Has anyone out there any ideas about how to keep the BP up? Since I got out of hospital, mine keeps dropping so that I feel like a wet rag and can't function properly! However the PMR pain is still more or less under control on 9mg Pred. Any ideas would be welcome. Thanks folks, as always, for your very helpful ideas!
Low Blood Pressure: Has anyone out there any ideas... - PMRGCAuk
Low Blood Pressure

It is more usual to have raised blood pressure with Pred, I think. Do you have a condition that causes low blood pressure?
Are you sure that your “ wet rag” symptom stems from your blood pressure? I wonder if it could be to do with your Adrenal system. 9 mgs is a high dose for it to be that but some people absorb less. I am assuming that your doctor is exploring solutions for you - if not, she/ he needs to be.
Are you on any other meds? They might be causing a postural drop.
Low B.P. is rather more difficult to manage than high. It can also increase the risk of falls
Cause is important, before suggesting remedies. But ensuring a good fluid intake (unless you’re on a fluid restriction) would apply to all.
Sometimes support stockings can help, but you need your pulses checking before trying this route.
Taking your time when rising from bed/chair and some toe/foot/lower leg exercises before rising can help.
What were you in hospital for?
Thank you Soraya_PMR, I was in hospital for an infection in my gall bladder. Yes I am trying to keep the fluids up, and I do get up carefully (when I remember) I will do some foot excercises before standing that is a good idea, I am on other meds, but nothing new and none of them have been a problem to date. Support stockings could be a good suggestion, I'll check it out first though. Many thanks for your good suggestions, as always much appreciated.

When I had similar problems after the birth of my second daughter (90/60 was a really good day!) my GP told me to not bother with a cup of coffee in the afternoon but pop open a mini bottle of bubbly (it being Germany the recommendation was for sekt). Said it would work better than any drug he could give me. It did.
And tasted better and was more fun...
Has anyone measured your erect and supine ( lying and standing ) BP to see if you have postural hypotension?
Low BP can be associated with sepsis, is the infection completely clear? Are your electrolyte levels ( particularly sodium and potassium ) normal as low levels can affect BP? Do you feel your heart racing at the same time as auto immune disease can affect the autonomic nervous system.
I would see your GP and get assessed for postural hypotension etc if you haven’t already been.

Thanks Keyes, Yes they have done my erect & supine pressures, and it does drop if I stand too fast! I do hope the infection is clear, I feel much better and the Drs let me go so I presume it is! They also gave both sodium and potassium drips in hospital. No heart racing connected although I get the occasional thumps! It is an odd complaint as for years they have been treating me for high BP!
This one will sound strange and may well be. Years ago, treating a patient who had a tendency to faint when his blood was drawn. Very reasonably this caused a fear of needles and blood draws. I did some research into the physiological cause of the fainting.
I found this: During the blood collection process, blood volume decreases, causing a sudden drop in blood pressure. This sudden drop causes some people to pass out while they give blood. Sudden decreases in blood sugar level also cause fainting during blood donation.
If you feel that you are getting weak, then to avoid fainting: do exercises using your muscles: cross your legs, tense your muscles all over your body or your gluteal muscles – this will keep blood pressure from dropping; ... consume salt (salty biscuits at the Blood Centre, salty meal after leaving the centre)
Leaving out the recommendations specifically targeting the blood draw scenario, the suggestion about crossing legs and tensing muscles all over your body including your gluteal muscles, might be a worthwhile one to try....in addition to hydration as recommended etc.