Would I be safe to take Evening Primrose Oil with my Prednisolone?
Evening Primsore Oil and Prednisolone: Would I be... - PMRGCAuk
Evening Primsore Oil and Prednisolone

Freudian slip.....primsore oil?
Not to worry Mary, didn't notice until you pointed it out, it's a symptom of 'pred head'....anyway sorry I can't help with your query, I can't tolerate Primrose Oil, but I'm sure someone will be along who does know...there usually is...
I don’t think it will hurt Maryfrombury, what does it help? I used to take it for Pre- menstrual tension. I was irritable then too sigh!
My hubby, being the sort of person that he is, lets evening primrose grow in the garden, instead of weeding it up (it is a weed) on the off chance that its benefits will somehow magically transfer to him. He thinks it will help with allergies or sinus or something like that. But he doesn't notice when I throw the plants in the compost bin.
I rather like the plant Heron. A weed after all is just a plant in the wrong place!!

It's okay but as it doesn't really bloom at an interesting time, evening primrose after all, it's not the most charming weed on the block. And how weird can you get, leaving a scraggly and ever multiplying plant to grow because you've heard an extract from it might help allergies???? We have a similar plant, much shorter and restrained, called sundrops. They are blooming right now and I love them. They are also a wildflower, closely related to evening primrose, and they fit nicely into a tangled garden!
Not so different view on plants from myself Heron. See it all in our different ways!