Pancreatitis and Alcohol-- what's the... - Chronic Pancreati...

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Pancreatitis and Alcohol-- what's the true connection?

Sofia_MC profile image
17 Replies

Chronic pancreatitis and alcohol are connected, but the connection is often misunderstood. This prevents patients from receiving the best care.

Below are common myths about the connection between alcohol and pancreatitis that have been proven wrong by new studies:

❌FALSE: Alcohol consumption directly causes chronic pancreatitis

✅TRUE: Alcohol alone does not cause pancreatitis - it can be one of many factors. Mostly, a combination of genetic and environmental risk factors leads to this disease.

❌FALSE: I can drink wine, beer and seltzers but no spirits.

✅TRUE: All alcohol consumption will continue to inflame the pancreas and should be avoided.

❌FALSE: It is a well-known fact that drinking is not the main cause of pancreatitis.

✅TRUE: The belief that alcohol is the main factor for chronic pancreatitis is widespread. This stigmatizes patients and slows treatment progress.

Here is more information on the connection between alcohol and pancreatitis:

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Sofia_MC profile image
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17 Replies
Susaberry profile image

The first question I am asked by every doctor is if I drink or have I been a heavy drinker in the past? My answer is no because alcohol has always made me ill. Wine and beer gave me severe headaches. Hard liquor made me nauseous and made my heart race. Therefore I’ve never been a drinker. Sometimes I don’t feel they believe me. It is a stigma.

Sofia_MC profile image
Sofia_MCPartner in reply to Susaberry

This is such a common experience, Susaberry. It's so disheartening to hear these stories of patients in pain trying to get a diagnosis and then questioned about their habits. Many are made feel like they brought this terrible illness upon themselves, which is simply untrue! Thank you for sharing!

MrHoldyOne profile image
MrHoldyOne in reply to Susaberry

When I read this post last night, it made me angry... because it brought back memories and I'm so fed up with the stigma between alcohol and chronic pancreatitis. I quit drinking for four years, and had the same amount of flareups. I'm tired of being type casted and lectured by doctors. I finally isolated my care to people who actually believed me that I wasn't drinking and got results.

andyduudz profile image
andyduudz in reply to MrHoldyOne

hey i had a similiar experience, i quit drinking 20years ago, and when i was in hospital due to a flare for 4 week stay, , its was only thing that did my head in ,they kept asking me the same about drinking alchol, it made me feel like one of them old winos

ck101 profile image
ck101 in reply to andyduudz

In my late 30’s I was in for a short stay with Pancreatitis, I remember particularly most of the nurses I encountered asking about how much I drank, I suspect they were comparing notes with regard to their own drinking.

Tisch2 profile image
Tisch2 in reply to MrHoldyOne

how long do your flare ups last? I’m just curious because I have had pain for a month now but before that I didn’t for a long time.

Rgee profile image
Rgee in reply to Tisch2

Im having the same issue although self inflicted, one slip up and now in moderate pain that started with a 6 hour painful flare up, how long did you have no pain?

MrHoldyOne profile image
MrHoldyOne in reply to Tisch2

”Flare ups” for me usually come on instantly and last 24-48 hours. Based on where the pain goes is when I decided whether or not it is hospital time.

Rgee profile image
Rgee in reply to MrHoldyOne

Hi mrholdyone, did you quit alcohol before being diagnosed or when you were diagnosed. Just asking for my experience lately

MrHoldyOne profile image
MrHoldyOne in reply to Rgee

After I was diagnosed.

Adlon57 profile image

I had not drunk for three years, a social drinker at most, quite suddenly I started bringing up blood and intense pain, Sept-Oct 2018, I was in hospital for a week, no solid eating, I tried after 3 days, but same thing, patience, eventually back to some sort of normality, but not a micron [?] of alcohol had passed my lips in those three years, [one drink Xmas 2019!] so most people think as you said "Pancreatitis - Alcohol" it is NOT TRUE!

madonbrew profile image

I too was asked over and over if I drank when I was 19 and first got sick. I’d never drank because I just didn’t like the taste of alcohol, but it definitely took lots of convincing!

DENZ01 profile image

I have been in hospital 4 times since June 2021 with 'chronic, acute pancreatitis '.Every single day of my last admission, (was there 15 day's), I was asked "how much alcohol do you ABUSE " or "when did you ABUSE alcohol "! I have NEVER even drunk alcohol!!

When I kept asking "WHY" DID THEY CONSTANTLY ask me, the reply was "some people change their stories " - just pathetic in my opinion, lazy doctoring!

Still have no idea/medical plan in sight.

Hi all, I was told that I have chronic pancreatitis by a doctor who had never met me. He didn't ask me any questions about my lifestyle but when I asked what would cause this condition and is there anything I can do to help with the symptoms he told me "you have to stop ALL YOUR DRINKING". I said I don't drink alcohol and I repeated my questions. Again he told me to stop all my drinking and I tried to assure him that I don't drink. Then for a third time I enquired about what caused the CP and how can I help myself but yet again he told me to stop all my drinking!! I told him I had heard enough and I left the room. I was really upset and then the more I thought about what happened I was furious but I'm over that now and I'm trying to lread about CP and learn from other people with the condition. I found it easy to find information about it and I learn a lot from other people who have it. I read many times that chronic pancreatitis has many causes and is rarely a result of drinking alcohol (which I already knew as I don't drink...ever). If it was so easy for me to find out all this suff then why the hell do qualified medical consultants not know the facts???

JOSANDY40 profile image
JOSANDY40 in reply to

My Pancreatitis started 20yrs ago when after taking prescribed steriods for many yrs for Endometriois. I have Endometriois everywhere. At one point in my lungs. I had chronic Pancreatitis for 4yrs. Eat very simply, lost weight. Never a drinker! Couldn't take enzymes ! Very, very ill, then it got better. I get flare-ups. Now I drink alcohol it doesn't effect me though I don't drink a lot or weekly cos of my divorce to relax, its made no difference. I think my Pancreatitis flares up if I eat complicated foods. It doesn't like sugar or fats. After the first few years of Pancreatitis going, Lactose and Gluten free has helped. If can't use steriods anymore as it brings on Pancreatitis. In the last 12mths I now have problems with my bowel with inflammation due food not being broken down. I am very nervous of trying enzymes again but I can't see what will help my bowel. I am eating easy to digest things already. Small amounts of food 6 times a day. What's the answer?

Tisch2 profile image
Tisch2 in reply to JOSANDY40

how long are your flare ups lasting? And when they go away does your pain go away too?

JOSANDY40 profile image
JOSANDY40 in reply to Tisch2

The flare-up first, feel8ng werid and ill, then the pain. The pain turns into discomfort, drags on, then finally going after a few wks. Then fine. Can go a few mths fine then could a run of up and down. That's when I eat less, soft food, more water. If really bad just water and boiled rice for 48hrs. Painkillers and antihistamines.

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