What does this stand for please?
GPCAB: What does this stand for please? - Pernicious Anaemi...
The only thing I could come up with is this:
Sunquest Test Code: GPCAB Geisinger Epic Procedure Code: 83516.05 Geisinger Epic ID: 31831
Found on this website: geisingermedicallabs.com/ca...
Hope this is helpful.
Yes it is Thank you.
I was looking at another post and firebird said if this was negative it was most likely to be accurate. But lots of false negatives. I'm pretty sure but will check that is the blood test I had last October. Everything a blur then as so poorly. Parts of my brain are obviously 'waking'up' at last 😀
Yup. It is most likely to be Gastric Parietal Cell antibody testing.
A negative result means you probably do not have PA. A positive result doesn't mean much at all on its own as a lot of people without PA do test positive. A positive GPCAB test with other indicators (low B12, symptoms that respond to B12 injections but not tablets, no other likely cause) can form part of a PA diagnosis.
Yes a page was missing on the blofds results Iprinted off! In Nov. 2018
Parietal cell autoantibody level (xE2pi) negative
Mitochondria negative
ANA negative
Anthony liver kidney micrisomal antibody negative
So unlikely to be PA. Thanks
Must be an absorbtion problem as went right down to 106 on a very mixed good diet. Alot of stress though? ?
I'm still on 2 weekly injections !!
I have tried one 3 week gap.