As I’ve mentioned before I was diagnosed with cord indentation at C5/6 , but the surgeons said it was only indentation, I argued that it was basically the same thing as compression . But told to stop using doctor Google!
Well after finally getting decompression surgery, one of the surgeons assisting at my op , yesterday confirmed that it was not just indentation, but actually quite badly compressed on my right side.
Now it’s been released the numbness in my right arm and hand is the worst I’ve ever had. When I think about all the comments they gave about it not showing signal loss and no sign of damage. It makes my blood boil. It’s only mild , not severe like the MRI states .
Anyway I’m still injecting every two days and wonder if supplements of oral methyl daily would be of benefit, I found the BetterYou one help me when I started treatment for PA , I know only some of it will be passively absorbed , but surely every little bit helps heal the damage, or should I try everyday injections for a short time?
I look forward to hearing opinions and will make my own decision as to how much I do.
Thanks everybody for your support