroid plan or a non steroid equivalent I will have no other choice but to attack their surgery in a tank.

There is a point that they must realise that patients welfare has to be put above their NHS guidelines and what they see as acceptable waiting periods for them to amble to a decision on your care .

Hope you manage the trip to the surgery and they help you over this current spiky hurdle.

It will feel like a pain in the butt , but an unfortunately necessary one.

Now , I just have to manage to stomach my own advice and get to the Doctor's too , in our current moods though , someone may not get out alive!!

Take care , so sorry you are having it rough , could have said something positive and soothing but from the tone of your rant today I had the feeling that you needed to know you are not alone , not just in a supportive way but in a I just want to lie down and die way!

This too shall pass! This too shall pass! This too shall pass!! It will ,it just feels a little harder to believed it today though doesn't it. Hugs Bee xxx

Daisychain12 profile image
Daisychain12 in reply to Blearyeyed

More to you elsewhere my darling. Xxxxxx

MartiFL profile image

Oh, Melissa. I am so sorry this is happening to you. But, maybe having reached what feels like rock bottom, you have nowhere to go but up.

Hoping that is the case!


peace_lover profile image

That sucks. I think you deserve to feel sorry for yourself Melissa, at least until you feel a bit better - and you will ,eventually (that’s a positive btw although it sounds not). As my late mother in law used to say “take a paracetamol and go to bed”. Actually I’d recommend a codeine, 2 paracetamol and a gin and tonic but I’m sure some will disagree...

Happy New Year anyway.

PS going to bed with a hot water bottle and your phone so you can summon the occasional helpful cup of tea from whoever is also in the house is also recommended. xxx

Rugger profile image

Melissa, Bee has said it all. What I was going to say was "Get thee to a doctor" too.

My heart goes out to you. xx

Longtimer profile image

Words fail me to what you will get next, and how you feel is how we would all feel....you have had enough!!......do not attempt to go to a surgery or A&E...call them in!!

I just hope things ease for you soon......it has gone on too long!

Keep us posted....thinking of you....

Jeannie29 profile image

Mamici1, what a rant!!!!

My heart goes out to you, and I won’t say you are strong and resilient, but I will go with that old saying, “when you are down, the only way is up”

I so so wish you well, and I love your rants xx

Meggsy profile image


bunnymom profile image

Don't know why it works but I have made the greatest advances when I have surrendered this year. Pray the same result for you dear ❤️ hope you get some relief and answers quickly.

PMRCanada profile image

No wonder you surrender Melissa. We all have various levels of capacity, and right now it sounds like your body and spirit are overwhelmed. Time to call in reinforcements (help in any format including medical interventions, and support from loved ones). Given your physical state, and history, it follows that your will to fight would be impacted. Once you get help, and your body is no longer ravaged with so much illness, your mindset will likely shift again.

I sincerely wish for you some healing and relief from the relentless borage of viruses. Please keep us updated Melissa.

JanetGarrettN profile image

Wishing you any and all relief ((Hugs))


Rimmy profile image

Oh dear Melissa - there are no 'words' even barely adequate - I can only hope some of the tears we are crying on your behalf will wash SOMETHING away and there will soon be a 'new morning' - because what you have had to put up with is beyond ridiculous - it is utterly cruel !!

Something 'better' must happen soon - surely it must !!

Love D & R


Daisychain12 profile image
Daisychain12 in reply to Rimmy


Oh Melissa, l cannot believe it! You poor, poor darling lady!

Sending you Positive Thoughts from my Sick Bed!

Have you been in touch with your GP or considered A&E as suggested by Bee?

Get Well Soon 💕🌺💕

Jackoh profile image
Jackoh in reply to

On your sick bed too?? So sorry - you've had enough too to contend with. ❤️😘

Jackoh profile image
Jackoh in reply to

Health unlocked doesn't like me replying !!😀😀deleted two replies. Will try again later ! X

in reply to Jackoh

I’ve sent you a PM xx

scats profile image

Don't submit in total, just lay back rest and stop fighting for a while. Then when you're feeling stronger kick it back right whete it hurts!

Sending all best wishes.

powerwalk profile image

Don't know whether to laugh or cry. You have my total sympathy. With you on all of the above!! Been a rotten phase for me too!! Wishing you only the best!!

