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New website to share information about high dose thiamine(B1) therapy:

Debgiffen profile image
26 Replies

Edit 01/29/2024. Website has been discontinued. Instead, I recommend you read Daphne Bryan’s book: Parkinson's and the B1 Therapy


I started on high dose thiamine about 15 months ago and it made such a difference in my PD symptoms that family and friends who saw the changes wanted more information on what I was taking. At first I would send an email full of links, articles and videos but the emails got quite lengthy and I'm sure a few recipient's eyes glazed over with so much information. So, in order to make sharing easier, I created a website to provide the basic information for a PWP to research the therapy.

Website is No ads or affiliate links, just providing information.

Comments or suggestions welcome. Feel free to share.

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Debgiffen profile image
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26 Replies

Nicely done

parkie13 profile image


ruff1 profile image

Link doesn’t work

Debgiffen profile image
Debgiffen in reply to ruff1

Try this instead:

Dap1948 profile image

This is a great website. Well done. A question. I couldn’t find any reference to 'taking a break'. I believe Dr C recommended taking a break from time to time. You talk about halving the dose when you feel symptoms of overdose, but is that what is recommended if you feel symptoms of overdose after taking a dose which worked for months or is it what is recommended during the initial period while finding the right dose? I ask because I am on a much reduced dose to my initial dose in 2017 and Now, yet again, I feel overdosed and am experimenting with a further reduction. Have others felt the need to slowly reduce over time? (Forgive me if you cover this and i didn’t find it!).

Well done on the site though. It’s another place to direct new people.

Debgiffen profile image
Debgiffen in reply to Dap1948

I did not put anything on the website about long term use because my intent was just to make PWP aware of the therapy and how to get started. That said, there does seem to be a lot of questions about how and when to take a break so I could add something but the problem is that I don't know the answer. Discussions on this topic are inconclusive. And I myself have been experimenting with taking HDT breaks. I have stopped thiamine completely for 2 weeks without any bad effects and am currently taking 1000 mgs/day (down from 2000). Some days I skip it all together, other days I take it in combination with a b complex. I take a lot of supplements and with the added stress of the pandemic, it's hard to notice any subtle changes.

If anyone has a good answer for the question about when and how to take a break from HDT, I would be happy to add it to the site.

Dap1948 profile image
Dap1948 in reply to Debgiffen

Well I’m not the only one who is confused then. You dream when you’ve found the initial 'ideal' dose that that's sorted then. Then your symptoms increase again. You resist the temptation to increase B1 and decide the symptoms might be overdose symptoms. But how long to break for and what dosage to resume at?! I fear that there is no simple answer, not a one size fits all solution. Even if a certain length of break and reduction works for you one time, it might not work another! My hope is that I get cleverer at spotting the early overdose symptoms. I keep a B1 diary and pour over it for patterns and answers but haven’t managed to find any clear solution. The good news is that you can seem to take quite a long break without too much problem. I had a six month break in 2018 and didn’t revert to my pre-B1 self.

rescuema profile image
rescuema in reply to Debgiffen

"9. If I miss a dose or a day of thiamine, will my PD symptoms come right back?

A: No. If a patients misses one day or so of thiamine treatment there will not be any consequence. Once the patient is stabilized, after three or six months, we usually suggest short breaks of one to two weeks without thiamine. Some patients suspended the high dose thiamine treatment and the symptoms of the disease came back after two-three months; thus, these patients restarted the high dose thiamine therapy as before and, like before, the symptoms disappeared again."

You did a great job on your site. Nice and succinct.

However, it may be a good idea to link to the FAQ under this site for additional detail.

In addition, often not discussed but a sure sign of overdose symptom is back/leg pain or overall inflammation.

Debgiffen profile image
Debgiffen in reply to rescuema

Thanks. Question 9 is available from the FAQs page, click on the 'view as a PDF' link. That provides a PDF version of the 55 questions from this forum. I figured a PDF is more useful to new users as they can easily download and print the questions.

I had forgotten about the back/leg pain connection but just noticed it on question 55 in the PDF. Thanks.

Erniediaz1018 profile image
Erniediaz1018 in reply to Debgiffen

My experience with HDT is very similar to yours. I started at 4 grams about two years ago and did very well with that. I have stopped altogether for about two months and the symptoms came back pretty rough. Right now I take 2 grams a day, but skip days in between and that’s working well for me. I spoke to Dr C one time when I was going on vacation to get feedback on whether I could stop taking B1 safely for two weeks and he asked me how long I’d been on it, I think it was about 10 months, to which he replied that my system was now good with B1 so that I can stop for up to three weeks and pick back up with no regression. I’ll try to see if I still have the email correspondence and pass it on. Thank you for the website.

Debgiffen profile image
Debgiffen in reply to Erniediaz1018

Ernie, how long were you on b1 when you stopped for 2 months? And just curious why you decided to take that long a break. I would like to try a longer break from b1 and other supplements but am nervous I would lose all I have gained.

Debgiffen profile image

That's good to know that long breaks are possible. I was feeling fine after 2 weeks but got nervous that I would revert to my pre-B1 and that is a place I never want to go to again.

Erniediaz1018 profile image

Here’s the reply from Dr. C when I asked about stopping for two weeks while on vacation. Dated November 10, 2018.

Dear Ernie,

you can suspend the thiamine, you'll be fine as before. The effect lasts for as long as three months or more. When you get home, you'll get your treatment back.

Happy Holidays


9Rafiki9 profile image

Many thanks for the website, it's very nicely set up, simple and direct, all we need, congratulations. Being a 5 year/diag - non tremour - mostly PIGD, I'm new to the HDT idea, but certainly exited with what I have read so far. BTW do we know how dear Dr C is doing heath wise? All my best wishes to him !

Erniediaz1018 profile image
Erniediaz1018 in reply to 9Rafiki9

Dr C passed this morning 😯

Oceanflow profile image
Oceanflow in reply to Erniediaz1018

Oh no. So sad to hear this!!

LAJ12345 profile image
LAJ12345 in reply to Erniediaz1018

Oh no. Sorry to hear that😞

Despe profile image
Despe in reply to Erniediaz1018

Oh, NOOOOOOOOOO. May he rest in eternal peace. Just can't believe it, I am devastated. :(

Oceanflow profile image

I’d love to read your website info but for some reason this website is not available ... is there another way I can access it?

Debgiffen profile image
Debgiffen in reply to Oceanflow

Ocean flow, Try this instead:

Oceanflow profile image
Oceanflow in reply to Debgiffen

This one works , thanks!

LAJ12345 profile image

This is great. Well done!

Despe profile image

Great job, Deb.

Husband started B1 injections, 100ml X 2 a week, June 2018. He now takes oral B1 100mg every morning. Doing really well.

KLDA profile image

I agree Nicely done, and Wonderful!

Millbrook profile image

Good job!

chartist profile image


I don't know if you have this page from Dr. Costantini already, but it covers part of the overdosing issues in his words.


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