Eyesight Improving .... !!?: Hi Everyone I have... - PMRGCAuk


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Eyesight Improving .... !!?

Rimmy profile image
33 Replies

Hi Everyone

I have read tons on here about prevention of eyesight loss for GCA andthe somewhat then ironic problem of Pred blurring eyesight as well - but would obviously 'prefer' the latter to the former like all of us ! While I have noticed small changes in my vision since my dx about 18 months ago I am now surprised - after tapering back 'up' to 30mg for an apparent GCA 'flare' to find I can see MUCH better without my glasses - for the mid-long distance anyway. This was so unexpected I walked around for days with my giggers on thinking bugger !!!! - more Pred means this blurriness again ! I must be slow on the uptake as I just happened to be trying to read the tiny ticker-tape running along the news on TV when I ripped my glasses off in frustration only to find everything was as clear as a bell !!! This seemed so strange as my glasses are a recent prescription and I haven't been able to read so clearly at that distance for years.

I have rabbited on about eyesight here before and can recall with PMRpro discussing sliding our glasses 'up and down' our noses for varying effects at different times - but this is quite different - it is like I have much 'younger' vision. I am assuming this is NOT a 'miracle' but just perhaps reduction of inflammation after 14 days on a higher dose. But still this did not happen on my first 'round' of Pred which was initially at a higher level still .... Anyway I realize it probably won't last - maybe this is just a short term 'treat' and making up for the fact my achilles pain and limping around has also caused my lower back to spasm - so for now I can 'see' - just not walk ...

Best to all


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Rimmy profile image
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33 Replies
SnazzyD profile image

Hooray for small victories! My vision has done all sorts with phases of good and bad. My optician said not to bother with getting new specs because of the variation. The most inconvenient aspect was the inability of the eyes to adjust quickly from one depth of field to the other. Enjoy the current ‘miracle’.

Rimmy profile image
Rimmy in reply to SnazzyD

Good idea SnazzyD - I think I'll wait before switching glasses again - thinking anything could happen next ..... !

Daisychain12 profile image
Daisychain12 in reply to SnazzyD

Yes Snazzy. That’s me too. All over the place but hope Rinmy has long term improvements!!!!!

Sorry to hear about the back Rimmy that's all you need! My eyes were tested last last week by a consultant neuro-ophthalmologist. My Visual Acuity was 6/6 both eyes. I assume that is normal vision! I have 3 pair of glasses,Reading,Driving & Varifocal. Cannot get on with the Varifocal & rarely use the Reading! With the pred.(17.5/15) I get morning blurring which improves over the day. When wearing glasses I am always re-positioning them! Also the pred. has tripped me into diabetes which can affect vision so I'm not sure what is causing what! Certainly like Snazzy it's not worth getting any new specs for me. Lets hope your eyes continue in their new seeing.

Rimmy profile image
Rimmy in reply to

It can sure be confusing - sometimes WITH glasses on lower Pred doses I felt like I had smeared butter on the windshield !! Now things look 'crystal' ....

Wow! Maybe it is a miracle!!!!! The Universe felt bad that you had to increase your Pred, so it gave you a little treat; better eyesight! In any case, ENJOY it! I suffer with the "Pred blurring eyesight," and boy... does it piss me off! I cant see with or without my glasses! I hope you are settling into the 30 mg and have not experienced any negative side effects! Be well my friend, be well. xxx

PS Sorry about lower back spasm. : (

Rimmy profile image
Rimmy in reply to

Thanks Melissa - 'miracles' aren't common these days - at least not for me BUT this feels like a tiny one AND also after 2 hours on the phone with a very patient techie woman we have FINALLY solved some very frustrating internet probs - we now have some 'speed' ... for a change. And with a 'nice' dose of codeine my back feels reasonable - first painkillers since Pred - which obviously doesn't fix 'all' things. GCA symptoms have also faded since the 30 mg so feel grateful also for that and will start to taper VERY slowly again soon. Thanks for being such a warm, kind and generous soul .... and you WILL also get better vision back over time - I'm sure of it although i don't get all the vagaries or 'science' of it - but assuming reduced inflammation and one day less Pred also will somehow help !


in reply to Rimmy

Well I think you've just proven that miracles abound... better eyesight, faster internet, the wonders of codeine, and GCA fading in the background... You hit the "miracle," jackpot! ; )

Maybe bad vision isn't such a a bad thing... my house looks pretty good. Think I'll chill today! xxx

scats profile image

So nice to switch on and see some good news! I'm so pleased for you.

I haven't heard about pred bluring vision it may explain the problems I'm having since the cataract operation. Had focus problems before op. but put it down to the cataracts.

Angiejnz profile image

Grab that silver lining with both hands and hang on!!!

Rimmy profile image
Rimmy in reply to Angiejnz

Thanks Angiejnz - I'm sort of tentatively swinging on that lining for a wee while anyway !!

