“REST”...definition: “To cease work or movement in... - PMRGCAuk


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Klah profile image
67 Replies

“To cease work or movement in order to relax, refresh oneself or recover strength.” As PMRpro recently pointed out, driving the car around is not “REST”, nor is socializing with a friend, or going for a stroll. Doing NOTHING is REST, embrace it😊 your PMR/GCA will thank you!

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Klah profile image
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67 Replies
SheffieldJane profile image

That is so true and it's the part that non sufferers find hard to grasp. Taking part in an activity that they regard as leisure can be hard work for us.

I am becoming hermit- like. 😕

Longtimer profile image
Longtimer in reply toSheffieldJane

Me too, quite housebound at times....everything such an effort!

SheffieldJane profile image
SheffieldJane in reply toLongtimer

👋 hi over there! X

Longtimer profile image
Longtimer in reply toSheffieldJane

When I first went on pred, yonks ago, I was like a car with a new engine...or a Mazzeratti....now, like Del boy's 3 wheeler😉.....and that's on good day....

HeronNS profile image
HeronNS in reply toLongtimer

My husband said I was like the Energizer bunny!

Sandy1947 profile image
Sandy1947 in reply toHeronNS

So was I! In hind sight I’m learning less is more. We must gratefully accept our slower, more purposeful selves. More thoughtful decisions out of necessity bring more joy. I’m happy to cross the last few things off my shorter to do list. Faster is not always better.

Longtimer profile image
Longtimer in reply toSandy1947

To do or not to do, that is the question......but today, no choice, have to think about how to get in the car to go to hospital for x ray!....hopefully it will be standing up.....or I`m in trouble!........

Thinking about how we used to be when first on Pred, I had been ill for a long while, and it made me sad at what I had been missing, and how life should be, but alas it didn`t last long.......hey-ho....

Sandy1947 profile image
Sandy1947 in reply toLongtimer

Good luck with the X Ray...hope you’re comfortable. Glad sadness went away!

Longtimer profile image
Longtimer in reply toSandy1947

Don`t think the X Ray will help my problems really, thanks anyway, I wish it would.....after 6 years of being on pred (started at 15mg with horrendous side affects always) my useless Rheumie now says maybe it`s not PMR, and when I`m down to 5mg he`ll have another think! I am in so much pain/stiffness......his answer.....paracetamol or codeine..... I`m housebound for months on end......

No use trying another rheumy, they all follow the same protocol in my hospital, it`s called arrogance!

Sandy1947 profile image
Sandy1947 in reply toLongtimer

Too much suffering not to try another hospital and Dr. Ask Drs, Dorset Lady and PMRPro for recommendations. They know everything.

pmrkitty profile image
pmrkitty in reply toLongtimer

So sorry you're not doing well. I'm pretty new and hope I'm not in your predicament five years from now. Do the doctors really know what they are doing? I would like to find a rheumatologist who has PMR, could prove to be interesting.

Longtimer profile image
Longtimer in reply topmrkitty

I quite agree I feel in limbo in lots of pain..... Have I got PMR or not, and if not, what am I not being treated for?......thank you

Marilyn1959 profile image
Marilyn1959 in reply toLongtimer

What I can't understand is why we have the initial euphoria of pred giving us our life back yet, a few months on same dose of pred, we get return of symptoms. Does our body just get used to pred and therefore it simply does not respond to the same level of pred over time? Your words above, longtimer, really resonate.

Longtimer profile image
Longtimer in reply toMarilyn1959

Shame, I wonder just how many people it does resonate with. Bearing g in mind, most people on forums like this are after answers and or advice, just hope there are more people that are dealing with PMR, and steroids without problems!

I think you maybe right, are bodies become accustomed to the dosage of pred so needs more for affect, that is what I have found anyway, or that's how it seems.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply toMarilyn1959

Marilyn: By no means everyone has that experience. I'd suspect that maybe some people have a form of PMR that cycles in activity more than others and they may reduce the dose at a point where the activity is relatively low and then it wakes up again so the dose is no longer enough.

And others probably get a bit gungho and start to do more - and when you do too much, PMR will come back and bite you on the bum!

Klah profile image
Klah in reply toPMRpro

Do you have us under secret surveillance?😆

Pollyanna16 profile image
Pollyanna16 in reply toLongtimer

Said something similar to my GP only yesterday! Though not do eloquently😂

SheffieldJane profile image

Same here! I almost envy newbies, almost,not quite. I can't keep my eyes open today.

