Just so you can all be jealous...UPDATE...THUNDER... - PMRGCAuk


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Just so you can all be jealous...UPDATE...THUNDERSNOW!!!!

GOOD_GRIEF profile image
33 Replies

I'm working from home today in my jammies on the couch, watching the second Nor'easter of the week develop into a major snow storm about to dump a foot of snow in NYC.

I could tell yesterday, even without the weatherman, that something wicked this way comes. I was achey and irritable all day, and was restless all nght until the storm finally got started around 2AM.

Not so today! The storm is here, it's snowing heavily, and I feel pretty well comparitavely. I'll feel it again tonite when the storm moves off, and maybe into tomorrow. But right now, I'm feeling OK.

Yes, I know. Contrary to what others would feel, but that's just my nature. I take it as positive proof that I'm special!

UPDATE: YES, we have THUNDERSNOW!!!! Huge bolts of lightning and thunder followed by whiteout! Can't see scross the street!

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GOOD_GRIEF profile image
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33 Replies
DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer

Of course you’re special 😳. Enjoy the day nice and cosy.

GOOD_GRIEF profile image
GOOD_GRIEF in reply to DorsetLady

Well, at least as long as the power holds up!

PMRpro profile image

I feel the weather - but worse before it arrives than once it is here. Especially snow - it's OK. Rain and wind are far less pleasant,

markbenjamin57 profile image
markbenjamin57 in reply to PMRpro

Same for me. Freezing cold but dry weather is better for me symptoms-wise than the damp, windy stuff - even if the ambient temperatures are higher. Something to do with Relative Humidity affecting blood oxygen maybe? - and the effects amplified by a compromised circulatory system with vascular illnesses like PMR..?

On my travels for work in countries like Finland, Norway, Sweden and Ukraine a few years ago (even pre-PMR), the air always felt 'fresher and cleaner' than in the relatively damp south west of the UK. I even noticed the difference on my travels to the East Coast of the UK.

Food for thought...?

MB :-)

jannie21 profile image
jannie21 in reply to markbenjamin57

Interesting......we have been living on the East Coast since the end of September and the air is completely different to Warwickshire where we lived previously. I also have bronchiectasis and humidity is not good for me, so apart from less pollution I believe the drier air makes me feel so much better.

markbenjamin57 profile image
markbenjamin57 in reply to jannie21

That's it then jannie - I'm moving from Weston super Mare to Great Yarmouth next week (cheaper than Helsinki..!) ;-) :-D

jannie21 profile image
jannie21 in reply to markbenjamin57

We are in Lincolnshire, not so far east as Great Yarmouth!!! Still cheaper than Helsinki as well!!!

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to jannie21

Think I'd prefer Helsinki - but it is awfully dark in the winter...

SheffieldJane profile image

I feel good during storms too and terrible before- hand. Glad you feel good you sound very cosy.

Soraya_PMR profile image

Now that’s interesting. As you’ve probably read, the UK had snow last week. Prior to pred I was a cold mortal, but not now! I was clearing the pavement (with care and help from son) salting a dangerous slope, visited to check on elderly neighbours and ran a couple of errands for them. Good week I’d say :)

The weather changed into Saturday, rain again, temperatures above freezing, Sat and Sun I lazed around doing nothing much.....Monday! Urgh! I spent the entire day wondering if my eyes would open and I might actually wake up, so fatigued and with general yuckiness, I cancelled all plans and submitted to the sofa. Tuesday half an inch better. Today another half inch and have achieved 2 things.

So may I jump onto your special contrary boat? I think I may be @rse about face too ;)

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to Soraya_PMR

I think it comes with the territory! 😏

GOOD_GRIEF profile image

Delighted to welcome you aboard!

Thundersnow sounds really exciting!! I am missing the snow. I like it nice and deep and freezing cold. Today dryish but no crispness. The damp windy days will be around soon and then I will know it.

SheffieldJane profile image
SheffieldJane in reply to

I am exactly the same Poopadoop. I never lost the childlike wonder at extreme weather. Thunder snow! Wow!

Sorry to be insensitive GOOD_GRIEF, but we are only about 6 years old.

Just hole up and keep cosy.

markbenjamin57 profile image


It's strange, I felt like this too before the (relatively) cold snap in the UK last week. During the 2 days of minus 15 degree Celsius ('feel like') temperatures, I felt quite invigorated despite the Freeze. Since things have warmed-up to 7-10 degrees ('feel like' about 2 degrees), I've actually felt worse symptoms-wise :-(.

