How often do you have a scan of your Pancreas? I was diagnosed 11 months ago and my Gastroenterologist said he'd arrange another in two years then changed his mind to one. TBH I haven't warmed to him but it's better than nothing.
Scans: How often do you have a scan of... - Chronic Pancreati...

If you talk about CT scan, one time in a year is more than enough. Listen your dr.
I get scanned every year by MRCP.
Yes, there is no radiation with Mrcp. Do you take contrast with Mrcp?

Hi Jackie, I've had autoimmune pancreatitis for 26 years now. I'm 45 yo. My consultant doesn't like doing ct scans too often because of the radiation. In the UK I'd be surprised if you got one annually tbh unless there was a significant problem or you were having symptoms that needed investigating.
It might be worth asking your consultant if you're anxious about it though.
No surprise as UK will do them annually and that was the plan. I think he had a senior moment. I had test to see if the pancreas was another immune disorder but it was negative. Mine is calcified. Now my rheumatology dept and Gastro dept will be working closely together as I'm on an anti TNF injection for rheumatoid arthritis. I've also got colitis
I only have a scan when an episode of acute pancreatitis has had time to calm down so that they can tell if more damage has been done and how bad the damage is. Personally I believe we should have a scan on a yearly basis since pancreatic cancer creeps up quickly and by the time we would be in constant pain like this it would probably be too late for cancer treatment.
My Gastroenterologist will repeat my scans yearly. Only diagnosed last March. I've also got low pancreatic enzymes. My pancreas shows calcification but to date no flares
I'm sure I read somewhere that scans for all people with chronic pancreatitis should be having a CT scan on a yearly basis. I'm not the best at requesting things like this but having read your reply, Jackie1947, has inspired me to hassle the Gastro team to scan my pancreas yearly., Thankyou very much and I hope you continue live flare free..x
I have a yearly EUS as you can’t see the damage on ct scans, mris or ultrasounds.