Does anyone know if running will have... - PKD Charity for A...

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Does anyone know if running will have an effect on my cysts,

slimta profile image
7 Replies

I have been doing c25k for 6 weeks and feel ok but am slightly worried if all the jiggering will disturb anything

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7 Replies
crazymetalchic profile image

Its obviously not causing you any pain to run or you wouldnt want to do it.

Would you be running if you didnt know you had PKD? im guessing yes.

dont over do it! give yourself a bit extra recovery time between runs, warm up and cool down properly before and after you run.

make sure you drink lots of water to stay hydrated. NOT caffeine filled energy drinks as these are known to increase cyst size.

If your in alot of pain or you know a cyst has burst, Dont go running!! rest up for a few days till the bleed has stopped and the pain has gone, easy back into your exercise gently.

regular exercise can help lower your blood pressure and benefit your kidneys, look after your self and dont push your body to hard before its ready and you should be fine.

Hope that helps reasure you

ex aerobic, fitness instructor and PKD suffer :-) Trace

slimta profile image
slimta in reply to crazymetalchic

Thanks you have been a real help, I have lost 39ld doing weight watchers which has stopped all the sickness I was getting . I am really lucky I have large kidneys and liver but as yet don't get any pain. I am really enjoying c25k I could not even do the 30sec runs of week one when I started and I am now running 20 min without any walking. Thanks again

slimta profile image
slimta in reply to crazymetalchic

Hi, just wanted to say thank you and to let you know I am still running . Your words reassured me so thank you. I am unsure what to do now I am currently running 3 x a week for an hours each run. Do you think I should be mixing it up a bit or carry on adding speed or time. Do you know if its ok to do sit ups with pkd and pld. Once again thank you I would not have succeeded without you tx

slimta profile image
slimta in reply to crazymetalchic

Ps I have now lost 60.5lbs

crazymetalchic profile image

Your most welcome and very well done on your weightloss and improvement in fitness. Thats awesome!!!

Keep it up and remember not to over push your self and improvements will keep comming :-)

Running caused my cysts to burst and made me very sick for 3 hours after. IT also caused a great deal of pain and released infections.

I used to be a runner. The answer depends on the size of your cysts and kidneys. I found that I got to a point where after running I was very very sick (4 hours of being continuously sick)and I suffered cyst ruptures. If you run feel very sick get sharp pains more infections and blood in the urine you should stop.

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