Hi I’m a 60 year old rejuvenated teenager ,living with pmg /gca only recently diagnosed but suffered as you all with wrong diagnosis.ivguess I’ve joined you all for support kindness an understanding,as not in a happy place at mo .can any of you tell me how many of you have lost or partially lost you sight , as I’m a great believer in knowledge is power 👍hope you reply
Help !!!!: Hi I’m a 60 year old rejuvenated... - PMRGCAuk
Help !!!!

Hi a fellow nonsleeper seeing as ur awake now! Welcome! I’m 61 recently diagnosed with PMR. I don’t have GCA luckily but developed low pressure glaucoma at Christmas and had already lost all peripheral vision in 1eye and one area in the other, so I hope I don’t get it too!!
Morning😁awe bless you an thanks for speaking to me I’m smiling already , soo how an when did they diagnose your p m g ?
Good! I was just being my normal manic self, well pre PMR normal self, as had moved hse and totally unpacked in 4 days approx 70 packing cases! Cleared the 15’ high overgrown garden in the next 5 days, oh and decided to take up the 0-5 ks challenge, jogging 3 times per week, despite everyone telling me to slow down! That was all on top of my usual activities. After week 3 of jogging I woke up with really painful knees and within a wk had bilateral pain in all my large muscles. I could hardly walk, was rigid with pain in bed, my super fit 95 yr old dad was looking after me!! Went to Gp. She ordered bloods and rang me and the next day as my markers were so high she started me on prednisolone that evening. the next day I woke up and I could move! She said that confirms the diagnosis. This was about 4 weeks ago
Oh I’ve been up since 4!!
It's quite usual to be awake early when you're on pred it will improve as the dose reduces. It is also quite normal to feel hyper until you get used to it.
Most of us are frightened and low to start with. We miss what we used to be, the real us, there is a morning process.
I'm not an expert on eyes but someone who is will be along to advise you soon. There are a lot of knowledgable and experienced people on this forum.
You could always try searching in the box top right of your page.
You’ve made me laugh and cry if only someone had said in the hospital,someone will be along soon lol and cry ,you said it miss who I used to be , I have to say this is the best.all of you know understand an care , I’m able to say , I’m hurting , I’m alone an you get it , thank you for it’s your words , your experiences that’ll be my guide x
You'll find every one here will understand it comes as a great shock to start with but once your body adjusts to the pred and you get the right dose for your needs things wont be so bad.
You're in the right place have you read some of the older posts, you'll see youre not alone.
No but I will , how long you had it ?
About 3 yrs now on pred about 3 mths less. It's not something you can rush you work with it. Are you in UK?
Ye in Kent , I was just looking for a group in Kent so I’ll have to find out when where they meet , as it’ll be great to meet like minded souls 😁 just throwing it out there
Does any one else get up at 1 a m ???
I was going to suggest a support group.
I often wake up at odd hours and have learned to live with it, I'm not working so sleep when my body needs to.
I can watch what I want on the TV without arguement in the middle of the night!
Hi Monkeymate, don't know where you are in Kent- there are a few groups. I go to the one in Maidstone which meets on a Monday morning. Our next meeting is on 24th September. You can get more details from the PMRGCAUK website as I can't remember the address!! You would be very welcome. We have an Osteopath coming to talk to us on 24th.
Hi thanks for reaching out to me I’m going to try and make it but have a hectic schedule for the next 3 weeks .this week a temperal artery biopsy /not looking forward to it then twice more to Hospital this week . Following week rheumatologist then up to guys heamotology ,, I’ll be shattered 💤💤an plenty of it !!any excuse for a snuggle under the duvet!! An how are you ?

