Please help me study this important topic - I need people like you.
To find out more about the study please access this link:
You are invited to take part in a research study that Maureen McKeague is conducting as part of her degree in psychology at the University of Derby. The study looks at the effects of journaling on pain and physical health.
This study has been approved by the University of Derby Ethics Committee. To see if you can take part, have a look at the inclusion and exclusion criteria below
Inclusion criteria are:
•Individuals who are over 18
•Individuals who can fluently read and write in English
•Individuals with chronic pain (pain which has lasted over 3 months). This may be self-reported, or diagnosed by a healthcare practitioner.
Exclusion criteria are
•currently taking part in any clinical intervention for pain e.g. undergoing/planning to undergo within next four weeks any surgical procedure or starting on a new injection regime to treat their pain
•currently on prescribed medication to treat a mental illness
•having a self-reported mental health condition
Your participation will be completely voluntary and anonymous.
To find out more about the study please access this link:
The study runs over one week and includes completing a short online questionnaire. This questionnaire will relate to your personal details (age and gender) any pain you have experienced, and your general wellbeing and health. This questionnaire will take around 20 minutes to complete.
After this, you will be asked to keep a short journal for 7 days. Each day will involve writing down 3-4 sentences of your thoughts and should take no longer than 5 minutes. You will not need to share your journal with us. This will be your own personal record. After 7 days we will invite you to complete the online questionnaire again which will take around 15 minutes.
Thank you.