Klah profile image
Klah in reply toSheffieldJane

So did I...but then I forget, flare🔥 and start all over again!

bunnymom profile image

You are so right and I just figured it out!

Klah profile image
Klah in reply tobunnymom

Too bad I am not going to be there....you would love it. When you say “We’re leaving” I am the first one out the door...waiting forever for everyone else! Maybe you should have some Baileys in your coffee😊

HeronNS profile image

I'm quite dreading tomorrow morning, rather than looking forward to it as I normally would, because although I tried to tell my friends Thursday wasn't a good morning for me to meet them for coffee as I have an art class in the afternoon they blithely carried on with their plans and now I'm driving them. I hope they understand when I said we would have to leave to come home at twelve that's what I meant. Not that we would start to get ready to leave at twelve....

Sandy1947 profile image
Sandy1947 in reply toHeronNS

Have fun and don’t worry. Eliminating worry relieves stress...the PMR enemy. Laughter with friends is medicine!

BonnyQuine profile image
BonnyQuine in reply toHeronNS

I know, Heron. You feel that real friends wouldn't put you under such 'social pressure'. But they don't understand. And then if you don't fit in with their plans you'll just be left out. It's hard. Hope it's gone ok.

HeronNS profile image
HeronNS in reply toBonnyQuine

It went okay. I was even more exhausted by the end of the day than I'd expected, but a little nap over the newspaper after supper and I'm good to go for a few more hours. Thanks. :)

Klah profile image
Klah in reply toHeronNS

Glad it went ok. I know I have a regular slump between 1:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. Then I get a second wind and can have dinner and relax....not a night person!

HeronNS profile image
HeronNS in reply toKlah

Actually I ended up with a headache which has lasted through the whole day today, despite painkillers. Have to say my limbs feel great, but my head seems to be swathed in cotton wool. Probably a change in weather, but could also be related to a sweet treat I ate yesterday morning. Should have known better but it was so tempting. And, in the end, not worth it, if it was the headache trigger. Sigh. Spent this afternoon keeping a chair warm babysitting a local art gallery and had even more trouble than usual staying awake. Must have nap this evening so I can then stay awake for one of our few good tv nights, Heartbeat (an old series from UK) and Midsomer Murders (more recent).

Soraya_PMR profile image

I'm not even sure that reading in bed is rest. Books can be so dreadfully heavy. And every couple of minutes you have to turn the page. And eyes get strained. No, reading is hard work!

I'm longing to read the latest Ken Follett, but it's 750 pages long, and I have a hardback copy. I should have waited for the paperback edition, or got it on Kindle. I've even considered pulling it apart at the spine to lessen the weight, but my love of books won't allow it.

GOOD_GRIEF profile image
GOOD_GRIEF in reply toSoraya_PMR

Kindle. By all means, Kindle.

GranniC1948 profile image
GranniC1948 in reply toGOOD_GRIEF

Couldn't get through this horrible PMR without my Kindle. I love my books but handling a Kindle is so much easier. Bonus is it doesn't disturb my dear husband either.

BonnyQuine profile image
BonnyQuine in reply toSoraya_PMR

You're so right, Soraya. I used to read loads - all my life - but don't manage to read much these days. And if you're a book lover, kindle just won't do.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply toBonnyQuine

I am a book lover, books have been my passion since I was 3 years old, well over 60 years. But I love my Kindle. I have a very small flat and live in Italy, Getting English language books is not easy even if I did have room to keep them. I have a couple of hundred on my Kindle and it fits in my handbag :-)

BonnyQuine profile image
BonnyQuine in reply toPMRpro

Hmm - food for thought - might give Kindle a try after all!

Klah profile image
Klah in reply toBonnyQuine

Ah! ITALY I would never stop eating, drinking wine and looking at the scenery😊

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply toKlah

My computer is at the window looking across the village at a mountain. But it doesn't change that much and when you live here 365 days a year - you can't JUST sit and look at it ;-)

Klah profile image
Klah in reply toPMRpro

Ha! I know what you mean. We used to live in California near the ocean..beautiful! However, after a while I would sometimes whiz down the highway without even looking😟. Guess you need to go away for a week or so and see everything anew😊

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply toKlah

I wrote on another forum a few minutes ago that we daundered up to the high valley and across the border to Austria to fill up with winter diesel today. The drive was green (pine trees), gold (larch trees), blue sky and sun - absolutely glorious. The grass is still growing in November and the cows are still grazing as if on the alm in summer. Who wouldn't want to live here? On Sunday they say we may have half a metre of snow on the mountains - reaching down to the valley too. And we have to drive to the other side to near Venice.