Welcome to all us rejuvenated teenagers! And some not so rejuvenated!
If you are awake another night/morning you might like to have a look at my profile and some of my posts to give you an idea of my journey. Just tap on my picture.
Eighteen months misdiagnosed- ended up losing sight in right eye. Now in remission and off Pred for 2 years.
Hi I was up early AGAIN !!so to a peak at your post, o my ,an look at your smile 😀you’ve been through so much an obviously still are ,so I’m going to look forward to meeting you in person one day, mind you you’d have to guess who I was in the room as I don’t really look like my pic lol although I guess that could be debatable 😂😂😂
Welcome Monkeymate,you will find plenty of help and friendly support on this forum,you are no longer ‘on your own’ and Dorset Lady and PMRPro are very well informed and will be a great help to you .Good Luck !
Ah thank you , I’ve already been made to feel so welcome , tell me something as I’ve never done or joined any thing like this .can everyone see what I write or is it just you ??
It depends on your settings - when you write a post there is an option for everyone to see it or just the Community you are posting in. When you reply the same thing applies - it depends what the original poster chose. But in this case, all of us can see the reply if we can see the post. If that makes sense...
Hmm I’ll chew that one over lol
Ok so chewed an digested 😂am understood . Now a ? For you , do you or any one else ever feel heavy or limp down one side of your body ? I’m wondering if it links only to my symptoms of g c a or if it could connect with pma , “just wondering.
Are these just occasional feelings? How often have you had such episodes?
It would concern me enough to see my doctor - one-sided weakness can be a sign of a TIA (transient ischaemic attack) otherwise known as mini-strokes. Patients with GCA are felt to be at an increased risk of TIAs, especially in the first year after diagnosis so anything like that should be looked into.
Hi you hahaaa I screamed at reumotologists last year didn’t doctors was taken to a+e an told all was well when I told them I was having me mini strokes .ive had 3 I’ve legions in my brain. Doctors know it all NOT lupas aps is an auto immune deasese in brief sticky blood which attack’s itself causing fatigue pain at any time any where sties in eyes boils any where molar rash on face , joints that mimic arthritis which I have also !! But the other week was off the scale a/e did it AGAIN .sent me home saying they’d checked my bloods they hadn’t ,my great g p stepped in an result , now on blood pressure an 40 preds temperal biopsy this tues an carry on , so you see pmg gca plus aps an small vessel =time bomb in my head .di you get why I’m upset , frightened ,an oo soo angry ???
I do.
O thanks I was hoping for your words of wisdom lol 😂😂😂
Sorry, don't really have any - I thought your reply was saying it IS being followed up and you certainly have reason for having TIAs. I was commiserating - because I really DO understand why you feel as you do. I would too.
I know , but we ,all of us are up against soo much an all we can do is hold on . I know I may come over as soon an gloom but I really do have some great days , an not do I make the best of them 🍷if only lol . Why do you think I’m called monkey mate ??
Evening my friend, just letting you know I’m in hospital tomorrow Tuesday for the temperal artery biopsy , oo I’m nervous , will it hurt ? It’s the needle in my head that’s freaking me out , an how much of my hair will they shave 👀?? By the way do you know if there is something wrong with the site as I couldn’t get in my monkey has gone missing so I guess he’s gone looking for all your bananas 🍌 lol
Honestly don't know I'm afraid. The anaesthetic needle will be fine (as in thin) and they may even use numbing cream - I don't know. But close your eyes and it will be no worse than at the dentist - the thought is worth than the deed!
The site has driven me up the wall all afternoon - but i was blaming my wifi!!!
But pmrpro IHATE DENTIST lol, I know I’m being a winger but I’m afraid, an secretly affraid of a proven diagnosis. Because of all my other allments . I was try today to get a photo of a report from hospital last year for your perusal , but it’ll keep till the sites up anvrunning again properly!! Hope your well x
Hi Welcome Monkeymate
We’re all ‘teenagers’ in the head & as Dorest Lady says some more rejuvenated than others!
I’m a PMR’er coming up 7years so can’t offer anything on GCA but PMR been there, done that & got the Tshirt, pretty much like the rest of us.
If you wake in the night we have our friends from Down Under & the USA & Canada drop in somewhere in between, then there’s the UK Insomniac’s so always someone around, never be lonely!
Best Wishes
Mrs N 💅🏼

Hahahaaaa my sons in the USA 🇺🇸 I’m sure he’d kill you for that lol an I promise you I will not wake you or any of you anymore , you lucky sleeping beauty’s
I meant our US friends wake up some where in between so we’re pretty much a 24/7 Group!

I know I was playing , but it really is a great idea , so I’ll be sure to let you know if I do ha ha