I posted about this device a wee while back and it has finally arrived from the US.
It got stuck in customs in NZ a while and I narrowly escaped it being sent back to the sender! I have no idea why. Perhaps customs were concerned it was a medical device. Anyway it just turned up, they didn’t add gst on it at customs which was a surprise!
Day 1 I presented it to hubby and asked him to try it. He had a melt down. He doesn’t like to try anything new if it involves anything physical. He is happy to try new supplements. He finds putting things on and off too stressful. Eventually after promising this is the last device I will buy for him he agreed reluctantly to put it on. I set it on for a 30 minute session on relax and unwind mode and when it finished he asked for another session. He had another session in the sleep and renew mode before bed.
Day 2 he is happy to put it on. I convinced him to just leave it on like a watch all day and I just need to come near him with my iPad and push a button to choose new modes and set it on so he is happy as it is no fussing for him. He said playing bridge last night at the club went well. He was no worse than usual which is high praise from him.
Day 3 he seems to have accepted it as part of the new normal and is happy to wear it all day. He is not sure if it is helping but often he doesn’t seem to notice improvements as he seems to forget what he has been like. I think I notice small behaviour pattern changes when he is feeling better like wanting to sit with family at night or talking to us or patting the dog when usually he just hides out in his room. I am not sure yet if he is feeling any better yet but they say it can take a while and change can be subtle and he has a severe case of anxiety.