Might go the long way round...

Klah profile image
Klah in reply toPMRpro

It has been a while, but I remember the clean cows!

Purple-Owl profile image
Purple-Owl in reply toSoraya_PMR

Have you tried Audible? It's like the old Books on Tape, only listen on your phone or tablet. Then you don't have to do anything but listen. I listened to a Ken Follett book a while back. Try Audible.co.uk for details.

elbik profile image
elbik in reply toPurple-Owl

Thank you! Being deaf, I've ignored all hearing tapes etc but now have a cochlear implant!

Klah profile image
Klah in reply toPurple-Owl

How wonderful!!! My husband wears heating aides, so I appreciate how difficult t can be when hearing impaired. A whole new world for you! Yay! 😊

Hollyseden profile image
Hollyseden in reply toSoraya_PMR

Heavy books are a nightmare 😅I agree. Kindles are great for sleepless nights. It's a shame my eyes want to give up before my brain will go to sleep though.😕

Klah profile image
Klah in reply toHollyseden

I have the Sleep Phones...a wireless headband with ear pads....it has Bluetooth so I can download 5 or so podcasts from my phone or iPad and I am asleep bfore the 3rd one!!

Longtimer profile image
Longtimer in reply toKlah

Must look out for some of those....

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply toSoraya_PMR

GG has the answer - KINDLE!!!! Even 750 pages doesn't weigh a lot - takes a bit longer to download, that's all.

Jo_Lyn profile image
Jo_Lyn in reply toSoraya_PMR

I have the Kindle app on my phone. Recently I bought a little tripod that holds it while I read (voraciously)! I cannot hold a book to read anymore because it just hurts too much and even holding my old Kindle or my phone causes pain in my hands. I am so grateful to have found the little tripod because now all I have to do is just flick my finger to turn pages!

Grammajoy profile image
Grammajoy in reply toSoraya_PMR

I have found reading on iPhone kindle is ideal for me as I can hold the phone in my hand propped up in bed with no problem. Even though I have vision problems I can see the smaller print.

Purple-Owl profile image
Purple-Owl in reply toGrammajoy

You can alter the size of the print too if you have vision problems.

Sandy1947 profile image

I envy you. My attention span is comparable to that of my 3 yr. old grandson! Audiobooks, magazines and Netflix work best at this point. On 15 mg Pred so hopefully concentration will improve. Advice please.

Longtimer profile image
Longtimer in reply toSandy1947

Love audio books.....but couldn`t live without my music....

Grammajoy profile image
Grammajoy in reply toSandy1947

May sound crazy but I am using Rosemary oil to improve memory and concentration. Several tests have shown positive results and it cannot harm in any way. I sniff it and rub on skin. It is interesting that I have not seen any info on essential oils on this forum.

There is so much info on usage online

HeronNS profile image
HeronNS in reply toGrammajoy

Grammajoy, I've heard this too. There are certain chemicals in essential oils which can act directly on the brain. We have an excellent aromatherapy store near us. They offer classes. I took the first one and developed a headache, so they told me I shouldn't take the other levels. :( But this is where I get several things I use frequently. Rosemary (added to shampoo), lavender and magical jet lag formula, among other things. In Egypt one of the tourist things we were taken to was a place where you could get any perfume in the world that you wanted (they claimed they knew how to replicate anything), or bottles of any essential oil. It was fascinating the way they guided us through a sequence of sniff tests. Didn't get a headache from that experience! It sounded like ancient Egypt was the birthplace of aromatherapy. Fascinating.

Grammajoy profile image
Grammajoy in reply toHeronNS

I am an avid researcher and will usually try anything that cannot harm. I would use only functional medicine if I could afford it. I am right now reading about PMR and GCA and essential oils. Don't know why I never thought of that earlier🤗

HeronNS profile image
HeronNS in reply toGrammajoy

I think it's been tried by others and unfortunately PMR is one of the diseases which cannot be cured, nor properly controlled, by natural substances. An honest aromatherapist or naturopath will admit this. I do agree, however, that these things can help us, improving our wellbeing so we don't need as much pred. Certainly they can help us with pred withdrawal symptoms.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply toGrammajoy

Do check with an expert if you can - even essential oils are sometimes contraindicated. I'm sure you'll have seen something like this:


Sandy1947 profile image
Sandy1947 in reply toGrammajoy

Have you seen improvement with memory and concentration?