PMRpro profile image

OH has also noted a significant improvement in distance vision over the last few years (lucky devil) and now doesn't wear specs for driving. He noticed it he didn't see as well with specs as without - and the sight test confirmed it. No-one can account for why it has happened except I can confidently say it wasn't pred!

Can't see anything else mind - but maybe that is being male...

Rimmy profile image
Rimmy in reply to PMRpro

Lucky for your OH PMRpro - but as I am a gal being a male can't be a major defining characteristic - & obviously I'd also like to think there is hope for all the women here - after all it seems the blokes tend to get over some of the stuff a bit faster. It is an interesting phenomena though as I think in some way (in my case anyway - database of 'one') it must be connected to reduced inflammation. The problem is clearly complicated though because Pred can also interfere and often does with vision - so I suppose its ultimately about the combination of benefits and disadvantages and the balance we have at any one time with this sometimes 'mysterious' drug ...?

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Rimmy

Er - the being male was related to not being able to see anything else. You know, looking for something like a man does...

in reply to PMRpro

Bring back Ironside I say!

Rimmy profile image
Rimmy in reply to PMRpro

Oh - ha ha ha !!! I am dim sometimes ....

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Rimmy

Are you old enough to remember the song? "My eyes are dim, I cannot see..."

;-) ;-) ;-)

Rimmy profile image
Rimmy in reply to PMRpro

Um it rings a bell - but a very distant one .... Monty Python ? But I am thinking it is NOT just my eyes in fear of being dim (again) these days ....

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Rimmy

WW1 I believe!!!! The Scouts and other such associations used to sing it round the campfire. Google it...

Daisychain12 profile image
Daisychain12 in reply to PMRpro

We used to sing the second line as “ I left my bra in the wc”. How odd.

in reply to PMRpro

And gifted!!!

Rimmy profile image
Rimmy in reply to

Ha ha ha !!!!

peace_lover profile image

Strangely enough my long distance vision has improved over the last year or two, and my optician told me that can happen with age ( not the short vision though, that just deteriorates ☹️). I always wore specs for driving and watching TV but now find I don’t need them and the eye test confirmed it. I was never at the legal point of needing them for driving, but initially they did help with focussing. I occasionally wear them (anti dazzle ones) for long distance driving at night but otherwise don’t bother.

At this point in life I’m just grateful for small mercies....

Rimmy profile image
Rimmy in reply to peace_lover

Thanks - maybe it is just simply then that I am getting (even) 'older' - but I think I prefer the 'miraculous' version of things ...

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to peace_lover

That's what I meant with OH...

Mikb profile image

I believe in miracles. And you deserve it!

altywhite profile image

Make the most of it I say...just in case!! :-) I too have ranted a tad about my eyesight over the last couple of years...in the end had cataract surgery and am now much happier!!! Who knows what this crazy pred really does?? I was feeling a bit 'off' on my 7mg so upped it to 7.5 every other day.....just a smidge I know, but it seems to have worked!! Sorry about the back issues, hope it improves soon.

Valnvaughan profile image

My eyesight has changed since PMR and Pred 3 years ago.

My reading is better without glasses, but optician says could be an age thing. My distance is slightly better. Pressure in my eyes slightly raised and being monitored. Peripheral vision essential for driving is fine. Optician very good to me since a bleed in my optic nerve blood supply in one eye 4 years ago. Like you I get days when everything is blurry. My annoying thing is loads of 'floaters' in my eyes.

Good day today.......party for my 71st birthday for 24 friends......3 days of catering. Glad PMR is behaving!

Me: PMR since July 2015, Pred from 15 to 3.5mg with a few flares.

Rimmy profile image
Rimmy in reply to Valnvaughan

Happy Birthday !! - I hope you have an enjoyable day !! Yes floaters can be a bother - especially against nice 'clear' skies. Interested to read you say you have 'just' had PMR (and not GCA as well) given your eye bleed - or was that perhaps unrelated as generally loss of sight or such extreme issues with GCA are about lack of blood supply ? Anyway seems like you have tapered successfully so far -and I dream of ever being at 3.5mg - here's hoping one day.

Many happy returns !!

Valnvaughan profile image
Valnvaughan in reply to Rimmy

The bleed at the back of the eye was extremely frightening. I had 'butterfly fluttering' effect right in my vision line. Went from optician to emergency eye appointment in half an hour! Eventually put down to high blood pressure. Now I must self monitor and keep BP below 135 / 90. This was one year before PMR. But was followed by repeated urinary infections and then severe chest infection from which I struggled to recover. Think it was my body sending me messages!

Thanks for wishes on 10 minutes rest after4 hours cooking this morning and 2 hours to go.......Need a shower!


stellafmdm profile image

I keep 5 pairs of glasses and switch between them as my vision changes. It saves constant visits to the optician!

Hi as you know I am into all things natural. I have been taking a supplement called EYESBRIGHT the last 6 weeks or so. It has really helped with the pain I was getting around the eye socket and sore dry eyes, and my eyesight seems a lot more clearer now too.

Glad you eyes are doing better, X

SheffieldJane profile image

How interesting! 🧐 ( really). X

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