I put it down to the ambient Humidity as much as the Temperature. And, of course, a little Excitement can come into the equation too?! ;-)

MB :-)

GOOD_GRIEF profile image
GOOD_GRIEF in reply to markbenjamin57

Snow is not exciting for we NYC commuters. It's a "royal pain", if you'll excuse the expression.

The folks up to the northwest are really getting hit - 18+ inches and counting.

markbenjamin57 profile image
markbenjamin57 in reply to GOOD_GRIEF

Oh, I see..

in reply to GOOD_GRIEF

We often follow your weather a couple of weeks later if the wind comes that way. However we are lucky we have watered down version. When we have proper snow the country grinds to a halt because we don't have the right equipment. The last time we had snow that lasted more than a week or so was about 6 or 7 years ago when the whole country was white for weeks. I suspect thats why some of us love the snow...we don't get it that often. Safe travelling!!

HeronNS profile image

Time will tell, but it looks like Nova Scotia will have a nice slushy mess, and the Weathernetwork is describing the storms coming along as "the triplets" so it ain't over yet. So far we've escaped the snowmageddon hitting NE and NB and points west. Oddly enough I often feel worst, headachy, when the weather gets nice again. 🙄

GOOD_GRIEF profile image
GOOD_GRIEF in reply to HeronNS

Yeah, looks like another storm Sunday through Monday.

More couch time for me!

markbenjamin57 profile image
markbenjamin57 in reply to HeronNS

I can relate...

GerriMc profile image

That’s what we had last week. Three feet of snow and no one going anywhere. Stay warm and enjoy the view!

TooSore profile image

Tried to copy and paste a photo but it won't let me 🙁. The snow keeps coming... we've had a few broken branches that have made me jump. Lost power for 21 hours for the last one but roads were clear. This one we are stuck. Over a foot so far.

-LJ- profile image


stellafmdm profile image

Hi GOOD-GRIEF I broke my 5th metatarsal falling down a step in 2016. I is an excellent weather reporter, aching in advance of bad weather, just to let me know what is coming!! (I could have done without the fall though, it included a badly sprained ankle!!)

Sooooooo, how much did you get?

PS - Yes you are special!!!!

GOOD_GRIEF profile image
GOOD_GRIEF in reply to

Just under a foot, which turns into over 3 feet at the corners and the curbs when the snow plows go through.

It's more than a bit of a challenge getting over the man-made snow drifts for this old gal, not to mention shoveling out the car. More on that another day, as I'm not even contemplating doing that job until the next storm, expected Sunday/Monday, finishes whatever it's going to pile on.

The funny thing is once you get to Manhattan, having dodged downed trees, ice falling from trees, newly formed streams running over the snow carrying the melt from the crest of the hill, it looks like nothing happened. Streets cleared. Sidewalks shoveled and dry.

30 miles from my house, they got over 2 feet.

in reply to GOOD_GRIEF

Wow! I am originally from Worcester Massachusetts and I remember getting a good ol "nor'easter!" every once in awhile! A foot is a lot!!!! 2-3 is ridiculous!!!!

Stay warm! Stay safe! Stay in!!!!

GOOD_GRIEF profile image
GOOD_GRIEF in reply to

I spent a winter in Boston a few years ago. On Tuesdays the snow would come up from the South. One Thursdays it came in from Chicago.

By the end of February the snow was over my head...and I'm 5 ft 9 inches tall.

I was lucky that I chose an apartment near the office at the Pru, and only had to walk from Marlborough Street in Back Bay.

in reply to GOOD_GRIEF

Oh Wow! Was that February 2015? My brother was in hospital, struggling with lung cancer, and I flew over for 3 weeks... we had (I think) 6 snowstorms in 3 weeks!!!! It was CRAZY!

GOOD_GRIEF profile image
GOOD_GRIEF in reply to

I think it was the winter of 2010-2011.

Sandy1947 profile image

Yes, you are very special! New term, thunder snow, what’s next? Shocked I don’t get cabin fever. Lifted light weights, clean drawers, made soup and started a new book. The snow is very heavy. My poor little white dog hates it! Hope you stay put today.

HeronNS profile image

Snowed nice heavy snow this morning, then rained. Windy. We lost power for a couple of hours, but back again. I decided to let nature take its course and I'm not going to shovel, scrape, or clean off the cars. Hubby not recovered from whatever he's had, although cough much better; he's now complaining of severe pain in shoulder, so no help there.

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