Klah profile image
Klah in reply toSandy1947

You mean since the Actemra, as relates to tapering of the prednisone?...yes. I compare it to other folks who have tapered the prednisone and noticed improvement in almost everything as you get to a lower dose of prednisone. How does that relate to the effects of the ActemrA killing off the excess iL6 cryotines...??

Sandy1947 profile image
Sandy1947 in reply toKlah

Sorry, My question was for Grammajoy. I want to know if see saw improvement in memory and concentration sniffing Rosemary oil.

My post went to the wrong spot. Maybe I neeed to sniff Rosemary oil!!!!

Klah profile image
Klah in reply toSandy1947

I have replied to the wrong post several times lately!😊

Rimmy profile image

Love all these comments and after 3 days digging in the garden, wheelbarrows of mulch, pruning, watering walking up and down a large property (always with something in tow) it's a long walk if you leave your secateurs at the other end of the orchard - I am yes quite EXHAUSTED !!

Last night I ate dinner (I think) and then my partner told me I fell asleep sitting up - missed the whole movie (whatever it was). Today - no pain just fatigue dragging myself around - and I've had enough - tomorrow I'm RESTING - yes truly I am - I might even stay in bed ALL DAY and shout for cups of tea and maybe pancakes !!! Lucky I know to have someone to make them for me and perhaps some valid excuses to have them made !!

But seriously like many of you I was and still am (I think) pretty active in my mid 60's and despite PMR/GCA and waves of fatigue I find it hard to slow down. I still kid myself that I could run rings around many people half my age - but no doubt I'll expire in the garden one day muttering - if not observing some final 'last' words: 'pace pace pace...rest rest rest...'

Cheerio all


Klah profile image
Klah in reply toRimmy

I also have a hard time slowing down when I am not having pain...I want to go all day....but if I make myself stop, eat and rest, then I will have something left for tomorrow! Have to be disciplined, which I am not😊

Perkey profile image

Gosh yes I agree with Sheffield Jane I feel like a hermit especially as I have only just moved up North so inclined to relax indoors I so feel I want to be active but unfortunately too much walking finishes me off ! I can't Drive round in my car because I don't know where I am going , yes I have a tom tom but haven't mastered it yet!! I will keep trying

Mai45 profile image

So true! I've had a really busy year (self inflicted) and knew I have definitely overdone things. Finally reaching a plateau with a few days to myself it's been wonderful to do the complete hermit thing. But - and I think we all have a degree of conditioning in this - I still feel a bit sneaky and guilty for turning the alarm off and going back to sleep; for pottering round in pj's and for sitting down sleeping during the day.

The guilt and feeling of lazy self indulgence intensified on Day 2 when my well meaning but maddening neighbour banged on the door to say she hadn't seen me out and about, and caught me looking really scruffy. Saying I was tired cut no ice with a neighbour 10 years or more older than me.

Why oh why are we pre-programmed to feel so guilty? Any ideas?

Klah profile image
Klah in reply toMai45

I suffer from the same thing! The problem is caring what your neighbor thinks!! Important to zero in on the things that are important, worthy of your energy (like your health), and focus on that. I have trained myself for 70 years not to do that...always worried about “appearances”. Not too late to notice what and who is important for you😊 Guilt is wasted energy (I SHOYLD know!). I was raised Catholic...took it to an extreme (no offense to all you good Catholics out there💗). Hope this did not feel like a “lecture”. If it did, it is because I am trying to make it my mantra🙏🏻 P.S. It is good practice to answer the door in your robe, all scruffy....you should have said you were “sick”...maybe even contagious🤧!!

Klah profile image
Klah in reply toKlah

Yes, you may use my post. I appreciate everyone sharing anything that they have found useful😊 Thanks!

BonnyQuine profile image
BonnyQuine in reply toKlah

Yes yes yes! Esp yr PS. Going to do this fr now on. Thanks for validation!

elbik profile image

May I use your post to suggest to PMRers to remember that 'Will' is the conscious brain but 'Power' is in the subconscious brain. We use our subconscious all the time automatically but it can also help us to heal ourselves if we put the info into it. Kate's book briefly mentions Mindfulness (or similar but her book is downstairs and I'm upstairs!). Mindfulness slows the body down making movement easier - it takes practise. Real resting is complete relaxation and is easily obtained. I've learnt these two practises following a minor stroke then major trauma. Is anyone interested?

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