MY WEEKEND BLOG: Hi all :-) Hope... - Cure Parkinson's

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AndyC profile image
17 Replies

Hi all :-)

Hope everyone is doing ok. Let me know what you`re all doing this weekend. As usual I`ve got my 3 kids with me today, having a nice day.

Been working loads of hours lately, job still going well and I`m still enjoying it. Things going well in my new relationship too

Love to all :-)

Andy xx

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AndyC profile image
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17 Replies
jillannf6 profile image

good news |Andy

re your ikids work and your new love too

i am beign a football widow today and have visited a dear old lady in hospital (me ther at parkinsons in town) and she is sitll in after 9 weeks - fell adn broke he rhip in the garden and hten the day b4 she was due to come hoem she fell in the bathroom at the hospital and fractured her wrist!

so we have had a good break ono Anglesey and have returned home hyest erday

problem si i am stll ove r- emotional and every tiem i fall ove r myh partner shout s a tem which makes me weep buckets

i know i shoudl jujst ignore him and walk away but i do no tseem able to do htat

i cannot justifiy my tears but#

ona positive note all the owrk si now done on the fla tand w ehad the heatin eg on las tngiht for hthe 1st item

adn hte new boile ris reallyh doing its job

wen t to bed early but only goat about 5 hours sleep in

fed up with waking up early and nto gettign back to sleep

fab day for weahter here today

the sun has been so warm and shall nwo sit outside and have aglass of wine (red or white?)need you ask??

lol jill


in reply to jillannf6

To Jill:

Weep as needed. Tears need not to be justified. I like to think that tears like snot or ear wax or sweat or urine or feces is the body's way of cleansing out the toxins - whether physical or emotional - whether with purpose or with no perceived purpose the toxins need to be released. The human ability to have tears is unique. Embrace it as such. It is a reminder of your humanity, vitality, and the preciousness of life itself.

Your partner, if in control of themselves and not Dx with Tourette's, needs to pause, think, realize no shouting is necessary, and a hug - a gentle touch - a nod of understanding - would be more appropriate.

Enjoy your weekend.

Be well. Carry on strong.

PatV profile image
PatV in reply to

I could use a good cry. It's all pent up in there somewhere.

in reply to PatV

Just do it.

No need to suppress tears when is a safe place surrounded by those who love you unconditionally.

In the best of times and in the worst of times tears flow freely.

There is a pure cathartic beauty to them. So very human.

Big hug to you PatV.

Be well. Carry on strong.

PatV profile image
PatV in reply to

If I could I would. thanks

in reply to PatV


Court profile image
Court in reply to jillannf6

Hi Jill

Sorry things are difficult for you with your partner. I also experience this sometimes as my husband was last in line when patience was handed out, so I can understand a little how hurtful it is. I think some of the remarks are made from frustration and not thinking before he speaks. Hope things get better for you. Have not seen you on the PD Junction site yet! Glad your holiday in Anglesey went ok. I love it there.

Take care.



jillannf6 profile image


FOR your in[ut

i appreciat e it

u r right of course

but if he shouts at em i juist dissolve

lol Jill


ivyanne profile image
ivyanne in reply to jillannf6

... Bless your heart Jill..take care.. no one should be raising his voice to you... You are in my prayers..Stay strong..

Oh Jill, stay strong and remember you are a very special person and have lots of good things in your life xxxxx

jillannf6 profile image


Many thanks for your comments

on comign ot bed tonight he said he iwll neve rshout a tme again!

not sure what prompted tha t comment but it si a sign of a change in attitude ( I hope)

I am up blogging at hte moment at 2 am as i have heartburn!

lol Jill


shasha profile image
shasha in reply to jillannf6

hi dear jill - i am sorry to read thatbyou artner shouts at you but maybe he is shoutng at himself in a funny way ? i sometimes shout wheni am frightened too so maybe he is scared for you ?

take care and let hom know you are upset when he does that xxxxxx

in reply to jillannf6

Many people shout or yell to cope with their own fears and frustrations.

He has acknowledged that his shouting is inappropriate and misdirected - self awareness has been reached. Well done to your partner.

Old habits die hard though.

If you work together in a loving way with a common goal of taking it day by day, communicating openly, change for the better can and will happen.

I was so pleased to read this post this AM. I have been concerned about your well being. Please reach out to others if you ever are in need. Verbal abuse is not to be tolerated.

I hope your heartburn has resolved.

Be well. Carry on strong.

jillannf6 profile image
jillannf6 in reply to

hi nouska

a better day today but it si quite cold outside

i got up a t 7am and had no falls until my partner got yup 2half hour slater

he is a bgi man u fan and we watched the mathc todayh on the TV

v liverpool

man u won btu i ma not really a footy fan btu am a rugbhy league fan 9strang ebut true0

the hearatburn was awful but i hav e ot sit up when i get i t so come in to the study and blog

lol jIll


Had a busy weekend so far, started by making another 5 five Christmas cakes, I gave the others away to family who visited Thursday. Made 6 pounds of Peach Chutney and some jars of pickled Onions.

I finished two paintings one water colour one oil.

Hope to start another today sometime.

Up at 5 am this morning, laundry done, and house cleaning.

I feel its not a matter of the need to keep going, you just have to push yourself to the limit.

in reply to

To oldtyke:

Busy busy busy...

Please share your Christmas cake recipe with me? Thanks much.

I'm making pumpkin bread and pumpkin muffins today.

Ooo ... peach chutney. Yummy!

"push it to the limit" ... did you just make a Scarface reference??? HA!

LYRICS : Push it to the limit - Walk along the razor's edge -But don't look down, just keep your head - And you'll be finished

PatV profile image

I've had a great weekend so far. Friday night I just stayed home. I'm happy my new physical therapist for my ab problems seems to be working for me. Yay :) Yesterday I went to my daughter's 50th birthday. She has TBI which has changed her whole life. She celebrated by having an art show. So glad it was a well conceived, celebratory event. Then I went to my recovery meeting where I got lots of kisses. Today? I want to go to my friend's performance in a community garden since it's a lovely day. Let's see if I can scrape myself together in time! Got to call mom first. hugs to all

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