I had ovarian cancer 10yrs ago but i am concerned about by 21yr old daughter. There is no history of ovarian cancer in the family but should she be tested or am i just a one of?
Genetics: I had ovarian cancer 10yrs ago but i am... - My Ovacome
Hi Crystal6,
Great that your a 10 year survivor - Well done!
In most cases - (90 - 95%) there's no known genetic link. It depends on your family history. If there are other cases of cancer in your family background (both your Mum and Dads side) then you should speak to your GP about seeing if its appropriate to see a geneticist.
The most common genetic mutations are BRCA1 and BRCA 2. These are responsible for causing breast and ovarian cancers. There is a higher incidence of BRCA in people of Ashkenazi descent. Another genetic mutation which can lead to ovarian cancer is HNPCC, and this can cause colorectal (bowel), endometrial (womb) and prostate cancers as well as ovarian
It used to be that it was difficult to look for the mutations that are responsible for ovarian cancer, but its much easier these days.
At the moment there is no screening programme, even for those at higher risk, but this may change in the next few years. In the mean time, maybe try this assessment tool on the Macmillan site:
Good luck, and congratulations on the tenth anniversary!!!!!
Thank you for the information and good wishes
Interesting as my dad had prostate cancer 3 yrs ago so maybe the HNPCC is bearing its fangs.