Can anyone tell me their personal experience with HIPEC?
HIPEC: Can anyone tell me their personal... - My Ovacome

I had it during my surgery in 2015 & again in 2018 but I don't know what I can tell you about it.
Hi AuntyOrange,
Was the recovery a bit tough? Long hospital stay?
The first time, I was only in hospital for just over a week. Amazing recovery. No problem walking. Second time was a lot harder but my peritonectomy included taking my spleen & duodenum, part of pancreas & a lot of scraping other organs so I was in for a month. I don't think the HIPEC made any difference to my recovery times. I think having it does give you a better chance of getting rid of those sneaky little buggers. Go for it. And keep up the visualisation techniques. I can recommend a books by Bernie Siegel. xxx
Hi,I had it after 4 rounds of chemo, and debulking . I didn’t have secondary tumors, only floating seeds , so my dr did key hole surgery.
It went great.
Prepare yourself for a significant amount of pain and slow recovery. It took me more than 3 weeks to start going for a walks again.
My OC was 3C serious grade
HIPEC cleared up all the sneaky cells that my onco surgeon couldn’t get.
Make sure that have frozen plasma ready to cool you down.
I’m 15 m since diagnosis, on Avastin till October.
So far no signs of the disease 😉
Go for HIPEC! I fought really hard to get it!
Be happy, stay positive and eat well
If you need more specifics, let me know
Hi Vegana,
I'm just learning the lingo but are floating seeds the cells that light up in the lymph nodes on a PET all recurrence is in the pelvis. Were you in the hospital long? Did the pain killers put a dent in it? Did you loose your hair? Can thank you enough I'm healthy aside from this detour which is a plus HIPEC seems a better option than another dose of chemo to your entire body.
HIPEC was recommended by my surgical oncologist as part of the my debulking surgery last March (after 4 rounds of chemo). I thought it was part of the process and did not realise it was not part of the standard protocol across the world. I am so glad he did that to remove any pesky cancer that hides from the eye and he also sneaked in the HIPEC (basically heated chemo the way I visualised) into my lungs as well where I had some spread. I visualise that it has killed all my cancer and thank my doc for it. Healing took time as it shrinks other good tissues as well but I can take the longer recovery period for the benefits it offers.
Hi Goodgirl98,
Thank you Gals so much for sharing your Hipec experiences Were you in the hospital a long time? Visualization is powerful like yourself I think puting the chemo directly into the abdominal cavity is key.
Hi! I was in the hospital for 10 days following the debulking +HIPEC procedure. The operation itself was 8 hours long. Recovery was 4 weeks to stand up straight and 4 months to feel like myself again. Are you looking to have the HIPEC procedure by itself? Good luck with the decision making.
I'm not sure I'm getting the biopsy next week not sure if I'll need another debulking recurrence is lymph nodes in the pelvic area. I was thinking either HIPEC or IP maybe more effective and less toxic than pumping chem thru my entire body again. Is the hospital and recovery less without the debulking?
My sister had HIPEC during her debunking surgery for appendiceal adenocarcinoma. She underwent a partial hysterectomy (they left her uterus so the cancer had somewhere to migrate), right hemicolectomy, removed some of the cancer from the peritoneum (and I think mesentery). After she healed, she underwent two round of chemo every three weeks, a break, then ever three weeks. She just had her latest CT and it revealed that the cancer is still present. They suggest she undergo a much more interception chemo. She has the KRAS G12V mutation of which there are no trials for her. They do not want her to do a phase 1 trial.
Hi Celestialbeing,
I am so sorry to hear that your Sister went through all that and its back I've heard of the KRAS mutation not the G12V I hoping for both of you that an interception chemo may decrease some of the cancer this darn journey is so hard. Hugs and prayers to you both