What next? I'm Pre-diabetic: This is the one bullet... - PMRGCAuk


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What next? I'm Pre-diabetic

16 Replies

This is the one bullet I was hoping to dodge. With my weight gain I was already searching diabetic sites. Where I live right now I do not get enough exercise. I am on the 14th floor and am terrified of the 43 yr old elevators.

BUT, Whoopee I Am moving in a month to a new place. My apt is on the second floor and I have a porch to sit on and watch birds etc. and right out in front of me is the pool. It is more expensive but they have a ton of activities and I miss my pool more than anything. So, my thought is I will for sure be walking more and upping my bike riding. Right across the street is some businesses and right behind that is Costco, and a ton of other shopping.

Right now I am packing and sorting slowly so this move will be easy.

I will start looking at menu plans for diabetics.

I wished I could find simple menus which say eat this for breakfast and this for lunch n dinner etc. all the recipes I find have so many ingredients which I don't have.

Anyway trying to stay positive. Update I am presently on 16 mgs doing the slowwww to 15mgs. I felt bad once I reached 16 mgs but after 2 weeks on just that everything settled back down including the niggling of headache.

God bless you all as He has blessed me...


16 Replies

Hi Linda

Sounds great about your new home, good to hear your taking it steady ready for your move.

When I was at 17/16/15mg my GP was practically hysterical about me developing Diabetes & everytime I went to see him, he'd test my blood sugar & it was always OK! Now I'm down at 7mg/6.5mg he never mentions it!

Hope you enjoy your new home & are able to get out walking & bike riding. 🚴🏼‍♀️

Best Wishes

Mrs N 💅🏼

in reply to

Thanks for the wishes I am sure it will be great they have game nights n will be fun to make new friends... It is weird but while I have the moon face still I avoid seeing old friends so figure new friends will simply think I am fat lololo

My labs were not bad was 106 last time she did a Hemoglobin A1c immunoassay which shows sugar attaching to hemoglobin.

So glad you are staying in safe zone.

God bless


in reply to

Thanks Linda

Yes when I met new people on holiday I used to think the same thing, they didn't know this cubby face wasn't 'normal'

Hope you can avoid getting diabetes with some dietary changes.

Best Wishes

Angela 💐

SheffieldJane profile image

Your new apartment sounds perfect. I bet the move will help your health in every way!

Woodiesmum profile image

Omg it's so easy to stop type two diabetes x my husband had it years ago was put on two lots of tablets and then one day took control of his life back x lost 3 stone and now is still slim and clear of it x please cut the carbs out x it's very similar to the Atkins diet x lots of meat eggs loads of cheese x but watch what it's cooked in x use dripping or a lard believe it or not x go on line for low carb meals easy to follow loads of fresh salads or veg loads of fatty meat as now your body doesn't have the sugar ,it will use the fat for its energy x I have underactivd thyroid and told I would never lose weight but over a couple years I lost 4 st xx I am now on these horrible steroids so have put weight back on but I have cut down on portion size now cos I went mad eating x so time will tell x anyway good luck xxx

in reply to Woodiesmum

Thanks for advice.. The carbs are my undoing and i know I have to watch it.

I think I will write the book I can't find..

a menu plan all written out on what to eat.

I want simple easy and fast.

have a lot more to study n turn this around..

God bless


Ronnie101 profile image

Hang on in there Linda and stay positive! I'm right behind you at 17.5 mg so I'll be tracking your progress with interest!

in reply to Ronnie101

Hi Ronnie n the rest of you awesome people

This was my first week sorting n packing and trying to get to 15mgs n I will now wait till end of next month n my move to try again.... Last time I did 2.5 each drop but this time around I will listen to my body n go according to how I feel...

My present apt is a studio 13x15 my next n hopefully last is one bedroom with porch. I am on 14th floor so elevator is needed, 43 ur old n breaks down a lot so definitely won't miss it... Now I am on 2nd floor and gonna love to sit on porch....

Riversnan profile image

How lovely that your life is looking up now, we all need something to look forward to. Good luck in your new move.

Jackoh profile image

Sounds lovely re your new home and great that you have so many positive things to look forward to. I too find that just cutting out carbs has helped to keep weight more stable. Lots of green veg and meat and fish, eggs cheese and yoghurt. No bread, cake, biscuits ( although I do have two very plain ones as my only treat) sweets, chocolate, rice or pasta. I haven't lost weight but haven't put it on either. Good luck with your research on food but like you - the simpler the better for me.

X Jackie

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer

My GP was a bit concerned that I was pre diabetic when on Pred, but he didn't get into a panic about it, just told me to be sensible about eating. You don't need to go on faddy diets, as the diabetic nurse used to say to my husband, "a good diet is a diabetic diet".

As you reduce the Pred, hopefully your blood sugars will lower. Just using the stairs to your new apartment will be a great help!

My last blood sugars test - ok!

PMRpro profile image

It is relatively simple: cut carbs. Above all processed carbs. It takes something like this though to convince most people to get their head round it!

That is my permanent diet, has been for the last 7+ years. And I do NOT do complex recipes, EVER! If it has more than 4 ingredients I lose interest ;-) Woodiesmum has it absolutely right. The Atkins site has good ideas and advice and I like a site called the Diabetic Mediterranean diet


I don't eat breakfast - never have been a breakfast person - but if I do, eggs in some way, smoked salmon, ham (proper, not one drowned in salt and sugar), cheese. Main meal: meat/poultry/fish with salad/leafy veg. You get used to it. Especially once the weight starts to go...

Valnvaughan profile image


I was pre diabetic after a year on Prednisolone. Following advice from my daughter who works at Newcastle University where they are carrying out research into type 2 diabetes and diet, I followed a strict low calorie diet for 8 weeks. By strict I mean weighing, recording everything I ate and looking up the calorie content. A good investment is an accurate small digital scale to weigh everything. It is an eye opener on portion size! It worked for me. I am no longer pre diabetic and back to my pre PMR weight.

I have continued with a NO carbs diet, though not so strictly.

A helpful resource for meals etc is thebloodsugardiet.com.

Good luck with your move.


PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Valnvaughan

Yes - I did the 5:2 diet before I went low carb and found it helped me learn to control portion size. After about 3 or 4 weeks I really didn't want as much to eat and was full half way through a "normal" portion. Has it's benefits - when we eat out i take a tub and get a second meal out of it...

SusieQQ profile image

Hi Lin

You might want to consider following the blood sugar diet, it is described in a very user-friendly book by Dr.Michael Moseley. The diet is based on hard science.

It is a low carb, low sugar plan and there is evidence of it 'curing' type 2 diabetes - as it did with Michael Mosley a serious UK, TV doctor who appears on The BBC regularly.

My daughter has lost 1stone in one month - and her type 2 diabetic father has drastically reduced his blood sugar levels and lost 10lbs.

I joined them about 8 days ago and have lost 4lbs (and am on 7.5mg prednisolone daily for my PMR).

Might be worth looking at?


PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to SusieQQ

It seems to be a combo of my 2 favourite weight-control approaches: 5:2 and low carb!

Not what you're looking for?

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