What are inflammatory markers for PMR.
Inflammatory markers: What are inflammatory markers... - PMRGCAuk
Inflammatory markers

There are no inflammatory markers that are specific for PMR - ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate) and CRP (c-reactive protein) are both used but they can be raised due to other things as well, even just a cold or chest infections in particular for CRP. ESR and CRP just are indications that there is inflammation of some sort somewhere in the body.
Just curious if you have ever heard of a connection between GCA/PMR and patients having/getting Multiple Myeloma, or testing positive forMGUS, a possible precursor of MM?
I don't think there is a direct connection in that PMR/GCA don't lead to MM. But PMR is just the name given to a set of symptoms caused by an underlying disease process. And there are several of them, which MUST be ruled out before plumping on "You have PMR" - it is a diagnosis of exclusion, exclude other options, then it is more likely it is is "just" PMR.
One of the more unpleasant causes of PMR symptoms is MM as well as a couple of other cancers. So you might apparently have PMR and later MM be found - but the "PMR" was being caused by the underlying malignancy.
In 2012 MGUS was picked up in a blood test as a “marker” for MM...but only that, just a “marker”. I don’t remember the details/description of the bloodwork, but iL6 was mentioned. I was on a regimen of doing bloodwork every 6 months, so in 2014 when I started having symptoms of PMR, I called him, but he said my symptoms did not indicate a connection to MM. I was fortunate in that I had a complete hysical &blood panel 6 months before I did my first ESR & C-Reactive protein test. Both were very, very high...so he suspected PMR immediately...and he was right. So the Actemra I am taking is combatting the iL6.
I stopped doing the blood test for the MGUS a long time ago because it was too stressful. Had a “negative” MGUS Test...then they called back and reversed it!
I got on this tack partially because of podo’s question about an iL6 Test. My MGUS Test was always at a cancer center, finger prick and instant results...5 minutes...readout on a computer!....covered by insurance.
Hello, there’s nothing specific just for PMR sadly. The markers tested for ESR and CRP are general inflammatory markers that can be made to rise by any acute, large or widespread inflammation in the body. They just tell you something’s going on not what is going on. So to diagnose PMR they would look at symptoms and history to make an educated guess that the raised markers too means probably PMR. To make matters worse, some people don’t get raised markers or they can still be the normal range but be raised for them as individuals. I came into that category.
Here are some links to explain the tests
I believe that IL6 is a better marker than ESR & CRP but no one seems to use it. Does anyone know why? Is it too expensive or technically difficult?