Pongo13 profile image

The misery is endless. I am comforted as I sit and read your rant written in a way to bring a belly laugh ( not good post Xmas with a tsunami of wobbly muffin top but who gives a 💩 - my fav emoji). November = shingles for the whole month, never had it that bad. December = hand foot and mouth, hands peeled so badly I used the foot pedicure on them - they are still peeling and now the trotters have started. My pilates colleagues recoiled in horror today. New year and straight into a cold. Woopy do. I'm tapering soon to be going from 8.5 to 8 but with all this going on, I'm taking my time and somehow the doctors have left me enough steroids to be master of my own destiny. Heady days. My New Years resolution this year is to be more positive. Last year my plan not to use the 'f' word failed miserably at 1.15 am as I was cut up on a roundabout. Mamici1 - don't give up! Just have a little rest and keep those fingers flying over the keyboard. Your rantings are eagerly looked forward to! Happy new year. Xxx

Footfairy-1 profile image

I'm so so so sorry this is happening to you. 😢 Horrific isn't a strong enough word 😱

I'm with Scats on this - after seeing doc, lay back and rest for a while 🛏. You'll soon know when it's time to fight back 🥊

I'd love to make everything good for you. You deserve good health - but then we all do. 💕

Oh you poor thing,how dreadful for you.Sending you lots of love and healing prayers,hoping you will soon be feeling so much better.Take care virtual hugs coming your way.xx

Pipalina profile image

I'm not sure what to say that will make you feel better - but I am so sorry you are having to endure this ongoing pain, discomfort and bloody c..p. It's a test indeed!

I do hope you will have better days to come, Melissa, BIG LOVE - Kathy xxx

teesher profile image

Ok, Melissa brace yourself. Here are two arms coming to give you a great big hug. X

CT-5012 profile image

So sorry, 💩💩 and more💩 Sending you lots of sympathy and big soft hugs. Dot.

stellafmdm profile image

Oh what a mess!! Poor you Melissa! So sorry, I hope your life takes an upturn soon! Love and hugs and prayers to you. xxxxxx

JulianJ profile image

Melissa, what a way to start the year, one think i'm sure is that you will be back and writing more of your posts and kicking the deamons again, for now, do what you need and take the time to recover.

I'm sure you are enjoying all the hugs from all of us on here and have some more from me :)

Daisychain12 profile image

Call a f****ng ambulance. Make them take you seriously. It’s insane cruelty. My heart aches and breaks for you. When my ex husband left me I “ broke” and lay unwashed and unfed on a filthy bed for three days. It passed and yours will too. I promise. You are allowed to collapse. Linda. Xxxxxxxxx

Rimmy profile image
Rimmy in reply to Daisychain12

Yes Linda - I think you are right !! an ambulance or return to A & E - WHATEVER it takes but some REALLY SERIOUS attention for Melissa until they figure everything out .... One of the hardest things to read about on HU is the inadequate (putting it mildly) or inappropriate treatment so many people have had when they really need help the most.


Daisychain12 profile image
Daisychain12 in reply to Rimmy

Oh Rimmy. It’s desperately sad isn’t it. This vile way of existence. And these beauty souls who valiantly battle to keep us all going. Xxx

Rimmy profile image

Thinking of you Melissa ... 🌻🌻🌻


coda123 profile image

Let you go? Never. Rest and rise again dear Melissa

York54 profile image

Melissa, everyone has said what we all feel, I send you a gentle hug and wish you well xxx

Jackoh profile image

So so sorry Melissa that yet again you are suffering . There are no words to say except that we do understand, care and are routing for you. Will be in my prayers. Good advice also given here about going back to doctor or A&E. It's such a pain , literally and metaphorically but you need this sorted, xx❤️❤️

Well M even in extremis you summon up the energy to express yourself so fffing eloquently!! One way or another please get yourself to AE & chain yourself to a bed! As Jackoh says it needs to be sorted.ATB

morrison profile image

❤❤❤ xx

GOOD_GRIEF profile image

Oh, Mel. This sucks.

I'm no medic, but if you're feeling this badly, maybe you need to check into a hospital where they can run a bevy of tests and load you up with medications.

Please take care. Make sure you're getting enough water and monitor your temperature.

If it's high, go get help.

Thinking of you...

Ciar profile image

And I was feeling sorry for myself for having a root canal on New Year’s Eve with a subsequent day long raging toothache the next day. That was no picnic, but at least it was mostly over by Jan 2. Very sorry to hear you’re still having such a rough time, Melissa, and I would like to say “This, too shall pass”. But since I came down with PMR, that trite saying doesn’t seem to mean much anymore. I’m going in 4 days for a “partial corneal transplant” on my only decent eye and won’t be able to see much for around 2 weeks if things go well (condition unrelated to PMR, but I’m beginning to wonder...) Might as well laugh!

Daisychain12 profile image

Any news Melissa darling? Xxxx

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