Today I was diagnosed with PMR after a month of agony & prescribed Prednisolone. The doctor said it should help fairly quickly, I would be interested to know others experiences.
Newly diagnosed: Today I was diagnosed with PMR... - PMRGCAuk
Newly diagnosed

In my case a miracle happened in fifteen hours twenty five minutes, after being virtually unable to move with pain and not being diagnosed earlier.
After over a year undiagnosed I left my doctor's office clutching the prescription, went straight to pharmacy, got pred, went home, took dose (mid afternoon). That evening I was with friends at Starbucks and, as I stood up to leave, thought, "Surely the pills aren't working already? I don't hurt as much as usual". The third morning I got out of bed and while puttering around suddenly realized I'd not had to plan every move struggling to get out of bed. Thought I was cured. Little did I know it would only be the beginning of a long journey, but I'm eternally grateful to the doctor who recognised the symptoms and the medication which gave me back my life.
Thanks for your replies, I'll keep you posted
When I went on steroids the pain went after three days! Amazing. Although I have pain again now.
My pain went in 8 hours. I have been very lucky and have had no pain since. Reduced (since Jan 19th) from 20 mg to 11 mg so far...still no pain. I am aware how lucky I am compared to many.
I was better within about 17 hours on a high dose of Pred.
Inside 24 hours, went from hobbling about with a stick and hauling myself by my arms up the stairs to literally bounding up the stairs. This miraculous response is an important part of the clinical diagnosis
Hello Marylu, my pain went in about 3-4 hours. Then over the course of a week, I could stretch without any pain or stiffness. I hope the preds work as quick for you. Regards, tina

Marylu, diagnosed with both PMR and GCA and the worst of my symptoms, including ALL those of GCA miraculously disappeared within a few hours. I do hope you will be as lucky.
There is a very helpful book available (especially valuable for newly diagnosed patients) 'Polymyalgia Rheumatica and Giant Cell Arteritis: a survival guide', written by Kate Gilbert, herself a PMR sufferer now in remission. It is available on Amazon or direct from PMRGCAuk at, with all royalties from the sale being donated to the Charity.
Yep, same here, one pill (25mg) and the next morning I thought, 'that's it, solved'! I now know it was the start of the journey, but there is a plan, and a light (albeit distant) at the end of the long tunnel....
The same happened to me not long after taking them I was up and about getting someone in to do decorating just in a high son and daughter was telling me to slow down as they weren't used to this
But wow and behold didn't last long do my advice would be to take it easy and appreciate good days
Initially told it could not be PMR after my blood tests came back normal. However when symptoms rapidly worsened GP decided to try steroids. Total magical relief within 2days. Do read Kate Gilbert's book and try not to worry about side effects. Mine have been minimal. I have reduced extremely slowly ,after 3 years have now been without pred for five weeks. So far no flare up. This site has been so informative , taught me not to rush the reductions. Good luck.
5 hours for me. It was amazing for I was getting help putting my socks on in the am, 5 PM took first Prednisone 10PM I was like I'm healed! I have learned so much from this group and so thankful to have this support network. The spoon theory for one. This you want to explore right away.
Regarding Prednisone. Now on the slow reduction plan. At this time in the 2nd week reducing from 13mg to 12mg. Praying for smooth sailing to 0😂
Hi from Espana, Im interested about the spoon theory in your post, my wife has pmr, now in monthe 4 and 2 months of steroids no miraculos cure but steady improvement
The steroids won't be curing her. They didn't cure any of us. But they make life ever so much better while we wait for the disease to go away, which it usually does but only after a couple or more years.
Hi mine was less than 8hrs I ran up stairs stopped at the top Im surprised went back down then up wow I nearly cried
I cleaned the house from top to bottom t
Ah those where the days
Everyone is different, but most of us have found that the pred makes a difference within 48 hours. I hope you have a painless weekend.
Yup, everyone is different. I took the Pred late morning and fell asleep for a nap. Woke up and realised the symptoms had already greatly improved when I woke up. It's good stuff!
For me the stiffness was the worst symptom..... I could hardly go from sitting to standing without help......was put on 10 mg of Prednisone a day........after two doses I was a new woman, or the old one came back really was a miracle.....I hope it works as well for you!
I also was told it couldn't be PMR because I didn't have the blood markers. GP put me on a dose pack starting at 40 mg tapering (I think it was daily or weekly.) I went from extreme pain feeling like 100 yrs old, to no pain feeling like I was 20! Pain came back and finally was put on 20 mg., and been tapering ever since. That was 2 1/2 yrs ago...